Reminder: Anthony used to have a very fancy verified account before his first twitter bust

110  2018-03-19 by WhatTooReal

He also had a special concealed carry permit but then he beat up a small girl and the authorities took all his guns away.

He's also banned from the Sirius building.


And the chip podacast

When did this happen? What happened?

Hints were dropped on the latest podacast. The owners don't want "roaches" in the studio.


You're fucking retarded. And hilariously desperate for tidbits on your past lover, kill yourself tranny kike.

K. Brb.

And the Ron Bennington show

Where we at with the pizza slices

Can you make mine a half-slice?

He also owns a fancy car he's not allowed to drive.

He doesn't own it, he leases it.

Even better.

This dirty wop at one point bought a mustang cause that’s what white trash does when they come into some sort of wealth.

Not just any mustang, a 700hp mustang. It's like strapping a rocket to a grocery cart. Doesn't the mustang STILL have a live rear axle and ducking leaf springs?

Reminder that he used to show a video to guests of him driving his car fast on a track used by actual race cars.

I missed that one. Where does the driving ban come from?

Driving like an asshole.

He also used to be funny

I'm still hilarious.....


He's essentially Tony Atlas.

And the hetrosexual community.

He just cannot keep his mouth shut. If he hadn't freaked out on twitter to begin with we may have been able to have Jim, Sam and Ant without Opie at some point. I don't understand his obsession with social media, he is changing nothing by arguing with everyone on twitter.

Is that issue with him been banned from Sirus HQ solved? It was just suddenly they just banned him, and it wasnt something to do with " past employer not allowed back in situation" since Erock was there last time.

Do they film Chips podcast at Sirius?

No, Riotcast studio, shitfuck

With Opie now signed to a major network Ant has definitely fallen the furthest.

Do you think he'd completely lose it if came here one day and it was all posts about how much we love Opie and the new show?

He used to be rich

He also got drunk and called Ron Bennington sensitive and judgemental online. I'm sure Ron hates him now.

He also used to have a career in broadcasting and a loyal fanbase.

And then you have Jim- a man with a PHD in addiction- sitting back and allowing his best friend to fall into chasm full of tranny cum and Jaegermeister.

He got lost.

He used to be White.

I'm still white.

He also used to have a license

He also can't discreetly date transwomen anymore since he got involved with that gossip queen

It is extremely hard to get the concealed carry permit its incredibly how he fucked it all up.

They don't want a brother to succeed, let alone protect himself...

They are holding the black man down!

Only a mouthbreather cares about a blue check mark. One's opinion doesnt matter more because they have one. The fact they take it away as punishment means it's not to verify identity as Twitter claims.

It does for someone who gives a fuck about the number of followers they or anyone else have/has

fired from radio, fired from Satellite radio, fired from Twitter, fired from marriage, fired from owning guns, fired from driving, fired from Twitter (again) anything that requires a modicum of social responsibility or adhering to some mutually agreed upon conventions alludes this nitwit. If you wake up and meet an asshole, you met an asshole. If everyone you meet is an asshole? Your the asshole

He's banned from driving??

recently was...2 massive speeding tickets in his Gindaloon boy racer with gold chains Mustang. might have just gotten a conditional license back

The sad part is that the bigger issue is speech and how Twitter and Facebook stifle it. That is a problem everyone should have issues with.

“He’s also banned from the Sirius building’

*He’s also banned from the building that used to pay him a multi-million dollar salary.

Fixed that for you.

this is a good reminder. thank you for your service

Did he really get his guns taken away?

Does anybody know what the original twitter Infraction was that caused twitter to examine and terminate his account??

He also used to have a multi million dollar radio career, stupid

Remember he also got a blue check mark because he brought a twitter guy on to the show and loffed about blacks?

Hey had to ride the train to