"Their platform" Its like he's a lame teen who desperately wants to be part of the group of he makes fun of.

164  2018-03-20 by RBuddCumia


Hehe. Obscurity

"Yet I always rush right back to said platform"

They boot you from the platform for breaking the rules, fagnips.

I wish those people would just behave, already.

so its not a platform?


it's a shit thread

You're a shit thread.

i can't argue with that

Ohpie n Antonny, dese... sshhhhit threads.

Why does he want to be on a leftist site so much?

For the lady dick.

He gets off on upsetting people on it. I was listening to an old O&A episode today where he was bragging about tracking down individual middle aged moms based out of Florida during the Casey Anthony thing, and deliberately mis-retweeting them to get them upset.

If you have millions of dollars, lots of free time, are able bodied and have a dying mother to take care of and that's how you spend your time (and you don't even leave the country outside of that or travel for pleasure) you're a fucking waste of life.

It's like being mad at people not inviting you to their party, but you decide to crash it multiple times, get thrown out,and call them "losers".

Like Sirius. He get's fired then shows up for free.

And they don't even want that from him so they banned him again.

In all seriousness is Artie still allowed there? Because he used to show up to work there with felonies in his devil dog stained jeans.

I think it was a blanket ban to keep Opie out. Or some of those Shade45 gentlemen

This is retarded i dont c why he is so obsessed with twitter its wierd...

I agree, person who types like she got shot in the head and lived.

they're a fucking publically registered company. of course they can use their politics to get rid of you. idiot

Wow he's already crushing it with the Opie numbahs

The closer Ant gets to death and having to see that disappointed father's face, the more angry at the world he is.

Without Twitter how can he groom young girls? He's a fucking creep.

He got bounced for saying any male who used the prefix "cis" should be punched in the face. He got banned for encouraging violence, no politics. He is probably apoplectic that there was a school shooting today and he can't do 50 tweets about guns

No shit, I figured he just got banned for circumventing the last one. He broke Twitter law again? The recidivism in that community is astounding.

Stop posting your boring twitter comments here.

I'm also guessing that he gets a shit ton of reports filed against him without any action taken, doesn't he realize that he has to take it pretty far to lose his account?

"Lame teens are great. They can't run away!"

-Anthony Cumia

Say "of" again, stupid.

Seeing someone with that avatar and handle breaking Ant's balls has to get to him. Deep down, he knows he cultivated this monster for 2 decades and it's unraveling him more and more.

A grown man blubbering about being kicked off Twitter for being an obnoxious dickfaced troll...what a fag. Whoever owns and runs Twitter can do whatever the fuck they like with it, if he doesn't like it then perhaps he should put together his own superior platform where he can say whatever he likes.

A basement Twitter if you will

Twitter isnt a constituional right

Where the fuck is my free speech


If twitter kicks people off their platform for right wing politics why are there so many conservatives on the site. I highly doubt that Marco Rubio has ever been warned about any of his tweets. Maybe it has more to do about class than politics.

  1. He's right about twittr banning people for politics
  2. That's not why he was suspended.

It's like when Alex jones said Anthony was fired from Sirius XM for being a conservative.


"Why don't these liberal assholes like me? What's so bad about me? I'm still funny!"

Even Steven Crowder was suspended from Twitter, and he's as G-rated as you can get. Yes, this is politically motivated. Lena Dunham will never get her account suspended, no matter what she says. Ant will be suspended again and again because he's right wing, and because there are a bunch of guys who are wholly obsessed with him, and have dedicated far too much energy to "taking him down"

Hasn't twitter made it pretty clear that they DO bounce people based on politics? What is the shock here?

it's a shit thread

If you have millions of dollars, lots of free time, are able bodied and have a dying mother to take care of and that's how you spend your time (and you don't even leave the country outside of that or travel for pleasure) you're a fucking waste of life.

A basement Twitter if you will
