Why did Jimmy turn out to be so fucking weird?

8  2018-03-20 by disawayisthrows

From what I've read on here, and I take it with a grain of salt, he grew up in a middle upper class family in North Jersey, his parents were decent people - I once read his dad was a marine that fought in the Korean War - and for all intents and purposes raised him in a pretty normal household.

Wtf happened? And why can't Jimmy come to terms with his issues?


If I had go guess. He was molested by someone close to his family. Either he blacked it out, or he still carrys around that guilt.

He was always weird, the rest of us grew up.

How could he not? Repeatedly molested, bullied viciously, rejected by women constantly.

He's a short wormy looking zilch who suddenly got just enough fame to indulge his weirdest sexual desires.

He says that he "wasn't molested" because the bully was around the same age. Jim even said he was afraid of the guy, and he cracked his head (something like that) running away from him. It's easier to say later that he enjoyed it than admitting how painful and violating that must have felt. I really do feel bad for him.

He was 100% sexually abused.

Ive always said that i cant picture him ever having parents. I cant picture him as a child nor can i fathom how anyone would have any paternal desire to love him. My brain is happier with the notion he probably just hatched somewhere as a twenty-something year old worm.

Like the tapeworm man spawned in the sewer in X-Files

Didn’t he spawn in the bowels of a Russian boat?

I think he made himself weird out of a desperate need for attention. He was such a boring loser that he started doing edgy/weird shit for the sake of having a personality.

pretty much sums up this entire sub reddit

Shut up faggot

shut up stupid


You still haven't told us which middle age, fat, balding, Italian member of the basement pedophile ring you are.

what the hell are you saying?

I know you're not bro joe because he can't resist using big words he doesn't understand to sound like an intellectual. Which one of the other bald queers around the poker table are you?

I think you got the wrong guy, pal

That would be even more sad. At least those losers get free beer and the occasional turn with a passed out teenager. You're defending a racist pedophile and getting nothing in return.

Unbelievable self-hatred. He was able to reconcile this for two decades or so b/c of his comedic talent and ambition. But now that he's a middle aged zilch who's never gonna procreate, he's come to terms with his own failure as a man. This defeat and submission to defeat is enough to crush even the strongest, most honorable, and proud of men. Jimmy has the complete opposite of those virtues, so imagine the torment and anguish he carries within him, and now apply that burden to his everyday life. He's a veritable petri dish of self-destruction, not unlike Artie and Anthony, just sans the addiction issues.

Most likely he was diddled, which led to his sex addiction and way-too-accurate pedophile impression. Being a short beta with a weak chin only compounded his problems.