This has become relevant (again). R.I.P. 🐜 Twitter

38  2018-03-19 by NorwayJimmy


Someone should make a montage of his tweets and have "I will remember you" playing in the background

Disrespecting his twitter's online guestbook? You fuckers take shit too far!
Fuck it. $5 to anyone who can get this place shut down.

What does Nigel Igger have to say about the death of anthonycumiaxyz?

The faggot website keeps saying I have "special characters" in my post. While I agree that I am indeed a special character, there are none. So enjoy it here instead.

2018 has been a particularly heavy year of loss for the al-Qawmiyya clan.

First, the loss of matriarch Iklil Al-Jabal Al-Qawmiyya, nee Rosemary DiLeonardi due to chronic hydrocephaly (water head disease), leaving behind her three children, Yossuf, Antuni, and Fajar.

Second, another outburst of violent protests and clashes between the ethnic minorities in Cumia’s native Tunisia.

Third, Antuni al-Qawmiyya’s right wing radical propaganda network, ‘Al-Markab” has their intellectual property seized by the Internet Service Provider and hosting site under order from Dep’t of Homeland Security. “The Compound,” as it’s called in English, was determined to be an offshoot of Wahhabist terrorist media network “The Base” (known as Al-Qaieda).

Fourth, Antuni’s social media accounts are being seized in a coordinated, Internet-wide witch hunt. Soon, his subscription-only business model will collapse because he will only boast followers in the dozens, resulting in his self-proclaimed “return to obscurity” while his business is hemorrhaging money to all his lieutenants, both criminal and legitimate, to keep his criminal empire afloat.

Thoughts and Prayers..

this might be crossing the line into real life shit, guys
