Just what everyone was hoping for, a version of YKWD that costs money

33  2018-03-18 by greygooser


Damn him for using Colin as bait for his shitty paid podcast.

I'm hoping someone will upload it here like the Vos bashing Opie, but unless they're being mean it won't be funny. Sincere Bob is awful

I don't think Colin will let Bob play the sincere angle.

Colin quinn is an irrelevant comedian, who cares

Wash your mouth out.


You waited five days to comment so you could drop that jewel?

You check profiles? Psycho move

No I ran my cursor over your name and saw you had nothing in post or comment karma.

And I see you have nothing to say either, you defensive cunt.

No you check reddit profiles

Say "check profiles" again

"check profiles"

Marion: "No you're a check Reddit profiles"

so...you check profiles. it is a cunt's trick

You got me

take it back

the dude had 2 great specials in the last 3 years

And you’re being irreverent pal.

Wait til you see the tagline for the second podcast:

Bobby Kelly is stuck inside the shed.

It’s pretty fkn gross. People want to hear from Colin since his heart attack and dumb fat Bob decides to put it behind a pay wall. I hope the extra $300 in snack money was worth it Tubbo.

What's this in reference to? Was Colin on his show?

Properly fumigated, that shed will make a nice playroom for young Max in a few years.

guaranteed they will have a bit where Chip isn’t allowed in the shed but Jimmy is.

I say only let Ted Scheckler in. Or Craig Scccchinkle.

Stern poster but no Opie?

None of his “friends” telling him he needs to quit smoking cigars because it will kill him. His unnecessary 700 cigar humidor and addictive personality will ensure he reduces many years off his life.

cant wait to listen and half way thru every show it gets interrupted by pizza delivery

Cumtown put ideas into all these old geezers heads, they must be steaming seeing the mulldog's patreon.

Cumtown's Patreon is hilarious because they're not even that generous. You get the premium episodes if you give $5/month, but there's a $15 and a $25 price range too where you don't get anything extra for giving more, and about 10% of people still pay it. And the monthly money thresholds are just random bullshit Mullen writes, and they keep hitting them.

Chapo probably has money coming to it from other places then just listeners, a lot of these political shows and websites (right n left) have major backers to prop them up.

left yes, right I don't think there is one example.

Downvoted for truth it seems.

this place is bombarded by faggots coincidentally chapo trap house fans

Fucking commies

Need to balance it out with more of them r/milliondollarextreme autists.

CumTown's business model is better and more profitable in every way. These old fuck comics are so delusional.

i listend to cum town for a few months and it was funny at first then i realized it was just babble woth that one kid doing hard core laughing breaks every 5 minutes.

im astounded they make that much a month. but it must make guys like Ant, bobby and vos and def louis j gomez so pissed hahahaha

This week they didn't even put out a bonus episode.

I saw that. I was to say that's because Stav's sick, Nick actually did his spot in Philly on Saturday.

One on ones? So he charges more not to have fourteen open-miccers talking over each other?

Bobby's doing this because he had too much trouble getting his serious "Look dude..." statements out on YKWD. Guaranteed this will be insufferable unless people like Colin are on every episode.

I don't begrudge any of these guys trying to make a buck but I can't see how anybody would spend money on this type of shit.

especially since he has the YKWD studio.

And it's already terrible there.

He's found a new deduction, that's all.

The accountants are loving the direction of the new show.

Judd Appetite

Wheezing cough laugh ...... repeat for the next hundred years

Arthur Lange

Kevin Hartattack

Fat Fuck in the Cuck Shed

Nice intro stupid

I guess there are enough people who'd pay to listen to all these self-indulgent comedians ramble on about next to nothing for about an hour once a week for $2 shy of a Netflix or Hulu account. I was moronically under the impression that all these podcasts were essentially ways for the comedians to advertise their upcoming club appearances and vehicles to stay relevant to fans. I'm such a civilian.

The timing is just right too, considering that YKWD fucking sucks now. I'm guessing the Colin episode is just a one-off, but I suppose it's possible he'll be using this one to actually have some interesting people on. The problem is that Fatso has started to suck pretty badly himself.

I suspect the motive to do an additional show behind a paywall while maintaining a free show is an attempt to swindle their more gullible fans while not giving up the free advertisements they can get out to as many people as possible with their free shows.

How can these pay-to-watch/listen podcasts be any better than their free versions? Have these comedians been holding back? Deliberately being less entertaining on their free podcasts?

Doesn't he already put the few good YKWDs behind a paywall as "premium" episodes?

Everyone is chasing CumTown. Which is sad because, not only do they have no overhead, they don't even give a shit if it does well.

If stanhope, burr, and whoever else is doing podcasts shrunk their timeslot down to ~30 minutes and did it no more than once a week, it might actually be worst listening to. Nope, just throwaway, uninteresting talk about everyday shit, and filler

nothing like a hard rock intro for a comedy show

This one is more intimate, where Bob talks more about himself, his kid, his sexless marriage..

and the guests are required to agree with him.

just a couple guys smoking cigars

what the fuck is with that editing? it's hard to look at for more than a few seconds

I want to burn that shed down so badly. Just to stop whatever is going to come from it.

Why the shed ? Was the pig sty being occupied ?

He would do better giving it away and partnering, but Bobby the tech Blob follows his own path of retardation. His product isn't valuable.

It's almost impossible to make money online, unless you still physical goods. That's just a fact. Also I can't stand this 5-6 people chat at the same time podcasts.

the future is now old man

Is this the same shed as Bobby's cuck shed?

Bob isn't funny or interesting, and he never was.

YKWD is not very good. In fact, it is not good at all.

Bobby is the least funny part of YKWD.

Oh good, this way they can afford to have 20 comics talk over each other instead of the usual 15.

Well, it DID work so well for Ant...

This is fucking tacky. The first opportunity fans have to hear Colin in long form after nearly croaking and fatboy wants to profit from it. Hope one of his dumb cigars sets the shed alight with him in it.

I don't know about the actual show, but I'm not a fan of the length of that intro, the editing, the 1990's fake lens flare effect and I don't know what him lighting up a cigar is supposed to mean. Do people think they look cool sucking on a stinky penis shaped thing?

I think he wanted to show the weird artwork he has at home, so they could have incorporated some quick shots with a DSLR, not a cell phone, and then just show him standing there, or sitting about to interview someone...A quick 5-15 sec max would do.