Jim & Sam are going to be butt hurt Shawn Wayans was taking shots at their favorite guest

13  2018-03-17 by scorezman


Enough of this smelly skank.

Anyone who took this bitches side over LJG should be shot.

I wish that white porn chick that Mary Jean physically attacked at Jim & Sam's last live event would have had her arrested and then sued the crazy bitch. Hopefully she would have lost that beauty salon she keeps yapping about.


Wayans: And it's such an honor to do the show...

ME: Gahhd dammnn!

That was so cringeworthy, just another example of how unaware and delusional Opie is at all times.

What's the crime rate in that part of the building? I'm sure Howard doesn't walk through it alone.

No wonder she’d rather hangout with two white queens.

Even if I genuinely liked Jim, Sam, and their show, I would have stopped listening because they have this gutter trash skank on so often. Jim's fascination with her is the most annoying aspect of his personality.

when was this?

Judging by the fact it's Shawn Wayans, it was anytime from 1995 to 2004.

nice sunglasses, stupid


I wish that white porn chick that Mary Jean physically attacked at Jim & Sam's last live event would have had her arrested and then sued the crazy bitch. Hopefully she would have lost that beauty salon she keeps yapping about.