I didn't realize RLM had their own Opie

2  2018-03-15 by BlueBash


How fucking dare you..

Oh of course. I was referring to the bearded brake handle on the right

josh? he's like a film nerd. I know everyone hates him and ill get downvoted? I guess, but I'm on a roll. I kinda like his opinions to be fair, sometimes.

Yea, Josh can be kind of a wet blanket, but he has contributed to the show.

He and Jack are the fans' least favorite RLM-related guys but Jack is more like a typical hole than an Opie.

Josh is fucking great on re:view

Do you watch the PreRec streams by any chance?

I did for a while and man, I gotta say, Rich Evans is unbearable during those streams. He’s probably the grumpiest person I’ve ever encountered on the Internet. Everything he says is either negative or condescending.

I know Jack is the fan unfavorite (and he’s said some outrageously stupid things, like genuinely wondering out loud if Germany was part of the United Kingdom), but I’ll take him over Miserable McCrankypants over there.

Everyone that isn't Mike Stoklasa is an Opie

jack sucks

He's the worst.

I kinda like/dislike all of them. I avoid their Reddit because their followers will probably explicitly point out the flaws of each until I hate them, much like this sub has done for everyone in the O&A realm.

Their subreddit is tame. Pretty universal praise for Rich/Mike/Jay and 50/50 on Jack and Josh. I don't mind Jack, but Josh reminds me of one of those guys who has to insist he's correct no matter what and tries too hard to fit in

Rich Evans raped me

Mike may be the worst. You can tell he knows exactly what Double Dragon is, but pretends not to remember. They're all man-children nerds who will at least admit to what they know. Except him... it just makes him like a pretentious faggot because it's obvious that he's just as big a loser as the rest of them, but tries to act like he's above it all. Which makes it far worse because he's not fooling anyone.

Mike doesn't play video games, he does other manchild things.

Rich Evans mounted me from behind and slapped me around for protesting. Hardest I've ever cum.