Anthony BURNS Danny by pointing out he has no wife or kids

92  2018-03-21 by FlashVirus


The linked tweet was tweeted by @AnthonyCumiacm on Mar 21, 2018 18:32:44 UTC

Everyone hated the guy. I was the only idiot on staff who backed him up and called him a friend. Nothing was ever his fault. Everyone else is to blame that he’s a middle aged failure. Watching everyone else pass him by with careers, marriage, he harasses all of them.

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Someone is having regrets. He's probably thinking that he should have had children so that two-thirds of them could visit him when he's dying of dementia.

He's probably thinking that he should've had kids so he can groom in-house

Id say look in a mirror but we all know he has no reflection. bobo sister fuckin muuuuuug

Ant is projecting again

This is the correct answer.

Pretend this is like, 3 years ago. Read this:

"I was the only idiot on staff who backed him up and called him a friend. Nothing was ever his fault. Everyone else is to blame that he’s a middle aged failure. Watching everyone else pass him by with careers, marriage, he harasses all of them."

Now play a game of "Who The Fuck Said This".

Anthony? Or Danny.

Tough, right?

I'm not really sure what bringing up marriage and kids is gonna do to you considering neither Ant nor Jim have either. The only one that does is the least successful and funny of the 3.

I've had plenty of opportunities for both. I just never wanted to trap myself with the wrong person, with a kid born for the wrong reasons. Who wants to pay $1,250/mo payment for 18 years on a car you thought you wanted for the wrong reasons.

Wait....I just remembered that Ant was married for 9 or 10 years and was fucking miserable throughout it. Does he even think before pushing send?

No. That's kinda the point.

The projection is insane. He's childless and divorced. Doesn't believe in love. The lack of self-awareness is disturbing.

Was his first courtship of his current retard gf when you were still friends?

Plus you're a loser faggot

ty your language, sailor. Kids with mouths full of saliva visit this sub...

My apologies EveryoneShouldBeKilled:JoeCumiaChildUrine

Smart choice. I have 3 kids who I don't see, with three baby mama's, and I got lucky as fuck that I never got drug through the legal system, and gave them cash on hand till they eventually got married to some other poor schmuck. Stay single you neurotic fellow Queenser.

You sound like a delight,you worthless nigger.

Also no respectable woman wants to fuck you.

Yeah, I do OK.

O you would be wrong,Danny was fun to hang out with 👍

Not to defend Opie but how is he the least successful. He's made way more money over the years than Anth or Jimmy; he got into Radio on his own, he brought the other to to radio; Anthony is losing money on a shitty podcast network that no one watches, Jim took a part time job on Sirius and has failed repeatedly to cross over into mainstream success.

To be fair, Opie doesn't have his own kids either

"I was the only idiot on staff who backed him up and called him a friend. Nothing was ever his fault. Everyone else is to blame that he’s a middle aged failure. Watching everyone else pass him by with careers, marriage, he harasses all of them." Now play a game of "Who The Fuck Said This". Anthony? Or Danny. Tough, right?

The only thing that gives it away is "middle aged" as opposed to "elderly infirmed".

Anthony was hated by staff?

Unless you think the guy who's been on the bottle for 40+ years who's already had 2 heart attacks is living to be 120 years old, he's not middle aged.

how does this dumb wop have time for conflict with everyone

He doesn't have a job.

"middle aged failure"

...says Golden Years Failure

Ant's one to fucking talk, he doesn't have a career or a marriage, either.

he doesn't?!

Compound Media is circling the drain, the only "career" this pissy-eyed mo has is screaming race statistics into a camera watched by 17 people and making new Twitter accounts.

He does not!

the detective Marty Hart of radio

Ant is a mix between Marty and Reggie Ledoux

"he'll make a Twitter account again... time is a flat circle..."

How the fuck can he type this out without realizing he's talking about himself

Anyone with even a tiny amount of self awareness would realize that and not post it. It's amazing how he needs twitter validation so badly. He was probably going through withdrawals after he got banned.

Nah, look at his Soprano account, lotsbof dates match up to when his other accounts were banned, he just went there to complain about black people and roleplay as Uncle June until he got his new one set up.

I'm just constantly amazed at Ant's complete lack of self-awarness in every aspect of his life.

It's 100% the booze.

The balls on this peso to talk about ANYONE is stunning.

You married your Ghey brother's sloppy seconds.

You were too much of a pussy to speak up to the radio partner you hated.

You have underage fuck parties at your house, supplied by a convicted kid fucker.

You hit and but your ex and got your guns taken away.

You let your mother right away in a home for five years because you're a self centered cockroach that just saw her as an inconvenience.

But yeah, Danny and his meds... everything you're accused of is one hundred percent proven.

Don't forget he entered into a relationship of several years with a girl he met when she came in studio to blow an intern to save a lobster. Then after he tried to shut down a message board because they made fun of him it back in the early 2000s. Sub-Saharan nigga's been doing this shit for decades, we're just now catching up

I never cared for Club Soda Kenny, but that time he punked Danny was one of my all time favorite things on the show.

You can still get married at 37

"Probably a democrat"
fuckin burried 'em


When I saw that, I forgot Anthony even said. Those people really are fucking brainwashed.

Nina Marie @ninamarieox

Replying to @AnthonyCumiacm

He sounds like a Democrat.

Good one, you stupid cunt.

Peek her tweets, comical Staten Island trash.

The lack of self-awareness is utterly astounding.


People on Twitter are way more brutal than us.

I don't know why we get all the attention.

We're the Vizio mafia, sir. We've earned the recognition fair and square.

It's incredible to me that everyone involved with O&A has zero ability to take responsibility for themselves yet they all target each other for not being able to take any responsibility.

It's always so sad when homosexual love falls apart.

If Ant had a wife and family instead of going to Homecoming dances with 13 year olds, he wouldn't be spending his entire day getting trolled on twitter.

Danny at least is probably making money as a bartender. Ant is pissing away his fortune on a podcast that even his cohost doesn't bother to show up for.

I think Opie created that Twitter account and is trolling everyone.

Danny doesn't have a marriage or kids.

Anthony has a failed marriage which cost him a lot of money, and no kids.

as a person with no wife or kids I have to admit that it totally sucks sleeping as long as I want, not having to drop off my kids to soccer practice, having passions/hobbies and missing out on those weekend trips to Lowe's for flowers

"Danny doesn't have a wife or kids!" - Degenerate PoC pretending to be white and rich

I'd rather have no wife or kids than Sue Lightning. Just sayin....

It's fucking astounding how little self awareness this stupid spaghetti nigger has.

Coming from a guy who married his brother's sloshed sloppy seconds, because he was embarassed being called "kid" at age 30, and now lives like man-child. Shed a tear on his wedding night, and jerked off into his toilet. OK

Isn't that the exact insult Joe matarese used against Anthony, Jimmy, and Anthony?

He's in his 50s and he has to warn people on his twitter bio that if his current twitter gets taken down, then check out some other guys profile for updates.

What a moron

This is the correct answer.

Pretend this is like, 3 years ago. Read this:

"I was the only idiot on staff who backed him up and called him a friend. Nothing was ever his fault. Everyone else is to blame that he’s a middle aged failure. Watching everyone else pass him by with careers, marriage, he harasses all of them."

Now play a game of "Who The Fuck Said This".

Anthony? Or Danny.

Tough, right?


We're the Vizio mafia, sir. We've earned the recognition fair and square.