Would anyone with this Enchantress?

16  2018-03-16 by Der-Giftpilz


Anyone who believes those tweets are real deserves this bitch

Ignoring the gay reddit-level joke tweets, anyone who looks like this hit dozens of forks in the road about living life well, and chose the other path. The weight was a choice, the haircut was a choice, the awful conversation piece tattoos were a choice.. She's a loser, making wrong one after wrong one and can now only entrench with her mistakes as life drifts on.

I think at a certain point in life she was the ugly ducking, always trying to fit in with all the other little 4th grade girls. She wasn't pretty, didn't have the social skills to fit in without looks, wasn't particularly intelligent, and eventually she was ostracized.

Her ousting from social groups led to a deep reflective self-analysis that ended in the final decision to eschew any redeeming qualities about herself. "If no one will love me, I don't need anyone, I'll love myself by being unique!!!"

This was the first fork, and with every following decision came more and more rejection from society at large. Instilling in her a definitive world view based largely on negativity, especially when it came to men who, obviously, would only be around her to use her for pussy and never ever even pretend to be interested in any long term relationship.

Through a lack of love and acceptance she trudged deeper and deeper into a false outer show of confidence to cover her emotional emptiness and sadness. I can't laugh at her, much less can I actually hate her, I feel deep pity instead. And hope that at some point before her very quickly approaching death she can get herself together and live half a decent life.

TL;DR: She is a fucking awful pig that I'd love to see get uppercutted in her stupid cunt.

lol all coalburners are fat pigs

if only this were true. But there are attractive white women who prefer thick black meat. Burying your head in the sand won’t help.


But much like women who go lesbian because they've been mistreated by men, many women who prefer black men have been ignored/mistreated by the white man. This doesn't apply to all of them, but it's s considerable portion.

Neither will them burying their heads in the sand when it comes to believing it will work out well. Eventually, the inner Kuhn comes out, and it's all downhill from there.

I believe it's a case of handing blacks are scraps.


This is totally all real

People that look like her are lonely losers.

I don't want to seem cruel but the woman in this picture appears to be a worthless, disgusting, hideous blob of shit who nobody could ever even tolerate, let alone care for or like.