Could this be real? Opie's potential salary

6  2018-03-19 by FaggotSandwhich


If they’re paying him anything over $2k/month, they’re foolish and deserve the obscurity they poised to inherit.

I think Opie is the final nail in the coffin for Westwood One.

Maybe they’re trying to hasten a bankruptcy. Springtime for Opester.

$71,000 for 2 podcasts a week. In comparison to what the typical wage earner earns in America (less than $30,000) that is damn fine money. In comparison to what he used to get and where he lives and the wife and young children and property he has, that's nothing.

I think at one point they said tuition for his kids was over 30 grand a year a piece. He can hardly even afford to send his retards to 5th grade on that money now.

Somebody going to do some DOWNGRADING (get divorced and raped in it at family court).

This whole trainwreck is going the hilarious. I see a few fun months ahead.

So at $700 per show, Opie will be making less then the comics he paid, and will surely not have a budget for them. Good thing he has a half-retard, douche bag chef on Team Opie. Should be hilarious. YEEEEEAAAAHHHHH!

That website says a talk show host at Sirius makes $77k. Do you think that's what he was getting paid there? Imus' contract with Westwood One is up at the end of March. Likely Opie is getting a chunk of that money and the company is pocketing the rest.

They are in no way going to pay Opie anything near what Imus was getting. Likely they pocket the cash? Yes. Give any of it to Opie? I don't think so.

I think you overestimate the intelligence of people in the radio business in the current year.

Good point. They did pay the talent less sack millions for years.

He'll never see a dime from the belly up Westwood bustout.