Yanks are sleeping. Post brown sauce.

0  2018-03-19 by urprobsmkemydicksoft


I'm wide awake you British scum.

Yea, real patriots never sleep.

(honesty we sleep quite often, all the high fructose corn syrup in our food causes frequent naps.)

That's a lie I never take n


Bovril is the trademarked name of a thick and salty meat extract paste similar to a yeast extract, developed in the 1870s by John Lawson Johnston. It is sold in a distinctive, bulbous jar. Bovril is owned and distributed by Unilever UK.

Bovril can be made into a drink by diluting with hot water, or less commonly, with milk. It can be used as a flavouring for soups, broth, stews or porridge, or as a spread, especially on toast in a similar fashion to Marmite and Vegemite.

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Those disgusting mother fuckers. Who the fuck wants to eat fucking meat paste


Yeesss! And and it's delicious!

Tsss im gonna put my pecka in her paul revere!!!

I’m glad the light brigade was massacred.