I just watched 'A Gray State' and spotted something familiar.

11  2018-03-20 by NemoNobody_2092



Wow sticker on laptop

I thought the broad was Cristina from the podacast.

Was Cristina shot in the face? and was her blood used to write 'Allah Akbar' on her living room wall?

why'd you tell him? smh

not to say you're being an insufferable, annoying faggot (at least in this instance) but that reminds me of the nick dipaolo/Louis ck appearance and someone calls in to say that the aids outbreak was in Vegas and opie stops the show not only to take the call and interrupt it, but obnoxiously state that the caller is an ass for ruining the hilarious bit of naming the wrong cities for 30 minutes. later in the show everyone's riffing about some subject and opie who hasn't spoken in 15 minutes chimes in about how "that's what WE do on this show" as though he's ever contributed to comedy

Cool story

to make sure he knew it wasnt something hard to notice, but something easy, making him feel like a right goose

I guess you're not an O&A fan. It's pretty obvious.

We've got our murderer