Two followers?!? HA HA HOOOOO LEEEE SHIT back to obscurity with you!!!!

16  2018-03-22 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


The linked tweet was tweeted by @AnthonyCumiacm on Mar 22, 2018 18:00:16 UTC

“Most of my fans”? Did your 2 followers inform you of this as you made your account dedicated to only me? Thanks for the chuckle today.

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Anthony is right. Twitter is the only place in the world where one can socialize with other people. If you aren't on Twitter drunkenly arguing with random people, you're square, gentlemen.

that's one follower for every twitter account Antnee had deleted this week.

Is he really this dumb? The O&A thing has gone so sideways it's hard to tell what's real anymore. I'm old and confused :(

Twitter needs to IP ban this monster.

Compound Media's NAMBLA supporters are hilarious.