Forgotten infuriating Opie lie

68  2018-03-16 by FlashVirus

Opie: When we were growing up we didn't have money to go to the whole doctor thang. So we did our own surgeries, man. Sniff Yeah my brother basically became an expert at it by the time he was a teenager, use da ice to numb the pain then managed to get tha twigs or whatevvuh that was stuck in his arm after a bad bike crash, man.


In a similar vein, his completely abysmal lie about his family members being vaccinated for chickenpox, but the cheap and crazy mother didn't pay to get Opie's younger brother the chickenpox vaccine so the brother got chickenpox. Chickenpox vaccines weren't even invented and then approved for use until the mid 1990s. They weren't nationwide at all for another decade. I'm 30 and I didn't get the chickenpox vaccine and I got it.

Before the widespread availability of this, young children would be grouped up to get a milder form of the disease that the parents were prepared to handle while the children were young and the disease would theoretically not be as severe to build up immunity. These were called "chickenpox parties."

South Park even did an episode about Chickenpox parties called chickenpox.



I Still remember screaming at my mom,y did u do this to me...After a family friends daughter got the chicken pox, she forced me to go hangout with her..Next day i wakeup with fever and fukn sores

Pox party

A pox party (also measles party, flu party etc.) is a social activity where children are deliberately exposed to an infectious disease, to promote immunity. Such parties are typically organized by anti-vaccinationists on the premise of building the immune systems of their children against diseases such as chickenpox and measles (which can be more dangerous to adults than to children) or flu. Such practices are highly controversial and are discouraged by public health officials in favor of vaccination. In the USA, if the exposure involves the United States Postal Service to swap tainted items, the practice is illegal.

Chickenpox (South Park)

"Chickenpox" is the tenth episode in the second season of the American animated television series South Park. The 23rd episode of the series overall, it originally aired on Comedy Central in the United States on August 26, 1998. The episode was written by series co-creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone, along with Trisha Nixon, and directed by Parker. In the episode, the parents of South Park intentionally expose their children to the chickenpox disease.

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I remember this. The guys started poking holes in his story until Opie got all pissy and they backed off before full out gregshells.

"I'm heating up here"

He said he needed to change the story so he could tell it in the future. How about he just stops telling really obvious and boring lies?

My mum took me to a pox party, and I got it. Probably in 97. This was around the time that anti-vax shit was getting popular, and if there was a vaccine I would have deffo got it because my maw hated anti-vax with a passion.

Why would he even bother lying about this?

I was born in 90 and didn't get the vaccine. It wasn't even an option on my shot record card.

I went to a Poz Party at Jim Norton's apartment in 2013.

It's not even an interesting lie. What a fucking dolt

ME: Yeahhhhh man. We used to not pay taxes, because my dad started a church! HOLD ON HOLD ON, we'd go to the store, with like a slip, and we wouldn't pay tax. Isn't that crazy?! My dad had the whole thing figured out. He was a total genius, ahead of his time.

Could you imagine a more boring story to tell on air to millions of listeners about your dad committing petty tax fraud? What a fucking humdinger of a fake story.

Yeah you telling it here

I used to have the link saved, and the clip has been deleted from YouTube, but one of the worst opie lies ever was when the lyk were talking about fat girls, and opie quiets everyone down like he has this amazing story to tell, and he drags out this mundane story about how he was out drinking with his friends, and he thought he found the hottest chick, but that he hugged her and he couldn't fit his arms around her, and he looked to his friends like they'd be impressed but they laughing and he "couldn't figure out why". Ant tries to fake interest and was like ha were drunk, and the fake interest was the most patronizing thing unintentionally. It was the most cliche and generic story you could possibly think of and it was still glaringly a made up lie. It's probably the most awful display of bad storytelling you could ever listen to. My god he sucks

I remember that fqggot who doesn't enjoy a good oinker. What about when dave attels is on and asks about sex and the xity and he knew the county characters name then chimes in with I dont even watch that dumb show. Sure ya don't faggot

Nobody goes the doctor for a sliver or a skinned knee. Didn’t know using a needle to dig out the splinter or putting on a band-aid was considered surgery in his brain.

He’s such a rube.

that's the bit

The only broke kid to go on ski trips and stay at beach houses

And he caddied at a country club... Golf courses dont just hire random poor kids from the neighborhood who know nothing about golf. His father was most likely a member there.

No, I worked as a caddy when I was 13 and 14. As long as you weren't black they'd hire you.


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Dat beach house wuz a fffffawkin piece a shit

We used to eat sugar cubes because we were poor man. No extra money for all those cookies and candy. Sugar cubes. I hope he dies in a fire.

"Die in an AIDS fire!"

We put our lunch in fawkin dusty cement bags

Or this one that had me thinking "what a dick" but looking back it was probably made up. His sister set him up on a golf date with a woman who was close to his age and did not look like a model so he was like "Are you kidding!".

Opie : He's got the scabs and he's itching his face off, you know the deal with chickenpox right..?

Dr Steve MD : No, I've never heard of it.

Someone in studio: "This thing happened to me a few years ago-"


He lies like a 9 year old.

That's the worst. Motherfuckers always trying to top you.

I used to know a guy just like that but he was way worse