Millionaire unemployed shock jock harassing mentally ill homeless people AGAIN

101  2018-03-16 by shaqfan99


That fat guy with him has some really fucked up yellow teeth.

These homeless are out harassing the millionaires, fam. She's just getting what she deserves but does not expect here.

Just another video for his kid's friends to send the whole class in a few years.

Chill out gang. At the end of the day, Opie gave her thousands in cash off-camera.

Just a taste, of course.

A little tasste. The opster doesn’t go all in.

Sir, it’s pronounced ‘completely hanest widcha’.

Homeless in a brand new coat it would appear

Its the winter and its pretty common for people to gift homeless people winter coats.

lol what a fucking pussy. The second she starts getting upset he starts running and going all high-pitched voice greggshells. He's getting closer and closer to getting his ass kicked on camera and it will be glorious. Hopefully it's also by a woman

Fawkin Hater. THATS THE BIT

I don't want it to be by some irredeemable, batshit crazy alcoholic bum. That makes Opie sympathetic. I just want it to be a normal guy who works some normal guy job like electrician whose had a bad fucking day and some 60 year asshole ramming a phone in his face just makes him snap and he drops Opie in one shot.

I felt like most people i crossed in nyc had had a bad day And were ready to snap. Theres too many fucking people and the weather Is shit. Shouldnt take long for some angry puerto rican to stomp him out.


If you think so.

That would be sublime. I hope it's a Puerto Rican that competed in the New York golden gloves 25 years ago and never managed to get his life together. Has a pencil thin goatee and dressed like he's in a puff daddy video in 1998

Fuck you for making me fantasize about unclipped cock, faggot.

You mean like the rest of the world you jew-fag?

Even funnier if it's a grumpy businessman or stockbroker in a silk suit that had too many gin and tonics at happy hr

He's a pussy without you making shit up like a fag.


He's a pussy without you making shit up like a fag.

would you care to elaborate on what I am making up, character?


He's literally outside Madison Square Garden, NY Penn Station, the Foley Post Office, and more heavily armed military, paramilitary, and police officers protecting the largest transit hub in the country than pretty much anywhere else in New York.

He's a fake, a pussy, and a dud. His new name is Fleshlight.

That area is one of her busiest parts of NYC and right next to Times Square. Not sketchy in the slightest. What is a little sketchy is filming while you’re walking bothering random people and pestering homeless people.

so who's gonna collect the lowlights of his videos, create a 'video resume' and send it out to all of the radio stations?


Is this the kind of behavior Westwood One wants on its airwaves? Disgraceful!

They're fighting for territory.

The comedy duo's "cutesy banter" at the end was the real misery.

The next pop up they’ll be doing the dumb and dumber “you’re it” “no you’re it”

Scumbag Gregg strikes again. How much longer will this asshole be able to take advantage of the mentally weak? When will somebody finally step in?

I hope the fucker is beaten to death with his phone, it's the only thing resembling a friend he has left.

When will there be a collective effort to stop this monster

Does CBS know this is the type of guy they hired?

Someone needs to report Opie to the National Coalition for the Homeless. I would, but I absolutely fucking detest homeless people and want to see them all Patrick Bateman'd.

It's almost becoming cliche to mention how out of touch he is.. If I was Carl I'd be so uncomfortable in that situation..

That's the Opie i like, the a-hole!

Keep'em coming Opie! You're my favourite asshole!

Fawkin Hater. THATS THE BIT

I don't want it to be by some irredeemable, batshit crazy alcoholic bum. That makes Opie sympathetic. I just want it to be a normal guy who works some normal guy job like electrician whose had a bad fucking day and some 60 year asshole ramming a phone in his face just makes him snap and he drops Opie in one shot.

He's a pussy without you making shit up like a fag.


He's literally outside Madison Square Garden, NY Penn Station, the Foley Post Office, and more heavily armed military, paramilitary, and police officers protecting the largest transit hub in the country than pretty much anywhere else in New York.

He's a fake, a pussy, and a dud. His new name is Fleshlight.