Opie shaved

0  2018-03-16 by the_opester


I hate this Guile-haired faux rock faggot.

Lemonade and Brownies was okay. Full tailspin from then on though.

When we were kids, I showed my best friend music. I was a young fool and so I enjoyed Dookie by Green Day at the time. Long afyer it was already out of date. I showed my friend and he seemed to like it. A few weeks passed and he called me to come over and listen to his new album. I got there and it was 14:59 by Sugar Ray. He was especially into a song called Tap, Twist, Snap. He acts like it never happened now, but I will never forget the week 2 young lads came bravely out of their closets and embraced shitty college radio garbage music.

I have terrible news that proves I'm a worse piece of shit: Tap, Twist, Snap was off of Floored, not 14:59. I welcome death.

It's nice to see him and Ant getting along again.

Sporting the soylent grin I see.

god i hate those fake open mouth smiles

we get it, you're pretending to have fun

He wishes

What gender is that brown person supposed to be?

Nia Burr.

Must be related to this Sam Haramberts fella I heard about in the news a while ago.

Call me Sugar Gay again.

Lemonade and Brownies was okay. Full tailspin from then on though.