Danny called Anthony last night and sent the audio to Sayanz

58  2018-03-22 by FanOfBenjamin72


His desperation to be "right" in all of this is extremely telling how threatened he is that his dirty laundry is being aired.

That was so badly fake

Ask the man himself.

/TheBlueAwning comment?

No the audio was boosted so you can hear him. What's fake about it

Was that the entirety of the call? Kinda short given the shitstorm of stuff going on.

I like how he says you can't even talk due to being drunk... he associates everything with being shit faced.

the thing that confuses me the most out of all of this is...why are you being knocked for either presently or currently, being a bartender? thats a pretty great side job

To add more irony, being bartending probably pays better than being a producer at Sirius.

And you work around less drunks.

and less pedophiles.

Tssss don’t like pickles tsss fawkin home run. Seriously though recording his phone calls and inserting shit jokes is really pathetic. You know where he lives and know he is no longer armed go to his house and confront him

Damn dawg did you really just let him fuck your girlfriends like that 😂😂😂

I take two eyes for every eye.

Anthony cumia fucked your girlfriend- let that sink in

I know, it's gross. Well, that's a whore and a dopehead for you.

Keep fuckin' that chicken.


ME: "HUH????!?!!?!?!"

I had an ex fuck a really crusty dude who ran a crappy local circus sideshow. Women suck and do shitty shit. Doubt Danny cares.

atta' boy

As entertaining as these Mel Gibson style recordings are they really show how spineless you truly are. Your idea of revenge for emasculation is a terribly recorded phone call full of shit insults?

Revenge? Just wanted to show people that a 60 year old man called my cell phone # which he's had this entire time, at 2:30am to let me know he fucked my girlfriend 12 years ago.

This guy is a MILLIONAIRE with show prep to do.

He called you to further emasculate you. You put it on the internet? Ask your daddy for a roll of nickels and be a fucking man.

Anthony fingered a 14 year old and you are upset about a phone recording. Get you priorities straight

Upset is a strong word. One is an allegation of an awful thing I’ll give you that but this man is literally posting evidence of him being a bitch. If he knows or has information on Anthony fingering an underage girl, go to the police. If Anthony has evidence of Danny being a man child he’ll just wait for Danny to post it himself.

Which of his girlfriends did you fuck? I know you mentioned one girl but didn't recognize the name

Was that the entire call? It seemed cut off abruptly

He hung up and my app stopped recording.

Too bad. I was actually surprised he took the call and talked as long as he did. Does he always answer the phone with a sheepish female voice? I found that a bit disturbing.

Another faggot, vying for a poker game invite.

I can't decide who is worse.

Anthony the pedo.

You're probably right. Just something so cringey about that midget kike bartender faggot.

I hope and assume you don’t live in California or any of the other 11 states with “all party consent” wiretapping laws.

You assume correctly.

I figured you’d done due diligence but had to ask.

did he hang up, or did you? Or did the call go on for some time longer and you chopped it out?

he hung up.

Danny sounded like he was on Skype or something. Weird patch-in effect when he spoke or laughed maniacally. Definitely Anthony, definitely addressing the beef. Towards the end he mentions the two chicks by name he had his filthy way with behind his best friend's back.

I don't think it sounds chopped together but it does sound like they're both under the influence and a little nervous.

I can barely hear Anthony. Just Danny doing the over the top "Look, look, I'm totally not upset at all" laugh.

If someone accused me of rape and child molestation I don’t think I’d respond with “by the way, I fucked your girlfriends”.

"I fucked your girlfreind...as you were sleeping. I HAD TO PUT MY HAND OVER HER MOUTH"

He actually bragged about this.

Sounds like rape to me actually. Didn't Tranth cover up Dani's mouth as he was breaking her ribs?

Yes! Why the fuck would he admit to putting his hand over her mouth? That’s Brother Joe level stupid.

Are we still sure Brother Joe is the dumber one?

Lots of girls like the hand over their mouth move. It's rapey yea but that's the point. Assuming she's consenting it's not rape at all and just plain fun.

Ants a rapist for sure. But it might just be statutory.

And it aint slander when it's true Anthony. You've admitted to it on several occasions.

If the Anthony saga ends in any way besides an angry dad beating him to death I will be disappointed. I guess if bobo did it that's just as good.

Aaaand he spends all day telling people how to live their lives.

Oh yeah, well I had sex with your wife

One time at CBS, my desk phone rang.

I didn't even know the number. That phone never rang. Well. It rang.

All giddy with excitement I pick up.

"Vandelay Industries!"


"Vandelay Industries!"

"This is Tom Chiusano."

lol, whoops. I didn't even get to tell him about my side gig as an architect.

Was he a dick? Whenever I'd see his face pop up on old stern vids he looked like a doush.

He didn't interact with staff.

Ok. I just thought he looked like a dick. Apparently he died a year ago. Didn't realize that when I asked.

Chiusano died? Are you sure about that? I always enjoyed Tom on the radio.

That's what it looked like when I googled him earlier.

The guy in Ozone Park, NY? Not him, Tom is still alive.

Yea I know. I'm just out here trying to spread some tom chiusano rumors again.

He posted this here, you lumpa shhhit.

Lumpa nation!

It does sound chopped together tbh.

Not saying its not genuine though

Agreed. It sounds incredibly fake but why would anyone question the credibility of anything posted on a YouTube channel run by a guy who owns one outfit which he fished out of the dumpster that the members of Bell Biv DeVoe live in...

He also pisses on his own floor.

You know what Danny youre alright and sometimes life gets people down youre not a failure and I hope things work out for you. I’m sorry.

That pickles line was such a change up out of nowhere and it fucking slayed me.

It was a big lie too. I LOVE pickles.

Why were you never this entertaining on the air? Why are you doing this now? It's like you got diagnosed with cancer so you finally pulled the dick out of your ass and enjoying life

Danny, comment?

It wasn't my job to be a personality. If you were called in for a bit it was usually because some shit had been stirred up and there was a conflict.

Thanks Danny. I've got to ask: How enraging is it that a talentless cunt and terrible broadcaster who idolized Opie is co-hosting with Jim?
[You were infinitely better than Opie Roberts]

I've listened to it like 3 times. I think it's genuine, but poorly recorded.

If you listen all the way through, the conversation does sync up pretty well. I'm guessing his phone recording software gave his voice too much gain and compressed/limited Ant's voice when Danny was speaking. You can hear Ant talking about the previous thing said when Danny interjects. Just listen carefully.

Also, they're both drunk in this which makes it all the funnier.

He was calling me but I didn't have a app to record installed. I got one and called him back.

I need to get a different app.

Thank you for that in depth analysis, Harry Caul.

I tried to boost his audio quickly but didn't want to spend actual time on it.

Here's the original - https://vocaroo.com/i/s1xP5czGRXHv

This call really does validate everything you've said. Why the fuck else would he make drunken menacing phone calls? He's unraveling.

Thank you for your service. We've all been waiting for this to happen.

What's your end goal? Ant in prison?

Are you going to call in to the Artie and Anthony Show Without Artie?

Fair enough. I dont know shit about audio

Anthony sounds like Ben Kingsley in Sexy Beast as he's getting stomped to death on Ray Winstone's pool deck: "I fucked her....I fucked....I fucked HER....I FUCKED JACKIE!"

"She tried to stick her fingah in mah bum. What ya fink of that."

Great movie

He hates pickles tsssss fawkin home run

You secretly taped Ant and got him to argue with you. Booo

My god they're both fucking pathetic. Anyone acting like Danny isn't as big of a faggot, if not more than Ant, well you can go jump in a lake.

At least he isn't a pedophile. So after you, faggot.

You're right, I'm sorry. Danny comes off really well.

If we're being honest here, what's the youngest Anthony fucked, 16? That's legal and not actually pedophilia

Oh wait, back to pretending young girls aren't sexy and pretend you didn't agree/nod along when Ant talked about this shit on air

Alright Anthony we get it.


Hahahahaha look at this loser defending Anthony just posted to r/unemployment about how he wants to die. Good, you should die you pedo defending unemployed loser

You have a terrible concept of the word "just"

You have a terrible concept of the idea of working. Bc you’re unemployed bc you have too much anxiety to be able to work hahahahahah wahhhhhh wahhhhhh. Could you imagine being this fucking guy. You complain nonstop on twitter about blacks but little bitch is too anxious to get a job. Fuck you’re pathetic

Wait a minute...you sound familiar...Anthony? Is that you?

Fuck off nerd

He called you to further emasculate you. You put it on the internet? Ask your daddy for a roll of nickels and be a fucking man.

Original, unboosted audio FOR THE HATERS!


You should win the power rankings by default.

I assumed that's the only reason he's doing all this.

I’m a fag and always felt resentment towards Danny for arguing with Patrice. But now I see that he’s really the only decent person involved in that show everyone else atleast had suspicions about 🐜 sickening activities but did nothing. Which is almost as bad. Danny is fuckin solid in my book. Kike or no kike.

Travis is a pretty respectable person, is he not?

I always thought it was kind of weird that Travis brought his daughter to Anthony's parties. It's been documented that Bobo runs around with his dick out, 50 year old men are getting drunk to the point of vomiting, and Anthony makes out with teenage girls. And that is just what we've seen.

He did kick blind intern Stevie in the balls for no reason

No, there was a reason... Blind Stevie was a fucking kickable douche

That was Travis and there is always a reason when its Stevie

Travis was also a super fan before he got on the show so his judgement about this shit is flawed

Except for him being whatever the Canadian equivalent is of a weaboo.

Lets just be fucking real here dude, you idiots praising Danny are the same idiots praising the #metoo cunts. If he's such a solid guy, why did he never call the cops? Why did he never get Ant fired or tell the truth before? Hint: Because now it's useful for Danny to talk about this shit, same as the #metoo cunts

Ant is a pedophile, but we always knew it Danny is a faggot, and we always knew it

So you’re so in love with Anthony you attack Danny for not turning him in instead of attacking Anthony for fucking underage girls? These are the Compound fans, so fucking dumb.

If I was so in love with Anthony, why don't I just marry him? oh shit wait...

You don’t even have enough money to get gas to drive anywhere yet you spend 100s or hours on Reddit. You are the definition of a fucking loser

So you're admitting Danny is lying?

Being a rat is worse.

Besides, he wasn't abducting kids off the street, they were inviting Count Trandpa into their lives.

I’m a fag and always felt resentment towards Danny for arguing with Patrice. But now I see that he’s really the only decent person involved in that show everyone else atleast had suspicions about 🐜 sickening activities but did nothing. Which is almost as bad. Danny is fuckin solid in my book. Kike or no kike.

Of all the dramatic things..

Wanna fuck Danny ?

It’s so obvious Anthony is hammered so he begins by accusing you of being hammered so you have to defend it and can’t bring it back on him. Seriously that’s some sociopathic behavior by the Count. What a piece of shit, isn’t he like 60 yrs old?

I bet his mom wouldn’t let him visit her bc she was ashamed of him.

He could always just, you know, CALL THE NUMBER HE CALLED AT 2:30AM instead of being a punk-ass bitch and playing voicemails.

punk ass-bitch

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

He’ll never let you on the air where he can’t control the narrative that the 50 yr old truckers and Long Island creeps eat up


P.S. This fucking video has one BILLION views. Holy hell.

its called projecting and its what hes trained in.

The fact that he calls people "failures" so often shows that he clearly feels that way about himself.

Tss. More like relish on hambuggers or sumthin.

Man he really clings to that money thing doesn't he. He's done nothing but drunkenly stumble through life with a massive wake of negativity and weirdness left behind him. This will get to the point where even Jim won't want to be associated with him anymore. This is all so cliche. It will be way too late when he eventually decides to get help. At least middle aged people have a chance of redemption.

Anthony comes across like a decrepit and villainous old man. He never sounded like this on the radio

He always sounded decrepit and villainous

He has aged more in the last four years than he did in ten years on satellite radio. Just go back and look at his early compound episodes compared to now.

Here's my theory. While hosting a large national radio show Anthony had to keep a relatively clean lifestyle. Booze and women was as far as he could take things in his private life. But since he was fired he has been living in isolation. The chains have been removed.

Maybe it's drugs. Maybe it's gay orgies. Maybe it's "legal" relationships with "absolutely 18 year old" kids. But whatever it is the darkness is actually manifesting itself in his appearance.

When he was at Sirius he drank a lot, but he had to be on the air at 6. For the past 4 years he's been staying up getting trashed all night and then waking up at 3:45PM and stumbling into his basement.

I wonder how many times the Compound Media staff have seen a severely hungover Anthony tripping and falling down those stairs.

Fuck yeah, relish.

I see. So Danny is a true psycho now. That's what I take from this. He is what Reddit looks like in person.

I'd never thought I'd see the day I would be cheering Danny on!

You shouldn't be cheering Danny on, at most only attacking Ant, but you should attack both

Ant sounds more than drunk. He's got the combined drunk/benzo drawl.

Danny does sound drunk tho

Do you even need to question whether Ant is drunk or not?

Why did Anthony answer the phone and say hello twice in a female voice? Chilling.

That's what got me, Cumia has a tranny voice. Weak and very timid in real life this Cumia.

He was in the midst of applying lipstick when Danny called.

That was Norman Bates-ish.

Dude that was fucking weird. I'm still on the fence about what to believe in all this, but that shit legitimately sent chills up my spine. And I still have some sympathy for Ant.

I'd really like to know. Was he impersonating a woman like Danny was claiming before? Or does he talk like a queen when off air? The way he cleared his voice and you could tell he was consciously making it deeper almost lends credence to door 2.

He probably just had Missy screen his calls, which is even more pathetic.

I was sure for a second that Anthony's woman voice at the beginning would be one of those "I'm Mr. Cumia's secretary. Let me get Anthony for you. (waits for four seconds then switches to regular voice) This is Anthony, who's this?" to make himself appear important. But I think Ant once again wanted to avoid confrontation and hoped he could fool Danny into thinking he called the wrong number or that a woman answered his phone (Keith's wife, maybe?). Should have done a toddler's voice, it would be more believable considering where Danny's calling.

I’m not kidding, I 100% think this is exactly what happened

No, he was calling me and I opted to reject the call and get a recording app and call back. I knew it was him from the texts, so he clearly knew I knew, and he was calling in the first place.

But what was the deal w/ that voice then? Was that him at the beginning or do you think it was his muppet looking bitch that picked up and then passed it to him?

What we're baffled by is why when he sees you calling he puts on a womanly voice initially. Outside of avoiding confrontation (which if he tried to call initially doesn't make much sense), I don't know why he would do this.

Danny Bond over here

Andby the way, I used that site you linked up on your page. It actually works haha..smashed a fine ass Colombian bitch the other night..good lookin' out.

That is legitimately the most frightening audio I've ever heard in my life. Holy shit.

Stop posting this faggot's videos

Sayanz is terminated again

Why the fuck is Goku at the end of this video?

All good questions.

Did Tranth have his girl answer his phone to screen the call? If not, damn son...what a girly voice! You can tell its him later on but all that HGH and he still sounds like a girl? Guess his Daddy was the wisest man of all.

It was Sue

What's with the "middle aged failure" insult? Anth is an elderly failure.

Guy failed at being there for his mom that’s for sure

Hes a millionaire who's bangin who he wants to bang.... not really a failure. Just a piece of shit.

Most people who work in Manhattan are millionaires, the salaries are just that good there. He isn't that rich.

I apologize in advance for the length. But I fucking hate ant. If he fucked his butt buddy’s gf while they were together not only is he a sick predator child fucking pedo. He’s also a disgusting example of a man and friend. Seriously how much worse can he be. An uninformed uneducated bitter racist, who really believes there’s nothing wrong with manipulating and fucking children and kicking and biting them if the situation calls for it. He fucking bought gifts for someone he believed to be a 14 year old girl. Think about that. Say a girl is ten in 2014 just in the time since he was fired that girl is one year older than what he finds acceptable to fuck.he doesn’t care how his actions impact others. Not the kids I’m sure he’s fucked or the mother he left dying alone and the burden it must’ve put on his sister having to be the only adult in that situation. He destroyed a radio show and put everyone’s jobs at risk because he went on a twitter rant with the linguistic elegance of a 9 year old who just discovered cursing. How he criticizes anyone is beyond me. He tripped into his fortune. I’m sure everyone here knows atleast one person more talented than him, yet he feels superior to anyone with less money than him. Unless of course they’re feeding his leaking self esteem. Anthony is also the biggest pussy In the world. He’s made a career of screaming terrible shit but Is terrified of confrontation because he’ll be exposed for what he is. To call him garbage is an insult. All garbage at one point was something useful. This faggot on the other hand will be a burden even in death to who ever has to cut that wretched body open as well as the poor fuck that will dig the hole he will rot in. Don’t be surprised if the earth vomits him back up.

Account terminated

Maybe it's the different volumes between Ant and Danny but Danny does comes off like a bit of a slurring nut job here.

tsss...relish an hotdawgz...fukin GOLD

What’s his number? I’d like to call him for a interview. I wanna do a celebrity interview with celebrity Anthony Cumia. I just need to know what number to call for the celebrity interview.

But who will the celebrity be

Danny is a fag who's thirsty for the attention of the fat neckbeards of this sub.

lets be honest now Danny still sucks, regardless of anything else

I had no problem understanding Danny at all. He might've slightly slurred, but was completely coherent. "Threatening and Evil Anthony" is the most pathetic thing I've ever heard, this guy actually tries to talk like he's in fucking Goodfellas.

I figured you’d done due diligence but had to ask.

He called you to further emasculate you. You put it on the internet? Ask your daddy for a roll of nickels and be a fucking man.

Which of his girlfriends did you fuck? I know you mentioned one girl but didn't recognize the name

Anthony the pedo.

"She tried to stick her fingah in mah bum. What ya fink of that."

Was that the entire call? It seemed cut off abruptly

When he was at Sirius he drank a lot, but he had to be on the air at 6. For the past 4 years he's been staying up getting trashed all night and then waking up at 3:45PM and stumbling into his basement.

Ok. I just thought he looked like a dick. Apparently he died a year ago. Didn't realize that when I asked.

I always thought it was kind of weird that Travis brought his daughter to Anthony's parties. It's been documented that Bobo runs around with his dick out, 50 year old men are getting drunk to the point of vomiting, and Anthony makes out with teenage girls. And that is just what we've seen.

He did kick blind intern Stevie in the balls for no reason

Travis was also a super fan before he got on the show so his judgement about this shit is flawed

Danny, comment?

You have a terrible concept of the idea of working. Bc you’re unemployed bc you have too much anxiety to be able to work hahahahahah wahhhhhh wahhhhhh. Could you imagine being this fucking guy. You complain nonstop on twitter about blacks but little bitch is too anxious to get a job. Fuck you’re pathetic

Except for him being whatever the Canadian equivalent is of a weaboo.

Wanna fuck Danny ?