The political makeup of this sub is fucking bizarre

141  2018-03-17 by BrocialistFuckboi4U

One thread you have guys calling (((them))) out with 50 upvotes and the next thread you have people defending the Parkland kids from Ant’s grandpa ranting.

That’s part of what makes this place so great. No one really gives a shit what you believe as long as you’re funny and/or like to troll elderly radio hosts.


This sub is really turning into a backpatting fag-circle just because it’s not politically dogmatic. It’s like someone with a 71 IQ praising his own erudition for not being a fucking retard.

I've seen this sub called liberal snowflakes in one post, and alt-right "The_Donald" rejects the next. Our political affiliation seems to be more reflective of who we are annoying at any given moment.

Nah, this place is pretty conservative across the board. Save the few Swedish and British infiltrators.

Speak for yourself.

Classical liberals count as conservatives. Current liberalism is a mental disorder.

You're probably some goofy European.

See? Dave Rubin even posts here.

He says classical liberal, but he just means gay.

I’m from New York. You’re probably some goofy Infowars incel.

Democrats get called leftists here.

Only communists are left. Everyone right of Lenin is a rightwinger.

Oh god, keep this tedious bullshit for your the_donald posts you queer.

Lol...this Sicboy69 feels the need to defend niggers at every turn and he claims to be Italian.

What a bitch

he shits up every single post hs sticks his faggot jewnose in

You & your pal u/therealjayoakerson stink up every post with nonsense political garbage & never even attempt to post anything that resembles humor.

I never post anything political unless you count that time I said "fuck orange drumpf cheeto russia jerkface peetape guy" but I was just agreeing with you.

I'm still with her too, bro. We should totally blow eachother.

“We should totally blow each other” now you’re speaking my language.

*annoyed by

I actually love when we get outsiders

It's almost like the people on the extreme fringes of either side of the political spectrum are all idiots.

It seems like that, but it isn’t

Politics schmolitics. Who cares about politics? I got a wife and kids to feed.

I hope you step on a rusty nail at the job site Regular Joe

You give me someone who's pro-union and knows the struggles of the working man, that's all I need. That and my lunch pail.

unions exist to keep shitty employees from getting fired.

Nice job missing the joke, Stupid.

Your lips to God’s ears, brother.

/u/dackots thinks we should partially legalize child porn and partially allow slavery. he's a true moderate.

I don't think you understand politics. Or anything.

Yeah, it's the faaawking centrists like me who are the best ones! I mean, look at those stupid believers in shit, better to keep your head on a swivel!

To be honest this sub is more consistent in its beliefs than any political affiliation. Its all meant to be one long fawkin joke. No political stances. Just comedy all at the expense of others and most dont get that. Peckas.

There's a bunch of right wing faggots that have latched onto the sub because of Ant. They don't like humor, they like having their beliefs reaffirmed.

Aren't you Canadian?.

You're the biggest left wing faggot mod of them all.

I love that you think that all groups of people are the same. Get out of the basement and live your life. Actually interact with people in places outside of Reddit.

shut up, faggot.

Get on your knees and suck my dick, like a good little bitch.

that's more like it.

I've interacted with very diverse groups of people much more than you ever have I'm sure.

That's probably why I'm way smarter than you on every level.

Only a suburbun white faggot would assume the way you do. 😂

You should visit r/iamverysmart

Perfect for you

No it's prolly better for YOU!


Yet I don't humorlessly post political memes that I found on Facebook so everyone can rally around me.

Neither do I. I don't even have a Facebook account.


Well ultra lefties are much less likely to have tolerated or much less enjoyed a show like O&A in the first place, so that alone excludes most of Reddit. Ant definitely attracts the alt-right, and the rest are probably somewhere in the middle.

Actually a lot of “ultra-leftists” in the male 20s-30s bracket grew up listening to O&A, which is why far-left podcasts like CTH are heavily influenced by the tone and humor of classic O&A. Most of reddit isn’t far-left, they’re milquetoast liberals and the far-left hates them just as much if not more than the right does. The average socialist or anarchist sub spends way more time dunking on liberals and democrats than on Nazis and ancaps.

Thank you for pointing this out its completely true.

I mean, yeah. But it goes both ways.

I'd say this sub is the most inclusive place on reddit. We let the Brits stay after all.

This place really humbles my bullshit when I'm not being funny.

We even have a token black girl

And we've even started admitting homosexuals such as yourself.

We used to have a black guy too. But he killed his kid.

I believe you mean exchanged the life of his child for high fidelity audio.

Let's not get carried away here... It was a Vizio.

Vizio isn't a real brand, it's just a label. Other people make the products and they buy the right to stick their shitty logo on it. That was a Sony or LG soundbar in disguise.

I'm aware. I wouldn't consider either of those (or any sound bar) "high fidelity" audio.

I don't even know what high fidelity audio means, but I know that Bucks Super Stereo in Boogie Nights said his shitty old 8-track player had it so I gotta assume it's pretty standard in 2018 for all speakers? Or is that retarded?

It's just another way of saying "high quality." Doesn't really mean anything on it's own.

its the highest fidelity you can get

That 8-track player wasn't shitty. It was modified with the TK421, which kicked it up another three or four quads per channel. But that's techincal stuff it really doesn't concern you.

fucking civilians, ammirite?

Well it isn't low fidelity.

Lower middle fidelity.

She’s barely a black.

one drop of chocolate in the milk is more than enough

Enough to not get her blood taken as far as I'm concerned!

We have a niglet? Damn I have been spending way too much time away lately.

Not enough, faggot.

Admit right now that you knew about Bam’s_Seed, but you just needed a reason to say “niglet”

We love Jew women('s tits), trannies, and even listened to a radio show starring an interracial couple with their pet worm. Top tier inclusion.


Khazar Milkers*

you're a worthless faggot. You are head of the Opie Hughes fan club.

/u/Chrowawayface shoot yourself you stupid chimp

Thanks for the encouragement

We don't hate Islam, so naturally they feel welcome.

you couldn't kick us out if you tried

You got some idea how my wife's pussy's supposed to smell?

I don't let those bongs stay, they can't even properly take care of their teeth.

There has been a definite uptick in hardcore trumpfags the last couple of weeks. And I say that as someone who supports the guy, these fucks are the proper mental case types. God knows wtf they're doing here or how they're stupid enough to take all the shtick seriously.

this sub is equal opportunity, as in everyone has an equal opportunity to get shit on.

Unless you call white people stupid. In which case it's DOWNVOTE CITY!!!

We've all got our limits, you dumb cracka.

Thank you for not using the hard "R."

"Cracker" is OUR word.

Nice setting up your own joke, stupid.

What an N person

True affirmative action here.

Don't fall for it. This sub is just two or three guys with hundreds of alt accounts. That wide breadth of political opinions you see is just smoke and mirrors.

Reddit is just automatically generated comments and advertisements used to deprive you of sleep and prevent you from advancing your life.


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If this sub is so "unbiased" then how come I get downvoted every time I post? Huh? You can’t explain that.

tide comes in, tide goes out. can't explain it.


Anthony is a North African pedo who larps as a Christian conservative. He's a fucking fugazi.

He hates that he's Catholic

Jews being pernicious and nepotistic and Americans having an irrational love for guns do not contradict each other.

Apples and oranges, right?

Me? I like bananas. I love to gag on a stiff banana. Know what I mean?

The liberals here should off themselves

If my Jew what? Does my taxes or sumpthin?

Mother nigga!

We all voted for Gary Johnson here. Tsss.. maybe we'll vote for Richard Johnson next time. PECKAHZ!

I wrote in Warren Jeffs

I wrote in the ghost of George Wallace.

Your political compass doesnt matter here, just make sure you catch voss at carolines the 26, and 27.




Voss Water?

It's his drool

Our sacred cows are Colin (White), Vos (Jew), Patrice (Black), Bobby (???), and several mentally ill women. It's practically The Electric Company.

How dare ya. Colm's not white. He's Irish. His grandmother would spit on ya for lumping sweet Colm in with the WASPs.

Bobby ( Buddha)

wait wait... eclectic company or sumthin


Far too clever for Chip

"That's a little too clever for Chip..."

"Faaaaawk yeah"

Throughout o&a I've heard bobby claim Irish German and Italian individually.

Puerto Rican



Wax candle

Don't forget Fez (queer)

That's (crazy)

Patrice is a dead fat nigger and convicted rapist.

Rest In Piss, Fat Black Jesus

Ban this fuck boy please

Does the truth upset you, faggot?


Lol...of course it's you. Another leftist faggot that posts here.

Am I also a libtard snowflake? Why don’t you lay some of that alpha truth on me , you try-hard tough guy.

Jesus dude are you fucking nuts?? u/therealjayoakerson is about to verbally thrash you. I'm just warning you, he's alpha as fuck and super duper MAGA... the guy ain't no joke

A problem, if you will...

I don’t know if I can handle someone who uses parentheses as insults. Makes me shake in my boots.

The ladies must love this guy.

He's a fuckin rebel ya know? He just puts it all out there and don't care who hears it. A realist some might say

A hero who needs worshipping. I salute him.

Well, he carries a printout of his testosterone levels to show them without solicitation. So yes, he's very popular with them.

Another triggered (((white))) guy.

Oh man, ima just hold my tongue cuz i can tell you're ready to tell it like it is at any time

Good thinking, buddy! I was gonna tell you how the democrats are the real racists and israel is our greatest ally!

You need to learn, young sapling.

Those terms seem to bother you. I wonder why?

Are you a white guy?

Bobby (fat)

Also we have a Bobo.

Bobby is clearly an aged Vietnam half breed

This guy gets it.

Norm (Canadian)


Aldi Colin is clearly a fag

Better rock down to at Eletric Avenue or sumthin'! FaAAAWK YeaaaH!

I nominate Chris Rock.

None of that makes sense. Are you having a stroke?


I'd say this sub is mostly right leaning but don't like either side being faggots about their views. Don't be a proud boy or an sjw

Pretty much. I'm a right leaning spic but have to lean left by proxy...

Left jean leg still soggy?

We really are the best, huh guys?

you guys are the best circle jerk i've ever been a part of

Who wouldn't suck their own cock?

i thought you'd never ask, lets get the party started

We did it reddit!

Though we go after (((them))) and say some odd shit to people, we wouldn't go as far as to attack people who saw their school friends get gunned down.

We'll leave that for a Nigerian vampire named Antwan.

I would. Fuck that bald dyke and her dumb friends.

rgr that

Their opinions on legislation is as irrelevant as that black kid who survived it and said he was convinced after he needed a gun. They're kids that witness a traumatic event, I dont' care about their opinion it's irrelevant.

we wouldn't go as far as to attack people who saw their school friends get gunned down.

I would. by your logic we shouldn't make fun of Sherrod because he witnessed a few drive-bys.

There's a very large amount of people on both sides, and a large part who doesn't care about any of it.

I'll never say anything racist, but I'd never judge the racists fucks here. Do your thing homeys. We all just a group of weirdos who spent a few thousand hours listening to something we sorta hate now.

Quit trying to deflect from your dick loving

politics is massively retarded, you must have a disease to expend energy on issues you in reality have no say in.

You belong at r/iamverysmart

linking that un-ironically ruins it


you know what I meant, stupid

What are you trying to say?

I didn't give a fuck about politics either and felt the same way until the 2016 election when I started noticing how much the media was lying, distorting and omitting things. Then "pizzagate" happened and I spent like 12+ hours every single day for months literally losing my mind seeing the stuff that was and is still being discovered and ignored by the entire msm and 99% of the population. If anyone still isn't aware of the details much beyond the desperate nonsense narrative the msm has tried to sell of "people claiming that HRC was running a child sex ring from a pizza shop", then you owe it to yourself to watch this little documentary on it highlighting the real claims. At least watch it to half way (about 22 minutes)

everyone knows media is slanted, everything is biased - even science. doesn't mean you have to care about political issues not immediately affecting your life.

Yeah, but hatred pedophilia unites us against Anthony

Pedophilia unites us

Is that why Joe hates us?

Yeah so crazy, it’s almost as if all people are NOT the same. It’s all like what the fudge, cuz.

On most subreddits they are, and any opposing opinions are squashed, or you see a 50/50 split.

I don’t wanna get all gay and wax poetic about this place, but I do love anything that’s not one sided. Even if it’s the side I’m on I hate it. It just makes me feel dumber. Agendas and narrative ruin everything. And the only agenda this place has is mocking and shaming overhyped “professionals” in comedic ways. And I’m all for that. Tranny cock aside

Que se joden pendejos! Los quiero mucho.


Chinga tu madre mijo

  • Hates blacks, loves Patrice.

  • Hates Jews, loves Vos.

  • Hates SJW's, attempts to ruin careers of those they disagree with.

  • Hates the shows and doesn't listen, posts about any and all trivial things that happen.

This place is like the racist child of irony and hypocrisy.

Hey Hey hey bud not all of us hate Jews

You got any better ways to pass the time?

Jesus Christ, fam. Lighten up and concentrate on your Blue Apron box-packing job in Linden, New Jersey. Your life can't be that meaningless that you troll this subreddit looking for redemption.

Make sure my Blue Apron box is sealed properly and delivered on time.

Your joke is so shitty I don't even know what that means.

That's because you're a stupid retard. Read it again. Read it again five times and maybe you'll understand it, idiot.

Well if I have to Google "Blue Apron" to get your fucking joke, how good could it have been.

I pray for idiots like you, who throw away a great life because he doesn't like being shown singing Karaoke with Anthony Cumia on Paltalk every night.

Too bad that didn't work out for you.

who throw away a great life

Yeah, that middle-middle class salary in NYC was simply opulence defined.

*I don't care about this place. I'd love to see this place disappear. *I hate people here. People here, please keep validating me with attention. *I am not bothered by being called a tranny/kike. I'm so tired of being called a tranny/kike. *Give me your address tough guy! Why would I show up, I'm not an idiot!

Kike. Tranny. Bar maid. Danny is a fag fuckin douche bag Danny is a fa-a-a-ag fag.

Kike. Tranny. Bar maid. Danny is a fag fuckin douche bag Danny is a fa-a-a-ag fag.

Bro, you just won Fag, Kike, Bartender!!!!! Grand prize. Bravo.

Pontificating asshole. Go fuck your mother.

a great case study for this odd spectrum is the Ronnie B vs Colin Flaherty confrontation. I'd imagine most people are like me, and don't necessarily disagree with anything that old dentured man brought up. But because he was proactively pissing in Ronnie's comedy cereal, nobody takes his side because it's not entertaining.

political humor is all that anyone does anymore. I really miss just enjoying funny people being funny and not worrying about which side they fall on.

It has been funny on Facebook because I was posting in gun control forums that Jesus gave me my guns. People then went off calling me a religious nut and I'd reply with "How does buying guns off my undocumented gardener make me a religious nut." It was good to give my brother and me some fun laughs at the meltdowns.

Oof, thanks for sharing

Also he made poor Ronnie poop his pants.

Good point

There's enough hate in my heart for everyone


I nominate this for the sidebar.

i saw someone photoshop the moslem holding the jews severed head with that smile on her face. it was pretty good.

Post it or GTFO.

I was hoping it was some kind of video.

nigger i said photoshop. typically not the first choice for video editing.

Well, FUCK ME for my mistake. I want to suck your dick some day to make up for my inconsequential error that exactly zero people care about except you.

it wasnt even that great an image i feel like i let you down im sorry

Let me send you a Patreon donation to make up for it.

and your post which is brimming with positivist and good vibes got upvoted

Who saw that coming? you're right, you can't figure this place out

The only thing we agree on is you should commit a hate crime and suicide by cop. Godspeed.

“Whatever in creation exists without my smug remarks exists without my consent.”

David Hogg is a Crisis Actor !

It's because everyone here says one thing and does another, no real convictions at all. Complain about a radio show while listening everyday, then claim you haven't listened in months or unsubscribed.

Let's be honest, we're just suffering for content and will listen to/agree with anybody at all as long as they keep talking.

Is this what you do? I genuinely haven't listened to a new jim and sam or aa show for months, although I don't complain about them either.

The only political affiliation I subscribe to is hate mongering.

makes this place so great

lol youre all turncoat faggots that will switch on a dime

dont butter up your spinelessness

i don't think the sort of people that supports those mongrel looking Parkland kids has made a single quality joke on this site. They are probably Opie fans

Is there anything worse than ‘this is why we are so great’ posts in here?


nice kike, stupid.

I still believe that most of the white people in this reddit have lesser IQ points than Vos. Also, that Bams_Seed is an Uncle Tom. I'm a spic by the way.

You know, your description is pretty much me in a nutshell. I'm not consistent. I don't care for how some immigrants behave, but I'm for immigration in principle. I dream of murdering gypsy's, but I'm for open borders. I am ultra right economically, but schools and healthcare, roads and rails need to be run by the government.

Also no one should have guns.

It's almost like these super narrow political parties don't accurately represent people.

Nice observation, stupid.

Nice observation, stupid.

That song How Bizarre by OMC was really good.

Personally, I'm a good person because I like to give other people's money to those in need.

I don't like the political makeup of this sub; so many people use too much eye shadow.

I hate anybody who believes shit to begin with. All of em can eat a turkey for all I care.

As long as you can fool anyone into believing into something, it's fine.

Niggers make me sick! Oogie boogie, nigger! Oogie boogie!

Please dont make political posts like this well have to start deleting them

Vizio isn't a real brand, it's just a label. Other people make the products and they buy the right to stick their shitty logo on it. That was a Sony or LG soundbar in disguise.

Reddit is just automatically generated comments and advertisements used to deprive you of sleep and prevent you from advancing your life.

Your joke is so shitty I don't even know what that means.

Good thinking, buddy! I was gonna tell you how the democrats are the real racists and israel is our greatest ally!

You need to learn, young sapling.

Is this what you do? I genuinely haven't listened to a new jim and sam or aa show for months, although I don't complain about them either.

Thank you for pointing this out its completely true.