Exactly what is going to happen following Joe bashing Anthony:

60  2018-03-22 by Single_Action_Army

Ant: What's this thing you wrote about me on Reddit?

Joe: Oh, it's just something totally fake I wrote to make myself blend in with their sub-reddit

Ant: Well I totally don't believe you at all, Joe, but I'm too scared of confrontation to take this any further, so I believe you after all! Here's your allowance!


Ant isn't above ignoring family though. He had a mom rot away in a home for 5 years without visiting her once.

Anthony- Sorry Joe but I saw something on Reddit saying that you had an alt acc...


Anthony- Alllllright.

Joe- Gimme some money.

Anthony- Sure thing, Joe. How much you need?

Ant: What's this thing you wrote about me on Reddit?

Anthony- Sorry Joe but I saw something on Reddit saying that you had an alt acc...

Both of these involve some form of confrontation so I call bullshit. It's just as likely that Ant will behead Joe on his front lawn over this.

I’ll put this in terms that Anthony can understand:

Joe is like Tony Soprano when he’s holding out his hand to Ralphie after his horse wins. He’s sitting there shaking Anthony down like a bully with no claim to any money at all.

Gimme fity cent

Explains the racism

Ant: Have you seen my gun?

Joe: Sorry, no. Hasn't the County Sheriff's Office impounded them?

Ant: Ah, yeah... [sigh] Have you seen my Xanax?

Joe: I don't know, but i need your credit cards now. I'm taking the whole wallet, is that ok?

Ant: Sure. I'll play Call of Duty until you're back.

not only is he the Older Brother but Joe is like 5” taller than Anthony. He has been making Ant give him whatever he wants his whole life. & there is nothing he could do about it

That is why Anthony is politically against welfare and hand-outs. He is forced to do it in his own life. But because he can’t confont the man who has dominated him he makes it about poor people. Every political opinion Anthony is a form of projection to some dysfunction in his personal life