Women in 2018

78  2018-03-16 by EskimoEscrow


Is this making the rounds on 4chan yet?

What does it even mean? The MCM site shows all-male upper management. The existence of these women in the world led a bunch of incompetent dudes to do a bad job apparently?

The women were the engineers that designed the bridge. And one could make the argument that the male upper-management were too scared to come down on them, for fear of being called sexist.

Unless the management team are engineers themselves, why would they question? They have no idea if it would work, they just see an engineer's approval stamp and the cost. However, if they knew something was awry and didn't say anything then they should be criminally charged along with the incompetent woman designer.

But we don't know if it failed due to design or execution .. I heard it was being stress-tested while cars where underneath. If that's true, that is criminally negligent and whoever allowed that is quite the dummy.

Just shows anything involing women and math fails.

The vice president and operations manager of this firm are both engineers. The president and founder has 45 years of construction experience.

So they're bridge-designing engineers by day and then moonlight as college professors all over the country? That sounds like it would be taxing, but I think this is just a poor attempt at humor.

They should be in the kitchen by day and the bedroom at night. Nothing else matters

well now they can all be called murders and incompetents instead lol

This public post shows the director of safety at MCM reviewing the bridge.


Latino and a black? Better jump to another bias group!!!

Says that shit site Squawker. That’s the only place I’ve read this & that website is clearly not biased & doesn’t have an agenda…🤔


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I don't understand this one. Did the construction company hire FIU professors?

No the two groups of women are obviously only related in terms of feminist STEM teachers and female engineers who work at MCM.

An English professor is the first woman quoted.

How powerfully fucking stupid are all of you?

only slightly

Why hasn't Tranthony tweeted this yet?

Cuz there are no black people involved in story.

But women are the niggers of genders

The one on the lower right looks like Bob Kelly.

You know what duuuude Ya gotcha affirmative action hires Ya gotcha missing support beams boom ya crush a bunch of cubans

You know what duuuude a new bridge opened up ya walk across it the thing collapses boom ya blame it on women architects

hahaha got. a. nigga!


Holy fuck, that is uncanny.

You know what duuuuuude ya gotcha women posing in hard hats, ya gotcha social engineering that pressures women into fields they aren't predisposed to boom ya kill a bunch of people.

Nice bridge, stupid.

this makes no sense, but I’m going with it and I totally agree. The low resolution makes it even better

A lot of angry, incel autism.

that’s ok. if you can’t make it enough money for escorts, just hold out another 15 years for VR

Rochell is such a delusional racist.

Who gets credit for doing and developing mathematics, who is capable in mathematics, and who is seen as part of the mathematical community is generally viewed as White.

HAHAHA idiot. That's Asian's.

She even capitalizes the 'w' in White. Good girl.

What's funny is Russians and Indians get super pissed when you describe only gooks as Asians because they'll tell you that they're Asian too.

Vradimir Putin.

good goyrl

Next time just hire the right Man for the job

Why is there affirmative action on stuff that matters like infrastructure. I understand sales or retail jobs but not real responsibilities that should only go to the most qualified regardless of race or sex. I'm terryfied to travel to most cities now cause of this. I've seen it in school women allowed into stem degrees for just having a cunt.


Why are you afraid to just say kikes, you dog whistling faggot.

Soical engineering is why

Bluntness takes all the fun out of it

And class...

Just a moment ago, I was saying to myself, "Why would anyone believe this is real? Oh, yeah. Lots of these guys also think that Jews somehow run the world from the maybe 8 cities in the world that they actually live.

Well, usually when you own shit, you tend to have the final say in that shit aswell.

Right and they run a shadow game wherein they just make it appear like Protestants run the banking industry to anyone that actually understands it while they secretly call the shots. And they would get away with it if it weren't for those pesky internet commenters. I know.

And it's not like if you own a company or something, you get to define the policy-rules, or have influence over decision-makers. I mean it's clearly the protestant lobby group Aipac that has the absolute most influence over US-politics. Clearly a protestantic group btw.

Have you ever done business with or had to fight Jews in City Hall? I have. AIPAC is powerful because of money, the fact that Jews are excellent at organizing and their fucking incessant stubbornness. There is no conspiracy.

In all seriousness, how do you think they would enforce their nefarious rule? They are small in number and easily taken advantage of physically. Why do all of the world's empires bow to them?

No, because i don't deal with jews. With jews, you lose.

You can't trust them, because they will always act in the own interests. Which is the problem because their interest is that of being like you said, inferior physically and in numbers so they will always be paranoid and neurotic, to the point of being maniacs. They deep down hates us because they fear us. The root of the problem is that even though they fear us, they have to live with or more likely off of us because they can't create or uphold their own societies, they have always lived off of others more stable societies like parasites or like the gypsies (another plague upon european nations). So they always want to live off of us but want to stay separate because they are a different people, but still want to blend in but deep down inside know they don't belong, see us as below us because their religion teaching them that they are the chosen ones and we're mere animals to them. But with a constant paranoia off being "caught" or we turning our backs on them and trying to kill them off (which is were the holocaust-thing started, they already had tried to claim that shit decades before, look it up, my country block those sites nowadays).

Why empires nowadays bow to them is because ever since the french-revolution they gained a financial and political foothold in society thanks to the meaningless wars of Napoleon and Robespierre killing off the aristocracy of France. From there they have been financing both sides of wars for centuries basically, gaining more and more power and financial means and most importantly, they beat their most worthy opponent in WW2 and has reigned the world ever since. Not only via direct power, but via power of the mind and information aswell. They have had direct control over what type of information, entertainment, education and propaganda that has come out for the last century basically. They have also have had direct influence over several ideologies and ideas shaping our society, like the sexual revolution, the cultural revolution of the 60's, the hippie-movement, the communist-revolutions, the neo-conservative movement, the liberalist-movement, the capitalist-movement and so on and so forth.

All you have to ask yourself is why is it basically forbidden and socially outlawed to say you care more about your own people as a white person than money, ideas, gender or sex with fags?

Get this man a beer

Nah, it's filled with estrogen and makes you grow boobs.

listen guy its a figure of speech. this is the internet I have no beer for you anyway.

Wouldn't have known that.

How long have you’ve been a full blown Nazi?

Why would you wanna now.

Just curious.

Of course not. I'm not even a socialist.

However, what pushed me over the edge was having to deal with arabs.

Everyone thinks in their own self interest, they are just upfront about their preferences. White christians tend to hire christians and so on. It's not a giant fucking conspiracy, it's tribal and they are just better at keeping the tribe well fed and armed to the teeth. It's not a hive mind thing either, their culture and religion is very anti other groups.

The problem is that they hate us and wants to kill us off.

You're retarded. Got it.

Nice argument stupid.


Kikes infest cultures of their host nations, push their own obscene views and destroy the national identity.

What obscene views are they pushing? Do tell

anything that is sexually perverted, a jew is behind it.

listen kike, your kind has done enough harm. its gonna be dealt with sooner than later.

Such vague accusations. I like how you think that every Jew is exactly the same and has the EXACT same agenda. Just twisted ignorance. Not a single ethnicity/group on this planet are unified on their beliefs and the way they approach life. Good people in every group, and bad people in every group.

I do think there are good jews who have denounced their culturural infestation and have been noble Americans, who have not been the type of jew I speak of. There are plenty of jewish plumbers and normal folk who I am not really referencing. I speak of the elite in New York and LA.

It is in the Jewish nature to push for "open borders" in their host countries and acceptance but within their own homeland they have militarized borders and a homogeneous society.

All that the Jew does, I do not think it is a conspiracy among them, It is simply their nature in the same way all the squirrels collect nuts in the forest - they are not conspiring to collect all the nuts, they just do it by nature. The biggest lie we live today is that we think we are somehow not animals. Just like within the animal kingdom their are predators, prey, parasites etc. Same with Humans. Jews are a parasite. constant victim mentality, constant grubbing for shekels. Having lived in NYC and LA every jew I have ever encountered within a higher-class business setting has been a true swindler and it's been mind bending.

I do strongly believe in the aspect of human individuality, and the prospect for any person to be their own man or woman. I am speaking in general terms in the way Jewish ideals are presented in media, art, entertainment etc. on a mass scale

EVERYONE in a higher class business setting is looking to fuck over everyone else. That’s what they do. They can be Jewish, Italian, Chinese, etc. it does not matter because that is what they are paid to do.

Most rich people are assholes who got rich by fucking over other people. That’s how this world works.

It’s a class warfare issue.

But please, blame Jews for everything. It’s hysterical.and ignorant.

well considering all the christians and asians had some sort of ethical code, the jews never had one.

Whatever man. Either you are a blind goy or one of the tribe and in either case there is no opening your eyes. good day to you.


Are you jewish or not? It's a major factor in this convo right now

Tell me about your ethical code. Enlighten me.

to make it simple, Jews are very difficult to deal with. Like you are bing now. I can clearly tell you are a jew, unable to have a moment of self reflection for your people.

Good day to you.

I’m asking about YOUR ethical code. Still haven’t answered me. That’s very rude on your part. A man with high morals/ethics would gladly answer me.

My ethical code is to not be a swindler and look for every way to benefit at the cost of someone else every single moment of my life. Something your people can't do. Simple

Only to a Jew do you have to explain Jewish nature because everyone else just understands.

Again, you show your ignorance by grouping millions of individuals into a collective hive mind. Go back to Stormfront and preach your Nazi shit over there. Another coward who can’t say this nonsense in real life.

  • A Jew cries in horror every time they strike you.

but for real how many fucking times did I tell you I believe a person has the ability to be their own man or woman because I value individuality among everything. Stop looking to be a victim.

Oh trust me. I’m not looking to play the victim card. You sound a lot like r/piggyboi. He spouted all the same nonsense.

He ran off like a little bitch when i confronted him. Hopefully you won’t do the same thing. I like being entertained. Keep on talking about your high level Nazi ethics.

U simply use the shield of the holocaust and everyone who criticizes a jew is a nazi. Nice work, Bolshevik.

As an english person, you can criticize me but what shocking, victim-hood name can I call you in retaliation? Like how u can call me a"nazi" astounding.

See how ur culture has manipulated a tragic world event, wwii as a whole, and use it as a tool to further jewish agenda through a constant vicitm hood. U went right to calling me nazi. Predictabl

What would you rather I call you? white trash? Klansman? Inbred?

Calling you a Nazi is going too far. I apologize for that. Can you find it in your ethical heart to forgive me?

This afternoon I had some legal paperwork done, and the dude who did it was Jewish. I've never seen such attention to detail. In the past, I'd generally hired whoever was the cheapest, but I'm starting to see why their reputation is stellar when it comes to Law.

Either you are a kike or just a person who never learned about history.

Its just blind hatred the jew is booted out of every country to host them right?

You aren’t terrified, faggot. Don’t overreact like they do.

Yeah I am and you should be as well. More of these will happen in the next year's to come

oh no, this does not look good for women lmao

I don’t understand what they’re trying to say. That maths is inherently misogynistic and racist?

I wonder what the the most racist number is.

I don't know what "meritocracy" means. And for fear of turning gay/female, I will not google it.

1 because it looks like a peckah.



Women. Not even once.

What if they don't become a "woman" until they are 25?

a bunch of uppity cunts constructed a poorly built bridge that killed some people

MCM's executive team is entirely male. They were the construction management firm on the project.

The designer is the FIGG Bridge Group. Couldn't find much out about them.

"It's okay to believe obvious disinformation as long as it supports my views!"

Yeah, MCM's director of safety is male. He personally reviewed the bridge that collapsed. The meme is probably just trolling. MCM's technical workforce appears to be mostly male and maybe a few women project managers and HR managers.

I'd be okay with it if it were just trolling, but it's right wing SJWs using blatantly false information to promote their dipshit political views. It's faggoty when the left does it, and it's faggoty when these jabronis do it, too.


Look at the team.

That's the university, which is going to be pozzed as shit.

I'm sure the black one is pleasant to work with.

Lorne Michael's seem to like it

"we're gonna like... Build a bridge and stuff"

Omg like white men are ruining like everything so like math teachers should teach about social justice stuff <- literally what one of these dumb shitty bridge making cunts said.

too bad you can't type a vocal fry

Fuck you I had to watch a video of Kim Kardashian demonstrating what it was

either that or raise the voice at the end so it sounds like a question

"The society which scorns excellence in plumbingas a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity will have neithergood plumbing nor good philosophy:neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water."

The thoughts of feminists on engineering has all the validity as the thoughts of termites on our foreign policy with Mars. Meritocracy is not a conspiracy. It is the only way to get bridges that don't fall down as soon as you build them.

Back in my days, you didn't just take pictures of yourself and the work you were doing, you were making sure the job was done correctly.

Then i could get back home and have cup of coffee feeling satisfied.

Leave the photographs to the muckity mucks over at the sales department, taking a selfie means a five minute break in my line of work. You got those fancy phones now, the only calls I take is from the foreman on my radio. No time for that headbook stuff either. In this crew we only share our hard work. Status: work working that's what I say.

Damn right, you punch in, do your work, punch out. You're not there to fidget around.

Fake and gay.

I love it

The diversity movement kills. When people hire based on gender and skin color instead of talent, this is what happens.

I love the smell of a freshly fucked cunt.

How fucking sad and shitty is your life that you have to put these montages together

Is this confirmed anywhere besides that website Squawker? That’s t(e only place I seen as searched for info on this subject & that website appears to be a propaganda website for the alt-right & l’d believe their reporting as soon as I buy into the gay frog thing. I’m not doubting that this might be true & gender & diversity hiring is to blame for these deaths but I need to see some type of proof besides a biased blog.

Not to sound i insensitive, but the one on the bottom right needs to be beat to death with a shoe.


The company is also dealing with a lawsuit filed by a TSA employee, who claims a "makeshift" bridge for employees at an MCM construction area at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport collapsed under his weight, severely injuring him.

Don't ask this company to build you a bridge.

I prefer to drive over bridges designed and made by men.

I do think there are good jews who have denounced their culturural infestation and have been noble Americans, who have not been the type of jew I speak of. There are plenty of jewish plumbers and normal folk who I am not really referencing. I speak of the elite in New York and LA.

It is in the Jewish nature to push for "open borders" in their host countries and acceptance but within their own homeland they have militarized borders and a homogeneous society.

All that the Jew does, I do not think it is a conspiracy among them, It is simply their nature in the same way all the squirrels collect nuts in the forest - they are not conspiring to collect all the nuts, they just do it by nature. The biggest lie we live today is that we think we are somehow not animals. Just like within the animal kingdom their are predators, prey, parasites etc. Same with Humans. Jews are a parasite. constant victim mentality, constant grubbing for shekels. Having lived in NYC and LA every jew I have ever encountered within a higher-class business setting has been a true swindler and it's been mind bending.

I do strongly believe in the aspect of human individuality, and the prospect for any person to be their own man or woman. I am speaking in general terms in the way Jewish ideals are presented in media, art, entertainment etc. on a mass scale

Just curious.