When did you realize you were legitimately racist?

0  2018-03-20 by AyeThatsAGoodNagger

For me, it was when a buddy of mine and I were high and drove around for 45 minutes looking for a restaurant that didn’t have any black people in it.


when I didn't really bother listening to black comics all my life, except hacks like Sinbad, then I discovered Patrice O'Neal

I never made a realization. I always knew

When I was told that Michael Clarke Duncan wasn't the villain in The Green Mile.

or when you realized Roots isn’t supposed to be a comedy

I'm not everyone hates niggers

Watching commercials on tv realizing an agenda was being pushed

Oh I realized that when I was a young kid. I knew blacks were 15% of the population and that it was weird that they were in like 70% of the commercials. I just didn’t realize that I personally dislike being around other races until later.

Big if true

My favorite uncle is a Caribbean nigger and I dated a mulatto girl for a couple years.. This weakness I have runs in the family.

by “uncle” do you mean one of the gentlemen your mother would bring over to help fix the floorboards?

Nah he's married to my fat white aunt.

Island blacks are just an entirely different level of nigger.

He's probably eaten monkey meat.

Well yeah, your aunt

When the Compound/Cumia Network started, listening to Anthony & Gavin be such degenerates made me slowly start to hate white people, which is ironic being that I’m white.

Anthony isnt white

I've always known I shouldn't be shoved aside for the interest of other groups.

You should be shoved aside based on merit, stupid

kinda but among your own tribe, not every faggot in the world.


THE day I met a nigger.