really hittin it out of the park with these numbers Brothaman!

45  2018-03-15 by FRUNKISS420


Mush mouth still can’t afford a change of clothes? That house must smell like ass.

How much money would it take to sniff the inside of his sweat pants?

Like a hundred unfortunate mishaps.

Jokes on you. He's sponsored by ProPlayer™

Guy is a fucking shlub.

Nah dude. Guys in their mid 30s who have names based off of cartoons on Toonami 20 years ago are well-adjusted, normal adults. I'm sure his 401k looks great, and he's in line for a promotion at the local Denny's.

We shouldn't even give Joe the time of day, let alone this mush mouth faggot.

"Entertainment" is very misleading. Fucking slobber lipped spook.

I hope he gets aids and cancer

Hahahahaha, that's terrific. That's terrific.

When is he going to fix that fucking ceiling. Would cost about as much as a couple of those Monsters he cherishes ever so dearly.

You guys should of been watching jimmernam him and Dante Nero got into an argument

Hahah what the fuck?

