This man would like more details on the story of 14 year old "Giselle"

208  2018-03-22 by Cullen396


Try to recall the events of that evening for me - M.

He looks like Tim Curry as Pennywise

I, Anthony, am Malcolm, the power attorney. And you are Anthony, the disgraced pederast. So now we know each other.

I've said it on here before but Todd Bridges, party house lookin mother fucker

If the finger doesn't fit, you must acquit. - M.

He looks like a snapping turtle

Damn he looks determined, God Speed.

Malcolm is the name, the law is his game

pwning child molesters is his game too fam

What a creepy faggot - M.

So you did a "To Catch a Predator" parody? - M.

Have you ever seen a more beautiful specimen?

i don't even know if his face or his aura is more beautiful

He looks like a dirty penny

The face of a man who gets shit done, and done right.

Mr. Cumia, could you tell me more about this "Self Cutting Girl"

I take care of my kids

Your Honor we request a 30 min recess to sober up our star witness a Mr. Danny Ross.

30 day rehab you mean

He seems stern. Stern, but fair.

hoo hoo robin, i invented the stoic gaze

That bottom feeder will 'defend' whoever writes the biggest check.


He’s a lawyer; why wouldn’t he?

Nice fingerbanging a minor, stupid - M.

If the cock doesn't fit, you must acquit.

Nigga looks like Maven from Tough Enough.