I'm Getting Real Sick of Artie and Anthony Romanticizing Blue Collar Life

281  2018-03-15 by SpaceCaseBassFace

"Unless you had real jobs like us, you don't appreciate getting to do nothin' all fuckin' day!!!" -Two guys that had successful radio careers before age 30.


"We used to just sit around and play cards at the dock for $50 an hour. But millenials are entitled little faggots."

"This one time, and this is the God's honest truth, my buddy Ricky Fucchinafrio gave me a molotov cocktail to throw at the fuckin' scabs, which is what we blue collar sheetrock guys call replacement workers who come in when us hard workin' union guys are on strike."

"Every now and again you'd run into one of these faggot architects, y'know the type, with actual skills that went to school, and they'd be all like 'Hey retard, build this shit for me while I go do important architect shit.' So we'd take a shit in the spackle bucket and leave it in the attic. That way they'd pay some minority to remove it and be mildly inconvenienced by it. WE SURE SHOWED THEM!!!"

I may have exaggerated slightly, but don't let that distract you from the fact that I still watch the AA show, and love sucking cock more than life itself.


I may have exaggerated slightly

Not in the slightest, spot on.

I concur. Spot on.

"'ey, i know dis guy, Vinny D'Gabbagool, he useta trow these fuckin' wild parties down at the union hall with broads & ziti trays n' everything!"

I should've concurred.

I concur.

I motion. Just add a whole lot of fake laughs and then it'll be spot on.

Here, here!

I enjoy these blue collar stories. Some folks are too far up their own are to enjoy these reminiscing stories.

Yeah, all these fuddy duddies should lighten up and laugh at the story for the 5th or 6th time

Exactly. Chill.

Usually a long post like this would get you called a faggot, but this was pretty humorous, cogent and accurate.

He's still a faggot. He's just an eloquent faggot.

I understand the last sentence, but why are you still watching AA?

Mostly nostalgic reasons. I know neither of them are ever gonna come close to recapturing their former glory. But they make me chuckle every now again.

I still listen. They have some flashes of brilliance.

What was that?

tss only if they're holding up diamonds or sumthin

Does brilliance have nice TITS?

You’re a massive faggot

Regular Artie

I go to the job site every day with my heroin pail, my container of coke, whaddaya want from me?

Your nose collapes, ah big deal that happens to errybuddy, just wrap it up with duck tape, aaaah you're ready to go

duck tape

It's funny when it's called that

Holy shit, this opens up all new avenues for this bit. I love Regular Coked Up Joe and all of his potential.

Sounds like something Opie would say

Words hurt, bruthaman. sniff


Id do da same.Bragging .

Break time's over, Joe, suit up!

Two criminal wop dropouts. If it weren't for their constant state of inebriation giving them confidence they'd be street people.

they don't have the chutzpah

If it weren't for the color of their skin, they'd be less than street people.

All blue collar guys do it. Claiming the work and lifestyle is tough and "makes a man out of you". Whatever you have to tell yourself to justify going to a jobsite every morning where 90% of your coworkers are obese, slob, chain smokers that dress like juggalos.

it sure didnt make a man out of Anthony , nor Artie while we are at it.

hey, i dont know about that, pally. coming home after a hard day's work earnin' an honest buck. then its dinner in front of the boob tube until ya fall asleep. then it's up & at 'em at 6 to start the whole day new. boss doesnt want any lollygaggin' on the job site!


i musta laughed for 30 seconds straight at this, no joke. wonderful!

No one cares.

Did ya?

What I particularly enjoy is constantly telling the audience how great this gig is, how easy it is, what easy money it is and how much fun they have together doing it. All that being said, they can't get the fuck out of there fast enough every day. Going late these days is 6:03.

"This is the greatest job in the world, there's literally nothing else I'd rather be doing right now, besides going to buy heroin and or cocaine."

To be fair, cocaine is pretty great. I was never cool or brave enough to play around with the Sweet Georgia Brown.

It's a lot more compelling and enjoyable (initially), but it is better than anything and will grab you. It is more addictive than Oxycontin, and that is incredibly addictive.

I see why Stanhope says he won't do it until "everything falls apart".

That's usually when addiction hits. Chicken or egg?

Well, I'd say Stanhope has been in the throws of addiction for about 30 years now, so...

He’s shit his pants from DTs if he quit drinking cold turkey.

Die... He'd have seizures and die.

until "everything falls apart".

That's usually what happens after you start doing heroin.

So when his addict girlfriend that he enables dies because of him enabling her.


how easy it is

Yeah wouldn't want to do any show prep work or invest time in getting actually good guests, instead of going down the same list of nobodies to fill seats.

The interview where Artie claimed A&A was like his "therapy" was a riot. He seems to think no one can see him sitting there (when he bothers showing up at all) with that look of complete disdain and disinterest on his rotting face like he'd rather be anywhere else.

And it's even funnier how the Twitter tough guy with the arsenal of guns doesn't have balls enough to call out and go after a fat worthless junkie who's actively ruining his "show" at every opportunity. He just sits there "hooleee shit"-ing with that gay look on his face like good 'ol Artie is just being his usual wacky self, even when the guy is so wasted he can't hold his head up straight.

had dis one construction job, swear ta god, showed up and he tells me to build an A frame and I said, "Wuts dat!"

wheeze laugh. swear ta god.

Me wush a real oldshkool guy swear to god

we wush mens men. no time to go to that faggy shkool and learn how to spell.

Artie: "I remember this gu-"nose falls off


Bunch of unskilled druggie losers calling a guy with an elite position like architect a faggot.

To be fair Ant was still installing A/C's well into his 50's. He's in his 70's now, let him retire in peace.

Didn't Artie have a mobbed up no-show job, basically? Like Vince Vaughn in "Made?"

Sour Shoes was on Howard today and does a fucking incredible Artie impression, holy shit. He does the "start laughing" before the sentence is even over thing.

Got a link to that clip?

The clips are in his books.

Today? I thought they hadn't reference Artie on the show for years.

They still do once in a while. He gets most uncomfortable when Gilbert gets mentioned, Im not sure what happened between them but you can practically hear him squirming. He sounds like he legit misses Artie whenever he's brought up.

When Gilbert's doc was making the rounds, Howard was dangling the idea of inviting him back. I hope Gil told him to pound sand.

What happened with him and Gilbert?

Not sure about specifics because neither has mentioned it. But you can be sure it involves Howard's consigliere Marci Turk.

Gilbert hasn't been on the show for 5 and a half years, and I don't think he knows specifically why other than the shift away from anything funny and more towards an unfunny version of Dr. Katz.

Two things - Gilbert was always super un PC, saying nigger and what not which made Hollywood howie super uncomfortable. However the last straw was Gilbert sticking his fingers in and spitting all over communial cupcakes in the stern offices.

It was no work, not no show.

One time I cut my hand off on a vent and duct taped it back on

hey, my muddah just got me a new lunch pale, im gonna eat dis here roast beef and gabalucngio sandwich after i lug this sheet rock over to bobby bubliatchareitiosamdino

is there anything worse than an itilian brick layer who thinks his work makes him a salt of the earth guy

Yes... Many many things much worse.

it's true

Remember when is the lowest form of communication

Remember when you remembered that tv show that told you that?

I heard it on a podcast called the AA show

Dead on.
Artie thinks he's The Pope of Greenwich Village, but he's just a tubby loser from Jersey who can remember lines. Ant is whoever you sit him next to, because he has no self.

Remember lines tsssss

Fawkin' DOIN' lines or sumthin'!

Nailed that fat piece of shit!

Artie is like a little kid that embellishes stories to make them better as he is telling them. And if you question 1 thing, he backs off like “ it was so long ago i dont remember”

I like when old people complain that kids today shouldn't be making $15 an hour but then if you look at inflation in the 1950's you could make the equivalent of $25 an hour just bagging groceries at the grocery store as a part-time job and $30 as a regular store employee.

Without government regulation in businesses. America was stronger then

Leave politics out of the mocking of elderly faggots.

That's not even remotely true you fucking moron.

? unions were way stronger then than they are nowadays.

Right, America was a Libertarian utopia in 1953.

Something else happened about 10-15 years later that you can point to in order to help explain stagnating wages.

Vietnam or Civil Rights?

Women's Lib.

It's amazing how wages were driven down when the labor pool more than doubled over two decades.

Really boggles the mind, eh?

... AND civil rights AND the Immigration Reform Act ....

You could also buy a house for like 1/5 of today’s equivalent price.

and a car

When the first Ford cars came out they were about 6500 dollars, new, in today's money.

yeah the FIRST ford cars were expensive, no shit. We're talking about the 1950's

No, you dope, they weren't expensive. How much do you think a car costs, Po?

A guy working at a grocery store could support a wife and kids and pay a mortgage.

And come home to a hot meal

... and his pipe & slippers too!

And if you showed up to that job wearing a tie they'd have started you in management and you'd have a full pension.

To be fair it's supply and demand. Stores had to pay that much because they needed employees. It's not like now where they could drive to a home depot parking lot and find one easily .

just bagging groceries at the grocery store as a part-time job.

and dont forget the fringe benefits of having a horny customer lick your sweaty balls!

The shit in the spackle bucket really tied the post together.one of the many stories that pop up every time and make me think "Am I relistening to an older episode?"

Jew broad.

Fights Draculas.

Chimpy Peppers

and don't forget the MadTV pig make-up story.

Two guys that had successful radio careers before age 30. Anthony was 35

and Artie was near 35 when he started on howard

27 when he started on MadTV

An alcoholic and a junkie who hasn't had a real job in the last 20 years talk about work and related issues.

that italian guy character is pretty Real Ass

It's 'marone' not 'madon' you illiterate faggots. Learn how to flip an r.

Shutup, wop.

No it isn't you fucktard. The word they're saying is Madonna. People reference the mother of Jesus as an expletive when they're frustrated. This is what passes for an Italian in current year.

Sicilians and their descendents don't know how to a-speak-a da Italiano. Italian Americans are fucking retarded

I'm an Italian American of Sicilian decent and I approve this message. You see Sicily was invaded by the Moores...


No it isn't you fucktard.

You're a fucking moron, it's Neopolitan you dummy.

I can hear Voss talking about napoleon ice cream. "what does shtrawberry have to do with shticking your hand in your jacket?"

Artie's constant, drug-induced absenteeism created a perpetual freeway pileup of unloaded ships that bottle-necked the port during his brief stint as a longshoreman.

As though every single one of those fucks isn't on some kind of drug.



Blue collar work sucks dick. Worked in a warehouse for 4 years. Some of those guys had been there for 30 years. They would pop percocets like candy and get right on the fork lift, band saw, shearer or any of dozens of other amputation machines daily because we all hated our lives. By the time I left we were driving beers kept cool in the snow right in from off the operations manager. He just didn't care. We wore him down. 13 bucks an hour. Back breaking labor. Exposure to dangerous chemicals. Boss looks at you like a disposable tool. Customers treat you like shit. Every fucking angry miserable foreign truck driver has the same shitty speil. Rats and rat shit everywhere. It really was pretty horrible. Maybe not as horrible as having no income but I don't recommend it.

Fucking A right it does. When I was 21 I got a job working for the county on the road department. Everyone told me how lucky I was and how awesome it was to have a civil service job and blah blah blah. The pay was a joke and everyone there was a fat retard in their 40s or 50s, with a fat wife, a shitty house that wasn't paid for and a major alcohol problem. They were all miserable wretches with all kinds of bad backs and heart issues and they never stopped bitching and whining about it. I quit and got a real job a few years after.

Amen brother. My dad was a union guy for decades. Broke his tailbone, destroyed his hips and nearly every disk in his back. Has arthritis, nerve damage, fibromialgia, nodules in his lungs, memory lapses no teeth, alcoholism and heroin addiction. Has been in disability for about 10 years. I'd say at least 10 prescription meds. Has been in a class action law suit with his former employer for as long as I can remember. I know he's never gonna get a payout but it's pretty much the only thing he looks forward to in life. Fuckkkkkk that.

do you know how they seperate the workforce in India?

Btw your post was fucking hysterical. Thanks m8

Anthony acts like he actually worked. He has bragged multiple times about working as little as possible while doing duct work. Sound familiar? Like the stereotype of [certain types of people] who he claims to dislike, but it seems to be a self-hatred thing.

Great points

Great pointless post.

Don't try to post toward me as an equal, like you have the status to "sign off" on my posts

"We used to just sit around and play cards at the dock for $50 an hour. But millenials are entitled little faggots."


shit in a spackle bucket? was florentine on recently?

It could be a show that is comprised entirely of fake laughing. Oh, wait..

Well, Hitler didn't shout, "That's what WE do," when he was rolling through Poland.

It's funny because in spite of all their babbling about "blue collar workin' men" bullshit they both totally blew the lucrative showbiz careers that lifted them out of the sewer. Anthony pissed away a minor fortune because he wanted to wander around NYC taking pictures of scaffolding and that fat retard Artie systematically cratered his entire career because his daddy fell off a roof a hundred years ago.

Maybe make a post about how you're cancelling and this is why?

The wop names have a nigga ribs hurtin'

Artie is the one who goes on these lame tangents and ant is too much of a pussy to put the brakes on it.

Break time's over, Joe, suit up!

What was that?

tss only if they're holding up diamonds or sumthin

Does brilliance have nice TITS?