Symptoms of Autism: Not looking at the camera while posing for a picture

178  2018-03-19 by simbad_reb


No no, Opie was in the middle of a multi-camera photoshoot. He was looking at camera #3 but what you see there is the picture from camera No. 1.

And he's a zero.

The fawkin pawparazzi were all over the place, sniff.

he’s looking at the camera. it’s just that both of his eyes went lazy now. that’s what happens when your head is always on a swivel.

ME: I was going to say that. you beat me to it.

4 retards and one man making a horrible mistake.

one man making a horrible mistake.

You leave poor Bobo out of this

bobo makes no mistakes

Only unfortunate mishaps.

To be fair, you couldn't possibly tell what that wonky eyed faggot is looking at, he can look behind a corner with those things.

Opie's making the face of a man desperate for the world not to find out what a hopelessly-fucked mongoloid he really is.

What is going on with the Bobo here??

He's feigning outward happiness while internal panic is setting in that he's actually going to have to deliver some form of content

He isn't that self aware. He probably thinks him and Carl harassing the homeless is gold.

Opie doesn't own a lot of shirts does he

Bobo looks like someone's 48 year old aunt who's transitioning from woman to man

Was Bobo on Jim and Sam again? Which day? or is this from the last time they talked about his gofundme?

He was on today

Did you guys sneakily photoshop Sam's face again? I seriously can't tell anymore

That one looks legit. He's just not attractive.

Yeah no way I'd fuck him

I love Bobo in this picture. He’s a stupid lug. Opie is an asshat.

On the last chip podcast, bobo got upset when taking about someone that pancreatic cancer because that's how he lost his father :(

I liked it more when the didn’t incorporate him into the show and only referenced him as a fan.

Nah, I love bobo. His appearances have been some of the best on o&a

Even Bobo's sideburns look retarded

See that look on Norton's face?

Ellen Degeneres has the exact same expression when her girlfriend inserts the buttplug up her ass.

Who would have thought Bobo would end up more entertaining and useful than that Muppet Sam?

Somewhere, between "Mongrel Art Garfunkel" and "O'l Strap-On Sinead O'Connor" is the good old "Mean fat Jimmy" and "Afro-Intern Sam". Just need to bait these two back to their good old needy glory. And, hopefully they stop acting like Bobo is some kind of member of the show, and go back to making him drop-trau and horrifying guests again.

he's pretending there's a crowd of people taking pics, instead of just one drunk Mexican cook.

It’s a problem when Norton is the most normal looking one.

I guess that pic yesterday of the gang at Carl's birf were all autistic. They were all looking at diff cams.