Images that appeal to the LIBERAL FAGGOTS that have taken over the remaining remnants of this sub

0  2018-03-15 by [deleted]



man i told you, yes i like lupita nyong'o, nothing gay about that


Heavy activity in The_Donald seems to be correlated with being a delusional fucking retard. Care to comment?

Oh man. Fucking homerun dude. Go tell that to your soccer mom friends

fellas! fellas! come now, surely we can agree to hate staunch liberals AND staunch conservatives! no need to narrow down our hatred for other people, geez-louise...

Liberals are 100x at the moment they own everything in social media while we get censored and come here to talk their horse shit because there's so many pro socialist euros that can only battle on the internet

Yep. And there is an active campaign on reddit to shut down The_Donald. Pathetic

in mass media, ever since Kramer said nigger on stage, liberals have trounced conservatives in the contest to be unethical zealots.

but i live in an area where, if you ain't on the internet, you best be a Jesus loving, Zionist, heterosexual, ball-game watchin', brew-ski-drinkin' man's man.

i'm sure you could learn how to hate everybody! c'mon, i'll show ya! [hooks arms, teaches dance moves]



That sheboon could knock floor lamps over with her "clit."

If you don't think she's a 10/10 you're gay.

I like my women like I like my cum; white, warm, and on my face.

Nice eyes, stupid.

What the fuck are you talking about, shithead?

These sub was cool when it was autistic now it's just retarded

Nice grammar, stupid.


Your quick edit fooled no one.

Too many liberal coast cities queers and pro socialist euros are the death of everything funny


remaining remnants

Could have just said remnants, you redundant ass.

I like my women like I like my cum; white, warm, and on my face.