Bobo time this morning on J&S

8  2018-03-19 by Der-Giftpilz


Yay, Sam is going to have more clips to add to that obnoxious intro

Sam will do the obnoxious over the top mocking of shit Bobo says wrong as if Bobo can't tell. Subtle opie Roberts.

The harsh reality is that if Bobo had slightly more expensive clothes and an overbearing mommy he would be Opie Roberts.

I'm sure official Mets gear costs as much as Tito Santana vintage tees.


Bobo is italian


Bobo is more talented than Sam

I hope he mentions Ants Twitter ban.

"I don't know, that's a rough one man, awlroyt?"

gib link

I wish Jimmy would take a critical interest in something other than his orgasms and grill Bobo about his internet scam. It’s what the fans want to hear, after all.

I used to think Jimmy wouldn’t go there out of some loyalty to Bobo or unwillingness to broach a sensitive topic. I’m starting to realize though that Jim has basically checked out of life. He’s given up. He literally cares only about cumming and worshiping celebrities. Bobo could announce “so I’m gonna join ISIS alroit” and Jim would just go ‘uh huh’ and return to staring at a video of a man with fake tits on his phone.

Together with Sam, the 35 year old 4 year old, they are possibly the two least interesting people in the world, so obviously they’re one of the relatively few people in America with a nationwide radio show. The world we live in is surreal.