White people are being tortured in South Africa. Parliament recently voted to take land from whites without compensation. Sign the petition faggots, pass it on and post whenever you can. Put them over the 75 iq'd humanoids we're currently importing to crumble our country and dilute the gene pool.

0  2018-03-22 by [deleted]



Oh great, good for you, you've got a cause. Now the rest of us need to get ear ache because of your bleeding heart.

You seem to be a history buff 🍻


You may ask yourselves if you believe Africa is still asleep. Africa has been slumbering; but she was slumbering for a purpose. Africa still possesses her hidden mysteries; Africa has unused talents, and we are unearthing them now for the coming conflict. Oh, I hope it will never come therefore, I hope the white world will change its attitude towards the weaker races of the world, for we shall not be weak everlastingly. Ah, history teaches us of the rise and fall of nations, races, and empires. Rome fell in her majesty; Greece fell in her triumph; Babylon, Assyria, Carthage, Prussia, the German Empire – all fell in their pomp and power; the French Empire fell from the sway of the great Napoleon, for the dominion of the indomitable Corsican soldier. As they fell I the past, so will nations fall in the present age, and so will they fall in the future ages to come, the result of their unrighteousness. -Marcus Mosiah Garvey

Oh yeah?

Marcus Garvey didn't have access to the flood of information linking genes and cognitive abilities.

Das rite! you can't fall down if you're constantly at the bottom of the barrel and have no accomplishments!

I tell ya what, gang. I'm glad I don't live in South Africa.

The brutha said somethin!

already signed, shared it on many platforms. Please do the same.

They are kicking white farmers off their farms. Ok, perhaps not the smartest thing to do. One thing black countries have yet to figure out is how to feed all their people. So within the year I predict mass starvation

It's a cycle of history higher intellect northern positioned people build up a society and than the southern located lower iq lower achieving invade and conquer from the crusades and all through time there are countless examples.

You can't even identify South Africa on a globe...