If there was ever a time for u/WiggerRich to jump in...

25  2018-03-19 by InHell1980

...now would be it:

  • Colin's heart attack.

  • Opie signing with Westwood One (because of Tim Sabean).

  • Ant being banned off twitter for the second time (and a third time today, apparently).

  • u/TheBlueAwning (Danny Ross) coming out with a round of damning allegations of true pedophilia/rape against Ant.

  • Rich writing off Opie for good.

  • Jim and Sam continuing to be a horrible show, with Jim (possibly) being pushed slowly out of SiriusXM.

  • Ant being banned from the building again (and also being banned from FoxNews, apparently).

  • Opie moving forward with the lawsuit, where he'll lose big time.

  • Ant's failed $5000 bounty.

  • M throwing Anthony a true beatdown.

  • Anthony refusing to visit his mother, which got his mother's online funeral book plastered with Chip-isms and "thoughts and prayers".


Studdup, no one cares



I thought he just did Opie.

Rapping about that other shit would just be too nerdy and kinda gay. I agree he should come back and keep killing Tits though