TIL that Anthony is a time traveler.

25  2018-03-22 by Whitepony34534


please don't sully this good man's name.

It’s not that I don’t think Anthony wouldn’t time travel to molest children. But you lost me with your claims of him having what it takes to make it as an SS non commissioned officer

I don't know, this guy may be European but it looks like his great, great grandmother may have had a run in with a Moorish gentleman.

He's suchwhite trash he would time travel 50 years into the future and settle in long island

Sorry America, these fine folks of the Rhineland tried to save us from the Evil we are plagued with today. Anthony in no way could fill the giant cranium of this hero of culture and law. "Beaten to death while in Allied custody", I guess he wasn't valuable to be celebrated with the rest of the sadists in Operation Paperclip.

Why let one bad apple ruin a group of good men working for the greater good?

Back when POWs got what they deserved.