Have we gotten this wackos nudes yet? After we take down Ant's twitter again this should be our next order of business.

23  2018-03-20 by RBuddCumia


What is that?

What's the actual deal with this psychopath?

She is Norton's only option at a healthy family life but might not be available for him too much longer with Carl Ruiz getting in the game

Carl’s teeth issues should buy Jim some more time.

Mrz. Spickerson

Wasn't she hanging out with Carl 'Faggot' 'Spic' Ruiz? She's tainted and a whore if so.

Heh heh...taint.

carl the spic skank skeezer? yeah

Hey turkey, dis is Wackadoo McFreckle-tits, i took my PC into your store and someone leaked my nudes all over the internet!!!

No they didn’t!


How did Carl Ruiz end up hanging out with her? Seems like a strange overlap.

He's a lonely faggot, she wants free chicken parm

Shut up dude i told you not t9 come around here no more

Just who in the hell do you think you are?!?

How do we know she's actually a psychopath and not just a woman?

The eyes.

I bet her nipples have a 40-yard stare

A 40 year droop

Does anyone know if this crazy bitch is an escort? Asking for a friend.

Sub meetup in her cunt?

she driving that car into the wall at fantastic speeds

dat bitch is old but wish she was young and not as old.

dat bitch is old as a muuug