Ant's Ex outing Don Jr. as a bad boy.

37  2018-03-16 by Virginia_Beach


The media's desperation to make stories out of nothing is unsurpassed.

They really are treating them like the inverse to the Kennedys.

While JFK was making Mimi Beardsley blow his cabinet, nobody said anything.

While the Kennedy brothers were pulling trains on mobsters wives, the media ignored it.

Now every fucking text is front page news.

And it is a waste of time. His voters won't change their mind over this garbage.

It’s almost as if the world and our culture changed dramatically in 55 years and how things used to go doesn’t really apply any more.


What a shame.

Eh, depends who you ask. Even if you’re WhiteMale McWhitington, odds are your life is measurably better than your ancestors from 3 generations ago.


We're literally days from a Chappaquiddick movie opening in theaters, stupid.

The word Media is a whole other thing right, they didn't have Twitter back then ffs

It is amazing how they are obsessed with stuff the president and his son did YEARS before he was in office, but Slick Willy being blown in the oval office is whatever.


Who’s obsessed? The president’s son, who played a significant role in his campaign, has announced that he and his wife are getting a divorce. It’s a blip in the news.

The president seems to have had an affair with a porn star while his wife was pregnant and paid her to keep it quiet. Again, it’s a blip in the news, no one really cares.

As for Clinton, he was impeached over that blowjob, so people kind of cared, but not enough for the Senate to remove him from office (though 50 senators voted that way).


Shut up leftist faggot. We don't care.

Yeah you do.

Clinton getting blown was actually a really huge deal. Surprised you are unaware of this fact.

“Former model” lol

What? You don"t think she's model caliber? This photo will undoubtedly change your mind.

That face is tougher than the Opster stumbling across a rerun of Jackass

Darn duplicitous face painters, all of them.

What a darn shame..

Darn Counter: 485070 | DM me with: 'blacklist-me' to be ignored

Eat ass

my man!

That actually explains a lot. Without all the makeup, she looks like a teenage boy.

Oh good lord

What a fucking alien.


Must've hit puberty and got a nose job. She's hot now... but that DM is a bit of a stretch. Remember guys, any DM is a thot crime.

"Former model" is a fancied up way of saying, "current waitress."

She really is our little deep throat. First, she brings down the Cumia alliance; and now the Trumps.

ME: Where we at with th' MEATY-AIGHT?

"Good site!"

“people need2chil”

Oh, the smug comments from people who would never send a suggestive text while they're in a relationship. God, what fucking phonies.

Some people have self control. Shocker I know.

Uh huh. Go watch Portlandia and comb some beard wax through your chin pelt, buddy, it's Friday night.

I do that already, thanks for reminding me.

Don Jr. really didn't have any business having his hair that long.

I must’ve missed what was so suggestive about this, maybe because it’s off-color? I don’t get it. Because it seems more like his comment was making fun of the crap he got for another comment. I guess I’m just not getting it.

"glad I opted not 2send the tweet asking 4pics from ur bathroom tweet last night;)"

i dont really care either way but you said you missed it somehow so there it is

Oh, see,I read that as him just coming up with something worse than the one he got heat over. As if he could’ve said anything worse,like, “I’m glad I didn’t tweet about the hookers I killed! LOL!” not as if the “worse” thing was real. I’m not really making myself clear but I think you follow. The impression I get is that there were no tweets asking for bathroom pics, he was making that up as an example of something that would get him into even more trouble. I mean, it’s kind of inappropriate for a married guy to joke about it, but that’s a long step from being a serial cheater.

Opie texted her?!

This attention seeking ho isn't exactly giving us the cum-stained blue dress here. Stop trying to be relevant, you lame hanger on.

Yeah her pulling this bullshit every time a married man talks to her is that guy on the plane.


Where we at with the media-ite?

It's almost like when you allow skinny little kike cunts into your life it comes back to bite you in the ass.

Or you bite them on the hand, either way.

He can easily play that off as just kidding around. Melissa broke Anthony's heart and mind.

Never trust a woman.


Now two people who Melissa is revealing things about. Why did she have to say those things about Anthony too?

"You can no longer send DM's to this person"

aka her blocked her, and she probably deleted all of her replies since then to make it look like she didn't reply

OMG what a non story

Good to know she's still a drama starting cunt. I bet JJ Abrams is glad he ditched her.

Don't pretend her drama starting hasn't provided us nourishment for the past 2+ years.

Deaf Mute doesn't believe that Anthony fucked Sue Lightning and that Ant was treating a fan to an extra special weekend excursion at the # CompundHotel.

I don't think Anthony fucked Sue either. It's been incontrovertibly proven and 100% confirmed that Anthony rode the lightning.

She was with Abrams?

Apparently I was fucked up and it was James Gunn. I could've sworn it was Abrams.

James Gunn was a Troma, B movie director up until he made Guardians so that makes sense. J. J. been successful since his senior year of college. Can't even hate on Abrams, he wrote Regarding Henry in college.

Also, do u know episode they talk about it on?

Her being with James Gunn?

No it was some time back. In that episode they talked about her live tweeting the actor who was hitting on her on a flight.

Yeah. I believe it was before he got Star Trek and Star Wars but he dumped her.

James Gunn, sir.


Don Jr has been /ourguy/ for a long time.

Fuck this whoaar!

Really? How so?

Can't really tell you in detail.

She just loves stirring up shit

She's an ugly ugly attention whore

“Well Im getting shit 4the bacon comment glad I opted not 2send the tweet asking 4pics from ur bathroom tweet last night;) people need2chill,” the then 33-year-old man wrote to the model.

She writes like a character in Tony Hawk's Underground

The bacon thing is too crude and insulting to be flirtatious, but not funny enough to get a laugh, so he keeps hammering away at it in his replies. That's the cringiest part.

Really? How so?