Reasons Ant didn’t want a daughter 1/437282

31  2018-03-16 by peopleforgetthat


The reason being that the upstanding black man is protecting the young lady from the claws of a washed up, ex-shock jock, nigger.

This guy's a problem!

That's a tough one man...


OP', this is confusing. Are you suggesting Anthony Cumia could relate to a white father?

This should be "reasons Ant wants a daughter".

Anthony Cumia is a man whose faced several felony charges for domestic violence -- hair texture of steel-wool brush -- loves white girls (emphasis on girls) -- look at any pic of him...

You think that is a white guy?

Women are trash.

And pigs.

Women are on a biological search to be brainwashed and if you leave them to their own devices they will use their holes to funnel in the personalities of as many men as possible until she ends up with some bizarre Frankenstein monster mind of what she believes strong confident men are like. There, I've explained to you every female CEO and unmarried manager.

women never hang out with each other. They hang out with faggots.

not the lonely older ones

How do they find this liberating honestly

The slits at /r/gendercritical don't find this liberating, go join them

The more we allow women the be sluts, the easier it is to get our dicks sucked.

Use your head for fuck sake.


101! = 9.42594775983836e+159

Fuck you cunt bot

This is a hostile sub. Can you all show me on this doll where the man touched you?

Mostly my asshole

You're giving them power, not options. This is a great magician's trick called "make the white race disappear".

You think it's harder to bang girls if you're white?

I don't think I'm explaining myself clearly.

she's a thick girl

For you

british "thick"

This is inaccurate. He wants plenty of daughters.

A daughter is nothing but a liability. A son is an asset.

but in 2018 they will never dare say that.

And in China they recognized that.

She's really motherfucking her father but he used to rape her so, eh, I can see both sides.

Joe's gotten fat.

Yeah, he wouldn't want to share her with anyone else.

Thats an ass, tho

Your implying he hasn't got one?

Ew shes got a mole on her ass...and giant nigger hands wrapped around em too. Yuck!


I dont like my white women spoiled by the nigger. You do? U some kinda fuckin loser cuck with a tiny ass dick or sumthin?

Pass that hoe 'round my dude

What if: Sue is his actual son/daughter and that's he why's so hush-hush whenever she's brought it. He's ashamed, but doesn't know how to properly love his newfound son/daughter.

The perennial question: fag son or coalburner daughter...what’s worse? I think the answer is pretty obvious.

I'd take a fag son before a NON coalburner daughter. At least with the fag son you can raise him correctly and he'll be a top and therefore not a disgrace. Also fags go far in the corporate world due to liberal guilt so he'll never be a poor nigger.

Agreed. Your line won’t be passed on with a fag son, but that’s better than having it niggerfied by a coalburner daughter. I saw a picture once of some old veteran sitting with his half-black grandkids, the 1000 yard stare of regret and disbelief saying it all. It was fucking hilarious but I haven’t been able to find it again.

dont you guys want to marry her? man up!

Always a dumb beverage and smartphone in hand...

Looks like his son with a white girl

I'd take a fag son before a NON coalburner daughter. At least with the fag son you can raise him correctly and he'll be a top and therefore not a disgrace. Also fags go far in the corporate world due to liberal guilt so he'll never be a poor nigger.

The slits at /r/gendercritical don't find this liberating, go join them

The more we allow women the be sluts, the easier it is to get our dicks sucked.

Use your head for fuck sake.