
14  2018-03-18 by psudude66

Ant is Mancow now. He used to mock Mancow for going from "shock"/comedy shows to political, while trying to be a legit voice in politics. He also has a "turd", he just calls him Keith....

Look on YouTube for his pants on Mancow and see...


pants on Mancow

Why do I have a feeling it's another British term. Can't keep up with all of them poisoning this Christian sub.

maybe pants on head?

The incident were Ant lost his pants at Mancow's, according to "reddit".

Most of us understood that radio wars were bullshit

Hate to kill the whimsical speculation but I believe he meant β€œRants”


Mancow has more listeners than that ghoul.

A fitting direction for two men with a rich history of stimulating give and take on the airwaves.

He speaks like an "edgy" right wing political talking head and says he "defends traditional values" but he's a high school flunkout that smoked crack with his mom. He did try to get this alt right play off the ground but he lost Gavin McInnes and nobody else is going to come on board after the domestic abuse and the date rape allegations.

Not to mention Mr. Family Values is trying to cash in on a dying heroin junkie that gets high in Anthony's building during those little "bathroom breaks." It takes a real sleaze to try to cash in on Artie now.