Just a heads up: as a long time listener of Stern, "Go back to obscurity" is something Robin and Howard would say anytime they got triggered

51  2018-03-20 by TonyFromLongIsland

Trant is queer


Not alone. Crushed under a 350lb black tranny who ruptures his anus.

Yeah, they're bad people too.

It's also only insulting to someone aspiring to be a public person

The move on the Stern show is that anytime a caller challenges them is to say "What do you do for a living?" Then when they say they aren't a millionaire on radio they go all Jesse Ventura like "Ahahaha got ya!" nothing you say matters because yor not a navy seal shock jock.

Stern was always a thin-skinned faggot who Sirius pays several million times his entertainment value.