Comedian going to jail over a joke.

47  2018-03-20 by hypertrophicmasseter

Idk why I'm posting this in this sub but I wonder what Jim Norton would say about this. Count Dankula, the youtuber was on trial for 2 years and today found guilty of hate crime over what everyone knows was a joke. He trained his dog to do a nazi salute on command. In context it actually is hilarious. It turns out the complaint about the video wasn't made by a Jewish person, it was made by the police themselves. If I was gay enough for Twitter I would tweet the story to Jimmy. I can't tell you how outraged I am over the current state of the UK. Any of you guys been following this? Free speech is beyond dead in the UK. You will actually go to prison for making a joke on YouTube now.


Yea, Europe is fucked. For all the enlightened bullshit being communicated, they are more backwards than Canada.

Canada is pretty bad. There's a law that if you don't agree with your child's "gender identity" it's a form of child abuse and the government can take your kids and give them to a gay couple and have you executed by firing squad.

Also, our Minister of National Defense looks like a terrorrist.

What lol? He's ex Canadian military.

It was a joke. We make jokes here.

Wasn't funny though. And enough with the "we" hivemind bullshit.

Canada has very strict "hate crime" laws, correct?

I heard if you use a gendered pronoun the government will chemically castrate you and sentence you to hug therapy with an elderly black woman.

Supposedly now, facts/evidence are no excuse for making statements others may find offensive.

As bad as the standard American shithead is, they still aren't as bad as the soyboy passive aggressives you get up here.

Clearly a Canadian military uniform stupid. Alt right news strikes again

Canada is gayer than Europe IMO. At least the UK, Germany, Sweden, etc. have cool histories. Canada has always been cucked.

fuck limeys

It's a place by faggots for faggots.


Fucking legend

he sure is, tamt. he sure is.

It is a shame, but I don't know why you expect Jim to care, or to give any thing resembling a nuanced opinion. Best thing is that he could have a made a video of training his dog to lick his asshole and gotten in much less trouble.

Well because he's a comedian and he tours in the UK. And you can go to jail for being offensive even when no one actually complained they were offended. In other words you can go to jail for any reason if accused by anyone of being offensive. Comedians should care.

And really British comedians can't speak up about it because they don't have free speech. They need Americans of they have any hope.

yeah, but Jim is just gonna breathe heavily into the mic and say, "you know that's a tough one, man." He can't even be honest about shit that directly affects his career.

You're probably right. He is an actual cuckold after all.

The problem with Scotland is that it's full of Scots

On that topic: Sam should be thrown out of a tower the little twink.


I guess he couldn't get a decent jew lawyer

That's ironically very funny and if you're in the UK you can go to jail for it.

That's why the best Jew lawyers are in New York and Hollywood. Here, they make money off anti-Semitism.

There was a documentary where an Israeli guy was following ADL around and how to they tried to turn everything into antisemitism. They even went to a meeting with some minority group who were using the word Holocaust for what happened to them and that fat fuck Abe Foxman (representative of the ADL) told them to knock it off. If I find it Ile link it.

Say what?

You get a Jew when it involves money and an Italian when you're in real shit.

Italian lawyers only accept payment in thinly sliced deli meats.

He should be going to jail for calling himself "Count Dankula".

You mean you don't like when people say "dank meme bro XD"?


What I don't get is doesn't the judge like comedy or watch movies? Does he think his family should go to jail for telling a joke?

Was arguing with a guy on reddit who thinks comics have a right to satire. How?

I think they didn't care that it's a joke. The crime he was charged with is being offensive. It's literally a crime to be offensive. Can you imagine how many life sentences Patrice would be serving if he got arrested every time he offended someone? That's why I chose this subreddit I guess. O and a are tired in with all the best comedians. This is not acceptable for a first world western country to sentence people for being offensive.

There's no actual defenetion as to what is offensive so it's really just 'what ever I say you're going to jail for'

Yes. Exactly.

Could someone please send Anthony to jail for his comedy? He still thinks he's funny.

I think he funny.

Saying something this obscene leads to convictions. You're on thin ice

I'm still hilarious

Being found guilty is not the same as going to jail.

We're waiting sentencing.

Dont even talk to that guy

Good. I hope he gets a right rodgering or whatever you gays call it when he's in jail.

Countries that were bombed by the Nazis, who were faced with an actual threat of invasion and subjugation from the Nazis, who watched them do it to every single other country across the channel, take their anti-Nazi laws more seriously than countries where it's just fodder for fun dress-up time. Who knew?

But please - just how outraged does that make you?

People who experienced real nazis throw citizens in jail for puppy tricks.

Yeah makes sense. What a wizened, pragmatic nation.

There is always one retard in every thread. Always one dumb motherfucker who will support state censorship of subjective language. I know we should definitely throw edgelords in jail if their pugs become a threat. Don't worry. Dankula is guilty now so his racist pug can't get you. You're finally safe from the hate-filled beast.

It's a good thing the Nazis are defunct then. Really dodged a bullet there.

He trained his fucking dog to do a facist salute. His dog. The police themselves took offence like a bunch of faggots.

He is going to actual jail for this. You should be outraged. YouTube is a ceasepool of hate towards everyone and everything but this horseshit lands you in jail. This is what conspiracies are based upon.

  • cesspool



Try harder, champ.

You hold this aggro'ed boob up as some sort of moral exemplar and/or martyr for a single innocent, puckish online prank. Only a quick google search shows that (1) he's been a big fan of his groups' typical camo and facemask-clad public field trips to hawk their nativist wares for a good long while now and (2) he sadly had to give up leadership of just such an organization a few years ago to serve a stint in prison for mortage fraud.

I suppose that wasn't his fault, either?

Skip to :12. or don't - what do i know?

That's why I call it the U-Gay.

Dats why UK! She cain yell!

I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I can't quite wrap my head around the Western world ceding all moral authority. It's giving up the thing that made it different and the thing that makes life worth living.

As of today, there is no way to be sure that you are not violating the law in the UK aside from keeping your mouth shut. There is no objective standard of offensiveness, and a precedent has been set for conviction by subjective standards that completely disregard context. Don't forget that the video in question contains a literal explanation of the nature of the joke - an explanation that characterizes the prank as fundamentally anti-nazi.

I dunno man...I heard much about it but I don't think the dog was trying to motherfuck the jews...maybe it was in bad's a tough one

damn antisemitic pugs. i say we eradicate this world of pugs! oh wait... thats genocide. nvm

If I was a comedian in the UK. I'd leave.

how do you get beyond dead? is free speech a zombie?

"Uuuh, That's a tough one man. One the one hand you have to allowed to push the envelope and express yourself but on the other hand I' lonely 50 year old faggot who eats egg white omelettes and mustard every day. Tough call, man."

not being born in America

That's ironically very funny and if you're in the UK you can go to jail for it.

You get a Jew when it involves money and an Italian when you're in real shit.