Ant's obsession with twitter is an admission that his network is a massive failure.

111  2018-03-20 by TinKnockinMoroccan

The man has his own network but is so desperate for validation that he needs to continuously return to a social media platform that keeps banning him. He can say WHATEVER he wants on compound media but goes back to site that has a strict policy about harmful speech. He's admitting that he has no audience, so he has to visit other platforms where he can be heard.


Like you?

Ive never been banned from reddit.

I wouldn't be proud of that.

I'm not proud, but it's a fact.

is it?

Yes. Because he doesn't use his twitter for promoting a show or anything. It's his personal soapbox where he goes to be heard, even though he has his ownmedia network with no limitation on free speech(aside from mentioning sue lightning, I assume.)

Isn't his job to express his point of view and to court controversy for the last 20 years?

Yes. And he owns a media company where he can do that. But nobody watches him, so he has to venture elsewhere.

You mean he tries to get new customers?

He's a social and professional pariah who's limited to a small bubble of circle jerking racists. Tweeting to the same handful of long island wops won't net new costumers. Collaborating with other creators could, but Cumia is a bit of an outcast even among other alt-right scum.

You seem really invested in this narrative.


Hmmm, so you're a huge faggot?

Looking at your post history, it is confirmed.

Enjoy your pathetic obsession which spans /r/infowars and /r/conspiracy among others


I have fun posting on reddit.

oy vey

You’re gay. “Is it?”

Am I?

I’m not really sure now.

It's embarrassing. What a fucking degenerate.

That old faggots obsession is why he was fired in the first place. Try again.

He tweeted like a teenage girl when he had a radio show, was Sirius a failure then?

He want in charge of an entire "network" then.

About 3 years ago when he hired Gavin (before it was Compound Media) they had a chance of actually making a go of it as a “network”. But that would have required some long hours and hard work, more befitting younger or more sober men, so instead the two alcoholics barely communicated (hard to get Ant into the city before 4pm), and the one who had cocaine fueled drive and actual experience starting a media company got sidetracked by the Proud Boys project and Ant carried on an on/off drunken relationship with an unstable young woman he would come to strangle and lose his guns and mind over.

unstable young "women"

Free advertising.

Compound's subscriptions have never been higher.

It actually makes me angry how poorly they run their business. How much potential they have that they just piss away. All it would take is removing the paywall on like 75-90% of their content and making the rest premium. Upload to their Youtube regularly, build a following, get rid of Anthony's show to remove the association with him. He's had Gavin McInnes for fucks sake. When Gavin joined Compound Media he was at his peak. He could have made Compound Media gigantic. But most people who follow Gavin didn't even realize he had a show. It came and went and no one even found out about it. I just learned the other day that Michael Malice has had a show on Compound Media since last Summer. That guy is getting huge. But Ant won't capitalize on it for some fucking reason.

This must be how Jews feel looking at gentiles.

It really is shocking what a goof this has been. Anthony could've so easily stumbled into a massive media property. Tracking along with alt-right media properties like Breitbart during these last few years and having LoS, Gavin et al, Anthony could've made O&A look like peanuts but the business model was so wrongheaded.

Premium subscription model with tiers or something and a well-curated youtube, facebook and twitter presence with highlight clips plus some old shows to get people hooked into your network and adding some interactivity like even show-related discord servers for livechat. But no, Anthony couldn't find anyone better to run his media empire than a flatfooted ex-cop dickbag.

They’ve stayed in business by renting their studio to other outlets, which sure, in the short term has kept them afloat, but that’s a limited growth opportunity, especially as more and more people figure out how to bring podcasting equipment into the city. And also a major distraction from growing a brand. So instead of starting the “next Vice” and losing money for a few years, they’re slumlords just barely keeping up on their monthly nut and staying solvent.

lol flatfooted

Anthony is a fucking idiot. This is the only way it could have happened.


They should have given the job of running the network to Gavin, but they were too lazy and stupid to understand what they had in him. (I don't think Ant ever even watched Gavin's show.)

a well-curated youtube, facebook and twitter presence with highlight clips plus some old shows to get people hooked into your network

This is a good idea on paper but the problem is that none of the content is any good. They post a 10 minute clip on their youtube channel about once a month and it's always fucking terrible. He does a "best of" podcast once a week and nobody bothers to listen to it. Ant's business model is retarded for any halfway decent podcast or network, but with his content I think hiding it all behind a paywall and hoping a few rubes sign up for it might be his best bet.

Well, I think Anthony is just a Fucking old man with no clue how to run a business and spends too much time grooming tweens on Twitter. Get a clue, stupid!

I’m still flabbergasted that he entrusted the next phase of his life/career, something so important and with so much potential, to his ex cop man servant. Amazing judgement for a high school drop out.

This must be how Jews feel looking at gentiles.

I think you're on to something. Jews view gentiles, as gentiles view godless alcoholic dumb scumbags

Gavin McInnes

Michael Malice... That guy is getting huge


Are you being sarcastic? No one, outside of this small circle, knows who Gavin McInnes is. And half of them don't care for him.

You people spend so much time here that you truly believe these people are famous. Ant is more famous than Gavin and Ant is not famous.

No, sorry dude, you're completely out of touch if you think Gavin is small outside of "this circle". Believe it or not, the O&A subreddit is not the entire internet. Just because we claim ownership of everyone who wanders into our awareness doesn't mean they're all limited to this secret club we have going here. We used to think the Proud Boys were just some fags in our fan base, yet they've gotten national coverage.

He's a figurehead for the "proud to be white, memorizing FBI crime stats, but totally not racist" guys.

But yeah, he was pretty well known through Vice and being vocally political

Using FBI stats to prove blacks aren't being disproportionately killed by cops, is racist. Imagine being this fucking retarded.

actually there has never been potential. Since the day he made it a subscriber service he ended any opportunity to grow his audience. with just an ounce of self discipline, a free advertising based service could have been huge.

It's a money-laundering scheme isn't it? Want it to succeed but not have too many people know of it?

I’ll agree that with the right professional marketing & also offering a large percentage of free content, probably could’ve made this network a success. But who cares? It still would’ve had the same content & if they saw success they would’ve doubled down on the unfunny, bitter political whining & shitty guests like Colin Flaherty. Maybe you like that but personally the last people I look to for intelligent political analyst & insight is Ant & Gavin. I once liked Anthony because he was funny & if he is no longer funny or even trying to be funny & the best he can do for comic relief is Joe Devito. I’m not disappointed about how it turned out, as far as it can tell it turned out exactly how it should’ve when the star of the network thinks it’s a great idea to read FBI crime stats on a consistent basis.

He'd actually make a semi-interesting show if he made his show about going out found the kinds of people he argues with on twitter and getting them on his show. It would mostly be him yelling at black people and women, but it would be better than it is now.

The shrinking violet would never put himself in a position where he has a face to face argument.

Now that I think about it Anthony only had one fight ever face to face on radio (the grape fight). But he was quick to get into it with a caller.

Or make his point when people leave the room

He's a bitch. Always has been.

Do you think about anthony in the shower too?

Sometimes. People get a lot of funny ideas in the shower.

He's just tryin give the people a little taste, draw them into the full experience. Get those numbers up.

Truth. He has no audience at Compound Media. I have no idea what their subscriber count is but I honestly would be shocked if it were over 10,000.

10k lol id be shocked if its 2.5k at this point

"Troof." Hahaha, you're in total denial dude. Do the math.

What's the math?

It'd probably help if his stupid podcast had any kind of format as opposed to featuring two or three guys yelling out various pop-culture references over one another for two hours. It isn't a political podcast, it isn't a comedy podcast, it's an angry bitter blowhard and a fat indifferent junkie looking uncomfortable while exchanging forced stilted banter. It's a big fat boring nothing.

umm but wasnt he obsessed with twitter long before any network? his obsession with twitter is the reason there is a network

He’s like a fucking teenage girl. He is such a pedo faggit. I really can’t stand how hypocritical he is. Then you got SoA joe who is as equally faggy as he is.

I seriously wonder what kind of sick abuses the cumia bros were subjected to growing up.

His network? His entire life is a massive failure.

He was still obsessed with Twitter when he was on O&A.

Well in his defense he also uses it to groom young girls

When he started, he was still using the name "Half Life Incorporated" or whatever it was. Because he liked the game Half Life.

How do you think that's a good idea as an entertainer to name your company based on something else in the entertainment industry?

You mean like his not guiness logo?

One has nothing to do with the other. There is no actual proof his network is failing. Other than people wanting it to fail.

The show turnover rate, Kevin Brennan/LOS/Etc. vocalizing how little they're paid, Gavin ditching, the awful Z-list guests,Artie making his own hours, constant streaming issues aren't good signs of success, though. Maybe breaking even at best.

That says nothing. Turnover is normal for any job, and no one bitches louder than celebrities about what they are paid.

It really is shocking what a goof this has been. Anthony could've so easily stumbled into a massive media property. Tracking along with alt-right media properties like Breitbart during these last few years and having LoS, Gavin et al, Anthony could've made O&A look like peanuts but the business model was so wrongheaded.

Premium subscription model with tiers or something and a well-curated youtube, facebook and twitter presence with highlight clips plus some old shows to get people hooked into your network and adding some interactivity like even show-related discord servers for livechat. But no, Anthony couldn't find anyone better to run his media empire than a flatfooted ex-cop dickbag.

This must be how Jews feel looking at gentiles.

I think you're on to something. Jews view gentiles, as gentiles view godless alcoholic dumb scumbags

Gavin McInnes

Michael Malice... That guy is getting huge


Are you being sarcastic? No one, outside of this small circle, knows who Gavin McInnes is. And half of them don't care for him.

You people spend so much time here that you truly believe these people are famous. Ant is more famous than Gavin and Ant is not famous.

actually there has never been potential. Since the day he made it a subscriber service he ended any opportunity to grow his audience. with just an ounce of self discipline, a free advertising based service could have been huge.

It's a money-laundering scheme isn't it? Want it to succeed but not have too many people know of it?

I’ll agree that with the right professional marketing & also offering a large percentage of free content, probably could’ve made this network a success. But who cares? It still would’ve had the same content & if they saw success they would’ve doubled down on the unfunny, bitter political whining & shitty guests like Colin Flaherty. Maybe you like that but personally the last people I look to for intelligent political analyst & insight is Ant & Gavin. I once liked Anthony because he was funny & if he is no longer funny or even trying to be funny & the best he can do for comic relief is Joe Devito. I’m not disappointed about how it turned out, as far as it can tell it turned out exactly how it should’ve when the star of the network thinks it’s a great idea to read FBI crime stats on a consistent basis.