I fucking hate present day Norton

98  2018-03-20 by MrCocklefroth

I’m listening to Jim & Sam for the first time in months (only listening for the exclusive Bobo interview) and its awful. The intro is terrible, they immediately talk about interns/wwe/mma boring the shit out of everyone. Then they talk about Putin and the UK spy poisoning with Norton just talking shite and getting everything wrong, I had to fast forward to bobo after that.

How can you have nothing to bring to your radio show and do no research on topics. This cocksucker just looks at headlines and makes up the rest, pontificating as if he’s a fucking scholar.

I hope these two get the boot in October and Norton can have some of that anger again.


Everyone says the same thing. Bobo is great, the show isn't. Can you imagine how much that must hurt Jim?

If it hurt him he would try.

Maybe this is him trying? Maybe he's just lost it?

Bobo is an annoying mongoloid and so is everyone that likes him

tsss yeah hes christmas jimmy or sumthin

Sounds like you need something to do in your life get a girlfriend or something.. I bet you have enough hating you for everyone that's probably not all you got in you..

Up your nose with a rubber hose tom

Hey! That kind of language has no place on this website!

Toms full of bunk

Whoa hey now, we're all friends here, sir.

Heh. This guy has an opinion that's deeper than repetitive "BAM FUCKED OPIE HAS TITS LOL" jokes. Sounds like he has too much time on his hands

Heh, I'll just tell him to get a girlfriend. Heh, i'm so funny.

Go fly a kite

Go fly a nigger.

Say something again.

morton has always been a lazy dummy. he thinks he can just wing it with his natural charm and character.

I his defense he never wanted the primary host gig, he wanted the backseat and just riff. He has his stand-up at the same time.

So why did he insist on swapping seats with Opie Roberts?

Because being co host to on and is different status wise than to intern Sam

He still hasn't learnt how to push the buttons

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think Jim Norton is a fucking retard

Because being co host to on and is different status wise than to intern Sam


It's not hard to figure out.

dumb asshole

Thank you defending my autism

So why did he insist on swapping seats with Opie Roberts?

Very good question with an answer that your stupid ass (or mine either) likely hasn't even conceived of yet.

My running theory is that he knows Sam might get fired, not because of EW-worthy bullshit like you'd find on here, but because of corporate bullshit. He knows radio is dying. Shit even his boring partner makes a moniker out of it.

Opie and Anthony are gone, the both of them. Wouldn't you feel like you were next? And take steps to mitigate that eventuality. Such as learning how to use the motherfucking phones.

You are an extremely dumb guy

Not defending Jim but after 18 years he should probably learn to do his fucking job. Good for him

Everyone associated with the show thought they were Scott Shannon when in reality they were all Todd Pettingill.

Wow. Your usage of their last names had me wondering who in the heck you'd pair "Scott Shannon" with.

Mind. Blown.

Tl/Dr: Jim’s a cocksucker

They both speak the most uninformed bullshit for the entire time before Bobo comes on, so much so that I wonder why they think they can be so condescending to him. I think Bobo probably knows more about current affairs in many respects than Jim Norton.

The fact that Norton thinks he's clever says it all, it's the hallmark of a moron.

Not to mention both those retards think Russians hate Putin.

Yeah I couldn’t believe it when he seemingly didn’t see a problem with a spy getting poisoned.

I don’t know Jim but maybe an ex spy being poisoned along with his daughter on a park bench in the uk isn’t a big deal. This idiot still has no idea that they are both alive.

Look Sam has a sociology degree. I'm sure he's more qualified to speak on this than any of us.


Would love to see Sam and Jim take on Bobo in a general knowledge quiz. They're too pussy to do on their shit show but it would be fascinating.

Wait till October and they get dropped it’s gonna happen. If it doesn’t someone at Sirius needs to be fired.

It's only funny when Vos and Bobby are in at the same time.

Even then it's just beating on Vos, but it's amazing how he provides new material every time.

Pretty damn good when Ant went in, but wont see him no more. And can Vos go back in? Didn't he get fired and didn't they band all former employees?


Go fuck yourself

Too behind nest that faggot did more research and was prepared and alert when he hosted the Ozzy podcast recently

Hes intolerable now. Did anyone catch that piece of shit Vice talk show he did?

It looked like an aids victim has been given the chance to do a show before he died.

I wanted to like it. I guess i forgot to laugh.

This scuuuuuumbaag just reads the headlines and shapes the rest of story to fit his own life narrative. Its a real mother fucker. He would literally a part of the problem with media if he had any reach.

Norton will probably offer to work for Sirius for free as long as he can keep plugging his shows and getting his celeb pics.

They really do act like they don't care if they re-sign in October, but what the hell else would these two guys do? You'd think they would be putting 100% into the show. The saving grace is that the other shows on Sirius are so godawful, that a half-assed Jim & Sam show is better than all the others (except Stern).

Sam has had his whole live to imagine what sort of radio show he would like to do and this is the best he could come up with.

The problem is that they both over-achieved in the radio business. Jim is a great 3rd mic; he should just sit there and toss jokes out and be quiet for long stretches, like on O&A. Sam is a great producer and behind the scenes guy who is OK on mic every once in a while (like the Jocktober bit). Through circumstance, they both fumbled their way to the top--hosting a show, but they're both woefully inept at hosting a show. They shouldn't be talking for 3 hours everyday and clearly it shows.

The only conceivably redeemable thing Morton could be preparing for is a Tough Crowd sequel.

That'd be awesome. And it would fucking sell - what good and regular comedy is there for the visual medium nowadays?

But that's not to get hopes up. Obviously the idiot just doesn't give a shit

If those two lazy fucks actually bothered to do some prep then it would be less of a shit show.

Pretty longwinded follow up to "i fucking hate jim norton". After all these years its the same ole same ole

the most intolerable thing for me is the way Sam always takes a hard liberal stance on everything and has this snarky attitude about it. Jim could barely get a word in regarding Barbara Streisand's comments because Sam just had to bash it down and make sure the general stance of the show is that we're shaming Striesand for daring to question the feminist narrative. it's like his only access to news is his wife's facebook feed.

DUUUUDE you got your pontificating, your boring wwe/mma talk, your Putin. Boom you got a fuckin show. It may get canceled in October, who knows. But you'll be just fine, dude.

Anyone who says things like "do no research on politics" is a fucking faggot and I wish them duly fucking dead.

Please put yourself in front of a train.

I said topics, not politics. Faggot.

With a toe trigger?


He's just exited about opening his gifts that day

I tried again a few days ago when they were talking about being drunk and Jim was doing awful drunk guy impressions. They're a couple of sheltered sissy boys, it's not good radio.

Jim said today that some comic was a big squat guy, probably doing like 180. Mrs Norton thinks a female beginner intermediate squat is a big problem.

That's not even two plates and the bar. Most men can go from never lifting to doing that in a month.

I wanted to ask you guys this, because I was thinking about it yesterday...If I create a petition to send to SIRIUSXM, asking them to take the J&S show off the air; would you guys sign it?

it's crazy he doesn't realize that his actions are in NO WAY keeping people listening to the show - let alone NEW people listening

imagine a guy who's never heard of these two and the dude turns it on to 'try something new' for a day. ugh

fan for life, or turns it off after 30 minutes - you make the call

guy is just collecting a paycheck. he is still funny though, he just needs another comic to bounce shit off. he's never been able to just carry the show like ant. you could hear him the other day starting to bust sam's balls, but there was no energy behind it and all the laughs just died with it because sam is dull and norton just ran out of steam.

Norton just talking shit

ماشاءالله برذر

Norton sucks, like most Faggots.

Bobo is legit more informed on current events when he does a show with Colin or Bochetti.

do ya

That's a tough one

Up your nose with a rubber hose tom

Heh. This guy has an opinion that's deeper than repetitive "BAM FUCKED OPIE HAS TITS LOL" jokes. Sounds like he has too much time on his hands

Heh, I'll just tell him to get a girlfriend. Heh, i'm so funny.

So why did he insist on swapping seats with Opie Roberts?

Go fly a kite

Say something again.