U up? Get on the phone now and call J&S live. Make PC faggot Jimmy address the Anthony allegations.

137  2018-03-22 by Every1ShouldBKilled

He threw Louis out like he was never anything, but still defends a NOW known pedo. The unnamed girl "Giselle" got her box fingered at 14 YEARS OF AGE, and this asshole is still around cracking Columbo jokes like a free man. Danny tries to bring it up to Jim, and Jim waves it off...fuck that.

Call up that show now and make this faggot explain himself for willfully ignoring all this shit: 866-969-1969


Calm down faggot. Their “morning” show doesn’t start until everyone gets to work.


But Louis jerked off without permission over the phone with a lady on the other end.

That's ear rape, and that's a sin

With permission actually. The issue is that the lady who said no still had to work with him, yuck!

So did Norton. Listen to one of the times Sam's mother called in, and he was playing with his dick the whole time.

Did you know she made a special cookie with one gray pube in it?

A cookie, with one gray pube.

In case you didn't hear that right, it was a cookie, with one gray pube.

He's also admitted to pulling his dick out and placing it on drunk women without their consent.

Also talked about rubbing his dick against women as a teenager and played it off like a fun game. No that's sexual assault.

One of my favorite O&A clips is Norton and Vos talking about all the depraved shit they've done. Including asking to jerk off in front of different chick. Yet little Yimmy has the fucking nerve to criticize Louie and talk about how he "doesn't get it"

I just want the worm to admit that he throws his friends under the bus when the mainstream media does it. Just come out and say that it's not personal, he's just trying to suck up to the Hollywood crowd so he can keep getting these garbage roles as extras on a TV show. The mainstream media gave a fuck about Anthony, if he were well-known like Louie CK, Jimmy would be shoveling the dirt on his grave.

Jimmy has less selfawareness than an actual worm. I truly think he's just an self indulged idiot.

15 min to go right?

I cant for the life of me figure out how to make a free fucking trial

The Sirius website lets me get to the last step of creating a free trial and then refuses to load.

An accurate representation of their business model

I thought we were all the smart but socially retarded kind of autists.. Motherfuckers can't even figure out how to google "Sirius 30 day trial" THEN not select a free trial in my car THEN figure out how to use a spoofed email to get your confirmation code..


Giselle is actually cross dressing jimmy. Look into it


Schinkle bout it

Or, just call the Jim Norton and Opie Roberts Show to let them know how fucking terrible it is.

Sam "why u still listen bro" Roberts is ready for the challenge

Is it just a coincidence that the J&S show starts at Anthony’s bedtime?

I'd be lying if I said it wasn't mine too.

Jimmy telling his "speak of the devil" ozzy story. What the fuck man, why did you get me to listen to this shit

He beat the fuck out of the daughter of a friend and he didn't care.



Jim would finger a 14 year old too if he had the chance.

It's a tough one man but if Anthony is a rapist and a kid fucker I think he should enter programs for each and work the steps.

inhale It's a tough one man. Like on one hand I understand why people aren't thrilled about kids being molested, but sexual addiction is a motherfucker. And the age of consent is different in every country, so I'm just saying how is it fucked up here but not in another country, you know?

I'm not trying to dismiss those ssssssscumbags who go to Thailand and fuck toddlers, ya know? All I'm saying is a lot of different cultures treat anything past puberty as fair game flings epileptically

lol there's two 69s in that number. what a cool number

It used to read WOW-1-WOW when it was the old show. Edgy right?

Several of the the peers who've lapped Jimmy in life and business would have to publicly denounce Anthony for him to have the green light to do likewise. If everything is true, Jim has been privy to it the whole time; it would be the epitome of wormlike for him to become appalled at this advanced stage, ergo, it would easily happen if the right dominoes start to fall of outlets picking up on it, and former show friends speaking out. Seems like Anthony is backed too far into obscurity for this to become some big firestorm, though, so I think the immortal kinship between he and James is safe.

That's because Jim is a piece of shit without any integrity just like his buddy Anthony.

The only thing it matters to Jim is himself.

What Anthony allegation?

That he is a nigger.

That's fact.

I wasn't up, sorry, I work nights in a dildo factory

Testing them anally

lemme guess, danny says it so therefore its true? cause he's such a reliable source.

Hi Ant, or Joe

you're a fucking sheep who is unable to think for himself. At least the redditters have some kind of evidence to back their claims. Why would you believe in anything danny says, he didn't provide any evidence. If any of this shit was true, then how come he never talked about it before? Only after those allegations came out on Reddit?

Ant's literally friends with police. You know that, of course. They didn't even go inside when Dani was being viciously beaten and bitten by a ghoulish Transylvanian vampire.

you think those cops would still be friends with him if they knew about something like that? Most of them are fathers themselves.

You seem to not understand what the blue wall of silence is.

Ant isn't a cop.

So wait... what's this all about? Who did this?

I could see queef the cop covering this up but i think Club Soda would have a big problem with it.

For the love of god, can the person who calls in please be articulate, prepared, focused and calm and not a stammering nervous mess making no actual points and just yelling emotional attacks and buzzwords

Danny saying something does not equal proof. Fucking idiot.

Nobody from the old show wants anything to do with him and Sirius couldn't wait to fire him. Wonder why that is? Mmm...

You’re probably somebody from the show… I’m guessing Anthony himself or Travis. I don’t really give too much of a fuck right now to try and find out.

I'm not from the show at all. I just think that you are a fucking idiot.