Question for Danny

18  2018-03-20 by L0cke-

I've always wanted to know what you said and/or did in Scott Greenstein's office that made him fire you on the spot? I remember the show saying it was the most angry they had ever seen Scott.



Well I can say this, whatever you heard on the air is complete fabrication.

I've heard over the years that I:

  • Had my feet up on a desk

  • talked back in a rude fashion

  • actually attended the event

  • attended the event with a trangender person

All of this is bullshit.

HR called me into the office to ask me exactly who I was bringing to this event, which I had won access +1 to fair and square.

They interrogated me over who my guest was, how I knew her and what I planned on doing when I arrived. I was asked what my "plan" was. I said I have no plan. Just to show up with my guest. Which ACTUALLY WAS THE PLAN.

Greenstein comes in (his office is directly connected to the conference room and I'm convinced there is a hidden microphone in that room so he can listen in on whatever meetings are taking place in there) and basically goes through the same questioning HR did. He wraps up and heads back into his office.

I ask HR "If I was Nicole from the Morning Mash-up, would I be interrogated over who I was bringing as my guest?"

.....and that's when SG bursts back into the conference room, very upset, and decrees:


I replied "Is that legal? Can you take away a perk somebody won fair and square?"

He seemed flustered that I said anything at all. He hesitated a moment to think about what I said and responds "YOU can go. BUT you can't bring a +1."

Fine with me right? What the fuck do I care about One Direction. That was a Friday and leaving the conference room, I was just glad that this meeting was over and I could go home for the weekend.

On Sunday morning, about 10am I get a phone call. It's HR and management boss. HR informs me that "Management can no longer trust your decision making." and that I was being let go.

That's the exact story. If you heard different, you heard lies.

Let's talk about something positive for a minute. I'm tired of all the complaining in this sub!

Did you like anyone who worked there? Was anyone especially cool?

Derek and Travis were my buddies while I was there.

I did not socialize with anyone at Sirius.

By the time I was done with all my work it was around 2:30pm. I had arrived at 5am. I'm not about to make rounds asking people what's up when I can beat the rush hour LIRR home.

Hi Danny, Whats your opinion on: Erock took the hardest beatings on air? Was his job really just archiving etc?

Well he'd rarely bring in audio or source stories. Anytime you asked him what he was doing he say working on the archive.

There was some archiving to do sure like cut up bits for best of and such but surely nothing that took all day. Sometimes he'd be color correcting photos for...some reason.

Mostly he'd be eating some gross shit with Roland.

fuck roland. colin outing that spic faggot was the greatest thing ever.

But he destroyed Opie, keep that in mind.

yeah, there is that, that's true. even a busted clock is right twice a day.


somebody here last year linked to it on youtube. timestamped and everything! I'm sorry I don't know what else happened on that particular show to help narrow down a search.


Is it true that you wanted to bring Bailey Jay?

At first. But after asking around I didn't want her to feel like the butt of a joke so I opted out.

Did you mean to make that butt joke or was it an accident? I know you struggle with comedy

What in the world are you even talking about.

Bailey Jay=butt of joke. Now because I had to explain it I guess I struggle with comedy (being funny) Fuck you for not understanding Lol

I still don't fucking get it.

What. Because Baily Jay has an ass? WTF are you talking about.

I think he meant did it start out as an innocent goof on your part, but when you saw it picking up momentum, it was more singling her out in a way that was closer to her being the punchline?

Were you guys friendly acquaintances at the time?

The irony.

They didn't mentioned that on air. Way to stand by an collegue.

complete fucking psychopaths, the both of them.

all four claims are precisely what i thought the story was, according to opie & ant. to know now that the two of them 100% just threw that shit in there just to make it up literally out of thin air, speaks to a sociopathy that goes way beyond "busting balls". both those two are severely fucked-up in the head.

Meh, it was a big deal at the time. From what I heard, Greenstein took it as me trying to fuck up his day.

sorry i'm not up on the exact timeline, but you were still with the show when opie had his daughter, i think, right? if so, are the rumors true? thanks!

Anyone go to bat for you?

Wouldn't know.

Gossiping tranny kike hen.

Around the time Opie got fired, Sam made a comment that Opie was the second person to go against Roland and get fired - you were the first. Your story doesn’t have anything to do with Roland (unless he was booking for the concert?). What’s the truth?

Also Sam has said you hated him because he was an annoying worm. Comment?

Hi Danny, Whats your opinion on: Erock took the hardest beatings on air? Was his job really just archiving etc?