"There are people who for no reason at all are making a hobby out of trying to fuck over me & my family & coworkers. I honestly have no clue why."

40  2018-03-21 by Every1ShouldBKilled


Denial, deceit, delusion

I laughed.

pissy eyed faggot

Until like 2 days ago he would call his “fans” irrelevant, obsecure, nobodies...didn’t he say no one cares what we think?

Seems like his tune is changing.

Oy gevalt, i understand Anthony my people go through same thing why would we get thrown out of 130 countries for doing nothing, its antisemitism

you know how he can make most this go away?

be. more. funny.

He’ll claim that he wasn’t “all in” on the jocktobering of shitty radio hosts back in the day; that it was Opie and Opie Jr. perpetrating that, but he cashed those checks, he knew what he was doing.

because you, your family (brother and parents), and your coworkers (keith) are all monumental, subhuman, dirtbags.

  1. Offered 5,000 to shut this sub down.
  2. Threw a hissy fit when this sub said he bombed at a roast which he did
  3. Threw a even bigger hissy fit when this sub found out about Sue Lightning.
  4. His brother has started crap with us because we made fun of his crappy podcast which you never defended him until we started crapping on you
  5. This sub was way worse than Opie which you laughed about and even took a phrase used from this sub "Greggshells" to use as one of your top videos on youtube and now when this sub makes fun of you you use the sympathy card
  6. Basically you have laughed about us doing stuff like this for years in jocktober and to Opie and others but once any criticism goes to you you play the victim or threaten to shut this sub down.
  1. Is not funny anymore

You really summed up his faggotry nicely without even mentioning the alcoholic/pedophile/woman beater thing.

Prissy eyed faggot

Full meltdown. This will make for an interesting documentary someday.

Would make a good THIS AMERICAN LIFE episode.

Do you think Anthony is going to include all of this drama in his alleged upcoming autobiography?

Of course, his history of transparency is well documented.

Ant is trying to evade the ban through his "opie radio" and "Sam Roberts" accounts, those need to be banned too

But it’s not for no reason at all. It’s for very very funny.

Personally speaking, every single person I've ever known who complained about the adverse effect their social media and/or online presence has had on their everyday real life has either been someone with extremely limited interests and/or someone with far too much idle time on their hands. In every single case the "issue" would be more or less resolved by simply finding something else to do for a while but people with too much free time or a limited set of interests find this difficult, as it's what attracted them so strongly to social media in the first place.

Its a broken record at this point but holy fuck can this self absorbed cunt completely not remember jocktober?

I personally hate the transgender community and everyone associated with it.

Fuck him. He loved it when everything was about Opie. "I'll let the internet speculate on that one" memba?

I dont memba. I must have been outside

"My audience is so small that I have to acknowledge these people too."

Is this a quote from Terry Clifford? Maybe Anthony Weiner? Countless no name radio hosts? Random fans of the show? Random guests? The list appears to be endless

Honestly have no clue,really Pinocchio. lol

He dindu nuffin