Hey Brits, once again Spain is gonna dominate The Champions League/Uefa Cup...

0  2018-03-15 by WhippingHuskies

why can't you guys just admit how awful you are at sports. Your a nation of mulatto's who can't even compete against fringe European countries with limited resources.


*Europa League

soccer is for Mexicans and queers and you're both

You have a point.

when the collapse comes, no distinction will be made entre the various types of Hispanics. you will all be exiled to the jungles of Quintana roo

I already have my own homeland here, if my punishment is living amongst my own, without anyone else here, that'd be a phenomenal blessing. You certainly can't say the same. Or anyone else for that matter who isn't White, Japanese, or Korean.

your homeland will be reconquered by the moors and you will have to convert to islam if you wish to stay

But they won't have to fuck young boys in private anymore.

Never gonna happen. This is the last hoorah of the garbage people. Once the while guilt and money runs out, it's back to the savage lands or face our violence for the last time. You third world people are just too weak, lazy, incompetent, dumb, backwards, primitive, unevolved, ungrateful to ever do any damage short of what we've allowed you out of pathological altruism. Enjoy the free ride while it lasts.

More verbose

goddamn i hope you're right

Living in a spic ridden state, I can confirm this shit is for the mexicans.

With soccer, it's not the same as it was in the sixties or seventies...

Brits understand it's unislamic and gradually lost interest in it.

The only fun thing about soccer is the racism.

Unfortunately they've cut that out in Western Europe. Eastern Europe, especially Russia, has some insane issues with it. A few teams got banned/fined for their fan's racism during matches.

That's why SS Lazio is our guys.

And Zenit St. Petersburg


No one gives a shit about queer soccer

how awful you are at sports

A country the size of Minnesota finished 2nd at the last Olympics, stamping our uncut dicks on 1.3 billion Chinese droids and an army of slavs from a country 70 times bigger than ours who'd done nothing but train for it since they were 3.

You have Opie levels of delusion and insecurity, sir.

In what sports did they medal in? Women's skeet shooting? Like the Chinese you guys take sporting pride in "sports" only a handful of countries compete in b/c you can't produce any decent pure athletes who compete in global sports like Futbol, Basketball, etc.

you can't produce any decent pure athletes who compete in global sports like Futbol, Basketball, etc.

When was the last great American cricket player? How about rugby? I hate Brits too, but exclude the niggers, and America is deluded about their sporting capabilities. For example: name the great white American basketball stars of the last ten to twenty years? Kevin Love? Is that about it? From a pool of approximately 246,660,710 people. Now consider the good-to-great white people from Europe, Australia, Canada etc.

Also, the irony of an American producing atheletes in global sports is a bit rich--nice football code you've got. Baseball's pretty good too; there's nothing like getting beat by people from tiny, impoverished islands.

Yanks are faggots. This sub is about pointing out what faggots Americans are, when you think about it.

Cricket and Rugby are played by fag countries and shitskins. After New world blacks, whites are the best athletes. Even still, Brits are awful athletes. A nation of mulattos, and still awful athletes.

the only reason new world blacks are so athletic is because white people back in the day knew to how to breed giants.

I remember quite a few years ago, leaving a pub in Islington after seeing Barcelona thrash Arsenal in the champions league. The match was at the Emirates, 10 minutes up the road.

On my way home I saw 3 jubilant Barcelona fans celebrating in a pretty inoffensive way, a little taunting of passing Arsenal fans but overall good natured.

One thick-necked, inebriated Arsenal fan felt otherwise and proceeded to batter the shit out of all 3, really kicking fuck out of 2 of the Catalans while the 3rd ran away with a busted face.

It was 2 national stereotypes in a microcosm. You might play better and prettier football than us, Pedro but we're better at getting pissed up on cheap lager and bashing people up.

The hooligan who got killed in Bilbao some time back would disagree. And then the Brits went and cried about being brutalized by the Spaniards, playing victims like always. That drunk took out his anger on 2 innocent futbol fans who were outnumbered and in hostile territory b/c like his fellow countryman he was too much of a chicken shit to beat on weak, mal shapen unathletic Muslims who are raping children by the thousands. Fucking losers.

You back on the sauce?

Not at the moment, but yes. I'm going away for 3 months shortly as a result of my last drunken escapade as a matter of fact.

We all know about your schwoogie tendencies.

The Spanish fold like a fucking card table as soon as they get their confidence rattled. Typical behaviour for your preening, yet inwardly cowardly Dago. See also: The Falklands War.

That was Argentina you fucking illiterate mutt.

You'll note my use of the term "dago", dago. If it makes you happier, see also: Gibraltar.


And Zenit St. Petersburg

That was Argentina you fucking illiterate mutt.