Ant's new twitter handle is @AnthonyCumiaCM

93  2018-03-20 by DraycosTFM

Posted on his facebook:

Anthony Cumia 2 mins · @AnthonyCumiaCM That’s the new Twitter.


Reported already ..just say he is impersonating someone you represent and you can fill out a nice little form and explain how he is trying to circumvent his ban

Wrote a long ass report

Samesies 😎

I did as well

Yup. #MeToo

I've only known chicks this vindictive.

Complete fucking lowlife losers, all of you.

Hey mate. Do you mind toning down the language a bit? Thanks man.

My eye's are not garbage cans sir.

Oh this is even better than him going off Twitter forever. To be in a constant loop of rebuilding his followers and restarting over again...yes. This is the perfect scenario.

A regular Sisyphus.... more like Sissy-phus, amirite?!


Pissy-eyed puss

Nice syphilis, stupid.

Anthony Cumia Child Molester

Anthony Cumia Cock Mongler.

Anthony Cumia Cameroonian miner

It's the Twitter equivalent of going 'round the neighbourhood and telling everybody.

I love how he'll be forced to play it off as "SJW's got me banned" because its too humiliating to state the truth, which is that his former fan base hates his guts so much they use SJW tactics to destroy his life

He isn't famous enough for actual SJW's to give a shit.

Exactly. He just looks like some kooky old racist vampire to them. Completely harmless.

Count Pockula

The Count of Long Island.

He does like to bite women.

That’s very progressive of you.

Tony Cumcum

I give it 2 months

Perhaps less than that.


Pretending to be someone else.

report report report. also the CM stands for Child Molester.

Ant - "It’s unbelievable how these pricks bounce you from their platform based on politics."

Yet you are desperate to carry on using it at all costs.

He's obsessed and filled with anger. It's sad and pathetic, even more so than us

He knows that's bullshit. He's well aware of how Twitter works, getting booted so he could whine about it was exactly what he hoped would happen. It just helps him validate his dumb belief systems and "proves" that "they're" suppressing his "free speech" and blah blah blah. He's a bored, lonely and aging man who's feeling less and less relevant every day, his make-believe "fight" with Twitter lets him pretend he's out there on the front lines taking one for the team.

Can’t spell child molester without CM.

Wow this is truly pathetic that a 60 year old man can't stay off Twitter. It has all but destroyed his life too.

All but? It ruined his career, turned his fanbase against him, and now it has it's tentacles around him so tight he can't go an hour without Tweeting.

The on-air race rants every day for 7 years also had something to do with it.

Didn't help


He's following the Miller Monster:

Anthony cumia...... cock master

"CM" for child molester? Disgusting.

I'm pretty sure its AnthonyCumiaCP.

@anthonycumiahiv would be more aprropriate for that fruit

Oh look Ant is tweeting offensive things about the homeless.

Pissy-eyed puss