Whenever I think maybe this Ant shit has gone too far and we are being overly cruel

56  2018-03-22 by ArkL

I think back to him playing the soundboard clips as that guy described his daughter dying in a horrific car crash and I smile at Ant's current predicaments.


This is it. The boys built up this bad karma for years and now its coming back to bite em. Its all fair game.

Their rebuttal to this clear point is so lazy too.

“That was a radio show! Can you not tell the difference between that and real life?”

The presence of a mic doesn’t change the fact you were being shitty, asked people to do shitty things, and laughed at shitty things performed on others.

Anth says in all seriousness, "That was my job, do you really not see how it's different??!" Oh okay, the fact that you were getting paid to be an asshole sociopath makes it all better.

In the words of Cool Hand Luke, "calling something your job doesn't make it right."

He didn't kill his kid. He left him to die on the street, after launching him through the windshield while attempting to flee from the scene of the vizio soundbar heist, while not being pursued by anyone, at all. He took the time to wrap his sweater around the licence plate (like the video camera doesn't have a rewind function) but not to buckle in his toddler. He stepped over his dying child to hide in some bushes on the other side of the road until the cops showed up.

Killed his kid? He hyper neglected that kid to death, then Joe Cumia took smug online public pleasure of the event.

There are so many more levels of 'piece of shit' to this story than, "guy killed his kid"

Not all of us are certifiably autistic. Post a clip, retard

Why do you smile? Are you saying you didn't tune into the show to laugh at people's expense?

Hypocritical moral faggot

Woah cool username and tag. I'm dealing with a real crazed man here fellas!

He's pretty x-treem.

That's all this is. Karma, Retribution, whatever.

Now...did we laugh at that bit? Sure. But we also cringed at it. And "Cringe Humor" is not an excuse to hide behind, when it's time to pay up, karmically. Thats the one thing these fucking dykes and SJW's will never understand: No one truly gets away with anything forever, and if the people you're saying are toxic really are toxic, they'll eventually show it or destroy themselves. You just gotta let the universe butt in, or something gay like that.

That all seems kinda gay.

Now the people on here are trying to uphold a moral standard? It was like three straight years of telling Opie to kill himself.

Holy shit you people are sanctimonious, self-justifying hypocrites. You loved this show that was nothing but cruel humor and a group of guys being total assholes. You so identified with them you still visit this subreddit 4 years after the show went off the air. Karma? They deserve this after entertaining you assholes for 20 years? You guys sound like spoiled children. Gtfo with your bullshit.

That and don't people realize that to troglodytes like Anthony, Twitter is real life and super serial.

I'm sure this will get you a compound invite.

You misunderstand. I am not defending Anthony. He is the same piece of shit he was when you all loved him. I'm criticizing you, the people who are so devoted to this show you "hate" that your still discussing it 4 years after it went off the air. All of a sudden you degenerate mongaloids are the arbitors of morals and good taste holding Ant to some standard you yourselves don't believe in yourselves. Now YOUR the moral majority standing up for decency? Ant is a piece of shit, and so are we for being entertained by him for all these years. So stop with the moral platitudes. If you actually believed that shit, you would never be a part of this subreddit to begin with. Fucking pathetic hypocrites. At least own your own degeneracy.

First of all if you're going to capitalize words to get your point across, it's "you're." Secondly shut the fuck up you fat faggot. You're on here talking about how people are pathetic for caring so much about Anthony but you are just as pathetic for caring how much this sub fucks with him. Also I don't give a shit about Anthony. I come here to be entertained. There are a few people that seem to be invested in his personal life, but most of us on here are talking shit. You're the one that is taking it so personal. If you don't like what you are reading, fucking leave. There's no reason for you to be here. This sub isn't about the show anymore. It's about autistics enjoying their downfall. You are so pathetic for being so bent out of shape about this. You're probably a compound member. Shut the fuck up and leave the sub if you don't like what you see. What is so hard about that you cock smoker? Nobody forced you to come here.

I'm fine with people being that cruel, I just hate Ant acting like he is an upstanding guy who lives by traditional family values

that's what's most infuriating about their playing victim. these dudes were the biggest assholes on the planet. before all this shit, it even made me mad back in the day when they'd play that laugh track. but now seeing that they can't take any of this shit in return. what narcissistic fuck faces. I hope this place makes them swallow a bullet each.

I wouldn’t get mad at that stuff. I’d laugh at it because of the outrageousness and fucked upness (not a word I know) of it. That’s what made it funny. Literally nothing is funny about horrible stuff but when you joke about it and be outrageous about it or an asshole about it, that’s a skill, sadly. It’s a coping mechanism. Instead of crying about certain topics or being sad or angry, they joked about it. Not everyone will agree with it or do it, but as someone who does it as well, I get it. I would never be like him or promote what he does that’s bad, but he’s a funny dude who knew how to be funny, not a good person. I’ll only defend how they did their show and did evil stuff like that, just because it took the bad and spun it in a funny way (subjective obviously.) yesterday I listened to a bit with Patrice and them and they joked about Bobo’s disease and him dying. OBVIOUSLY terrible, but they spun it in a way where it was so fucked it and funny, I laughed my ass off while saying “awwww”. It is what it is.

The Opie & Anthony Show was the Quran, and this place is the ISIS interpretation of it.

Learning that. Very fast. Whackbag.com all over again. Jesus.

You said it, man.

Are you the breathless wheel chair kid from Malcolm in the middle?

That’s like asking you, if you’re an intelligent person who has a good life and doesn’t spend it on here to troll people and talk shit, due to your insecurity and failures I life. So, no.

That's very interesting because you've made 30 posts here in the past five hours.

Did you need a bigger confirmation of general faggotry?

None of that's true.

He has a fat wife, be nice to him.

Bruthah said sumpthin there

To be fair, the guy calling in should have known. And second, I howled.

First you laugh, then judge as if your laughter never happened..

Never trust a person like that, they are scum.

Never trust a person who laughs and then judges as if their laughter never happened, they are scum

What allegedly happened?

Never trust the guy who laughs at what you say, and then judges you for it later, he's a sociopath piece of shit.

I really am wondering how I ever became a fan of O&A. However, it's turned into a train wreck you can't look away from. All of this sort of shows you why stations moved on from shock jocks. Probably aren't worth all the potential legal hassles. That isn't to say radio should have just become completely cookie cutter and boring though.

Yeah. Fuck him.

But he was "playing a character" on the radio for the amusement of others which made it different than these people who play a character online to amuse themselves. Or something.

The Opie & Anthony Show was the Quran, and this place is the ISIS interpretation of it.