It's disgusting how much of the first 10 minutes now applies to Ant

2  2018-03-18 by StraightOuttaContra



10! 20! 25! 30! AHHHHHHHHH DIAL TONE

This is the one and only good point Opie ever made. This was when Mancow was denouncing a decade of being a shock jock that made him millions of dollars.

"Stupid Mancow made millions doing shock jock radio for years and now he's 'reinventing herself.' Mancow was huge in Chicago doing shock jock radio stuff but it wasn't getting the ratings anymore so instead of putting on a better radio show in that style, he renounced the shock jock stuff totally and lied that he never did radio like that and the audience he had realized he was an unfunny liar and sellout and the ratings plummeted. This was all about money and ratings and now he's all holier than thou. If he's so great, he'll sell his big house and his fancy car and give a bunch of money, millions of dollars to charity. If its so dirty, if its all dirty, dirty money, he'll give it all up to charities and churches. But he'll never do that, because he's full of crap."

Anthony-"This all started because he got on FOX and Friends and shows like that a few times and he decided, 'Political radio is hot, I'm gonna be the next Sean Hannity!' He just thought, 'Here's my out, I can put all the gross out shock jock stuff behind me and be a respectable broadcaster!' "

i hate Opie

10! 20! 25! 30! AHHHHHHHHH DIAL TONE