So where are we at with Rogan now after his criticism of Metzger and Miss Piggy?

7  2018-03-20 by disawayisthrows

I like his MMA podcasts fwiw, far better than Jimmy and Serra's back alley abortion of a show.


Make your own decisions, faggot.

I agree with him ^

So we're all in agreement, then.

I will say that im going to watch this last podcast in its entirety when i get home

When will you say it?

i don't think he even criticized her just trying to be reasonable about the whole thing, kind of being "the devil's advocate" ARGHHHHHHHHHHH

He was harsher on her when it first came out than any other comedian. I think he wants to Mencia her, she just has too much industry power still

I think is a man of very short stature and is also a confirmed bisexual.

He’s still an awful comedian

Theres no better podcast out there and it’s not even close. When he has a good guest the interviews are almost always good. And the guests are a good variety of fighters comics and others.

Moron, I didn’t trash his podcast. I trashed his comedy. You’re an idiot

I get it. And i mostly agree. He’s not a top notch comedian but he’s good enough to be doing it and offers a solid podcast. It’s pretty amazing he can even put together a set considering how much shit he has going on. That alpha brain is something else


Fuck Ron Bennington

Gosh Anthony tell us how you really feel

Like a washed out nigger

Never had a problem with Rogan. With Opie, Opie Roberts, fag Jim, glass house Anthony, Pig Schumer, Louis, cucked Burr, and Trevor Noah all still being alive, I have much better options for hate targets.

Joe needs to take psychoactive substances to experience revelations that normal people had at age 12. And the revelations are totally useless.

"We’re just monkeys on a ball of rock maaaaan." Yes. This is true, but it still gives no meaning to life, so unless you have further point, it’s not worth thinking about.

Joe mistakes his lazy pothead nihilism for philosophy, but philosophy is about building a framework of meaning around life, it’s not about getting high and tearing all meaning away and acting like it makes you a deep thinker for doing so.

You don't even go in depravation tanks! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Back to sensing things with you!

Numero Uno Man

He was good on that front.

...but then said he looks at male N people and thinks "I bet that guy fucks...!".