It has begun

113  2018-03-15 by 2hawt2sexxxi


Divorce papers, coupled with custody papers giving bam his children back.

It would be hilarious if Opie gets a high paying radio gig and J/S are fired by summer.

Any media gig would be a win if Jim and Sam lost their tiny bit of clout with SXM

I know the hatred for Opie and is strong here but if he pulled a Scott Shannon and created a relatively funny radio, it would make Jim, Sam and Ant look like fools.

I've been saying that for a couple months now and relishing the down votes

There is zero chance of that happening.

Thats kind of the point of the word "hilarious"


It would be funny but it's never going to happen

Hot take

At this point, that might be the best case scenario. All 4 of them failing miserably would be ideal but 3 out of 4 ain't bad.

I still think Opie is far and away the worst.

I wouldn't worry too much about that.

He's had 40 years to do that. He's not going to start now.

Opie is not funny

Yeah it’d give us something to do. It’s been getting a little repetitive.

What the fuck is he looking at? Can't this retard even pose for a picture competently?

He's looking toward a brighter future. It's very trite

His future's so trite.

He's looking at the vents, Ant might be hiding there.

I heard tings. Could be a lotta problems in those vents.

Aiming with his VR glasses on and mouse in hand.

He's a fucking autistic dope.

Looking at the clock. That rat fuck kitchen manager really gives Opie the gears when his break goes over 15 minutes.

The death throes of terrestrial radio........

It's an image of Jim Norton's STD test results.

Couldn't someone zoom into those papers and decipher the code.

I tried , got nothing

I zoomed in expecting a Vos plug.


Now Tane I can get into

He still has TITS!


signing for custody of Bams kids?

Why the fuck is Opie hanging out with Brian Dennehy?

I thought it was 1990 Drew Carey

Sir Anthony Hopkins in Red Dragon

ME: Where we at with the Dreams, Will?!


because Jason Ellis is hanging out with brian boitano

Timmy Shit Stain Sabien.

Yep, good ol' asshole-in-the-middle-of-the-back feces splatter Sabean. That glass of water certainly needs to find it's heavenly way into those stupid gaudy blue glasses and a couple heaven sent shards could do us all a favor and blind the gaping faggot with sag Tits next to him.

Phillip Seymour Hoffman who said no to drugs and yes to pastrami

ME: Where we at with the dental coverage? I'm all in with the dental coverage. sniff

Dental plan! Opie needs braces.

Braces! He needs his teeth obliterated with a brass knuckled fist!

It’s a simpsons reference

That doesnt mean this isnt true though.

Tim Sabean - so that means tits is Westwood one bound.

Please don’t post actual helpful information; this is a thread for bad and predictable jokes about Opie not being the father of his children.


it was funny the first four thousand times.

it was funny the first four thousand times.

Which can't be said for anything Tits did on his time off.

Or his time on for that matter.

Funny how everyone who goes against the grain here seems to have joined recently.

Tss. Tims a bean? Why not a pea or sumtin

Fawkin hilarious

Vegetable yumah.

the guy who had diarrhea all over the stern bathroom, Swore on his sons life it wasn’t his and was caught lying.

Tim better really look out for Opie then

How perfect is that?! The scat bandit puke himself cozying up to the bathroom wall desecrating shitty drawers fuck that even left a shit smudge on the bathroom light switch. The two compost heap cunts deserve one another.

There was a whole song about it and TIM refused to come on air after that. He had bad diarrhea from juicing. Robins green drink diet.

Yes! Holy shit. Yeah he was kissing her ass juicing and she started inviting him to Her hamptons house and he thought he was so cool. The. He shit all over the Bathroom and robin wrote him off when she found out he was was eating cheeseburgers and gained all His Weight back in a month


The same green drink diet that didn't prevent her debilitating cancer.

That coupled with the obsessive hosing out of her colon probably helped the cancer along.

amazing the lengths fat idiots will go through to try and circumvent exercise and a sensible diet.

"Coffee enemas are good for you, Howie. Here's my living proof: a grapefruit-sized tumor that nearly killed me and forces me to wear adult diapers for the rest of my life."

"Hoo-Hoo, Robin, I invented enemas."

Oh, look, the undead zombie remnants of the defunct NBC Radio Network.

Godspeed, Greggshells.

Tim Sabean

Here's a link to his hiring.

"For a digital role"

Opie will be doing a podcast twice a week that even less people will listen too. Tim is the ONLY reason he's getting paid work.

jesus christ, he's doing fake radio. oh, how the mighty have fallen .... and it is glorious.

Yeah just now. Cuz "100 Grand" is a real call.

that exact moment is when i started my O&A revisionism about "above all else, real ...." And a lot of the callers were fake too, right?

No. What live callers do you think were fake?

At least half of the "Guess what's in my pants" girls.

I can't answer for 1999 but these fools were too lazy for fake phone calls.

A few here & there. they sounded pre-arranged-y, kinda. but i guess not. thanks!

No fake phones when I was there.

thanks danny! also while you're here, during the show's time it was on, i always heard the "whispers" of Ant & Jimmy fucking interns. like those two that opie gave a lot of airtime to, Jackie & Sydney. true?

Never heard of them.

ok. thank you.

I was listening to the shows following the firing/departure from FM. One of the callers was clearly Denny Falcons

Judging by your handle, there may be some confirmation bias on your part.

"Are you there, Denny? It's me."

Sounds like the gig that someone who was bored of retirement would pick up.

AARP and Liberty Mutual Term Life insurance

I hate his eyes. What the fuck did he do to them?

He got them "tucked" about a month before he bailed on O&J, two September's ago. I got blocked on Twitter for saying as much when it happened and he was doing the "shark tank" head on a swivel videos, and lambasted here for saying as much at the time. But every photo of him since vindicates me. Dude got an upper west side eye lift, no doubt.

Of course the faggot did and in return Lynsi got "a lil bump, just a lil taste" in her inevitable divorce decree in exchange.

wtf is an eye lift

It’s called a Blepharoplasty and it’s like a tummy tuck but for the skin around the eyes. The goal is to make someone look younger, but it doesn’t always work.

Ah, yeah now that you say it I think I've noticed it on a bunch of celebrities and old women.

He's working with Advanced Micro Devices?

Fawkin PC yumor.

Is that Tim "No Bowel Control" Sabean?

So important he cant even spell "and" right on the post.

I can see his tit through his shirt. Stupid Tits.

Sabean must be one desperate mother fucker.

Well Imus is leaving Westwood this month and their other talent are a bunch of hacks. Opie will fit right in:

It was another David Lee Roth situation sniff

Wait til you guys find out that this is the beginning of something else. I can't wait, this place will explode.

Don't leave us hanging brothaman give us the deets!

Don't leave us hanging brothaman give us the deets!

That was sarcasm. This is nothing. He signed nothing. This was a lunch meeting and he took a picture, and is pretending that he has a deal. Just like he pretended to have things in the works before.

God willing....

If this gig is successful does Vos come running back ?

Vos would come back to plug and try and generate a buzz but Tits show will flop like his tits when he takes his sports bra off.

I know, just playing retards advocate

Is he wearing foundation?

I'm looking forward to Tim Sabean's inevitable fatal heart attack.

He's returning to his roots as XFL pre-show host.

He's getting a podcast on Westwood One which will last approx. a year (his contract of choice). And once they realize that the 80-100k he's getting paid brings about 2,000 downloads/streams per installment, the advertisers will pull their reads, and that next contract offer? Yeah that's not gonna happen.

Who's he gonna have on? With that salary he won't be paying Sherrod or Ellen Henley. Vos is done with him. I assume Bobby would be, but then again, it's 2018 'love everyone regardless of talent' Bobby. Normand is done with him. They're gonna pay this cat a possible 6 figure salary for the Opie and Theo show?

If Tim Sabean was good at his job or knew what he was doing, he'd still be attached to the Stern teet.


nearly 9 months without a Job and tits realizes that podcasts are a thing.

And yet here we are, talking about him online....if he's dead weight then I'm a barnacle on the anchor. Fuck me, fuck you, and most importantly fuck Opie. Can't wait to tune in to his new show.

Swing and a miss

Maybe it's because Nick does the exact same thing as Ant?

We get it Nick, libruls are ruining America.

That's what I've said on here before, but people here still seem to love his podcast. 90% of his callers are truckers that just say the same shit Nick does. "bubba here. That darn Hillary is lying again nick! Dey should watch trump go kick Kim Kong uns ass I tell you hwat''

Political talk sucks the funny out of everything

"To be honest witcha, both sides of [insert hot button issue] are the problem in the end. Period. Follow me on twitter at opieradio for the latest sunset retweets. Also check out my youtube page, where I just posted a great video of me and Carl Ruiz reenacting the spaghetti moment from Lady and the Tramp."

The slimy cunt will cut everyone off at the pass by saying "I'm trying to do a new show" as the reason that not one single person from his past (even all the way up to everyone at The Opie Show as well) refuses to have anything to do with him. You know, since he supposedly hates Howard Stern so much he'll once again try to be him by saying "I'm not having on comedians anymore...Hoo Hoo."

I beg this sub, please, do not download it. We can share it amongst ourselves, but do not give this man downloads

Bobby will be done because Opie won't want him to do Jim's show.

Tim Sabian, I thought u stopped praying at the alter of McDonald's

What's the salary, that's what I wanna know. I bet he had to eat it, whatever the figure was (meaning it wasn't good).

For years, Opie made fun of small-market radio/Scott and Todd. But really; that's where he belongs now. That might have been where he's always belonged.

He's doing it for the publicity.

NDA. He signed an NDA

It would be hysterical if he tweeted himself signing an NDA. That being said, I can see him being that dumb.

Looks like the weird gay kid with the real close family got a paper route and everyone was happy for him.

As god as my witness I thought Westwood One was defunct.

Liability waiver. Sabean doesn’t want to be caught in the shitstorm when #metoo comes looking for the shock jocks.

He’s getting close to love able retard for me. Like Nicholas cage

Tha guy must be a very serius person if he signs legal documents in a cafe.

No way are his chompers real

I prefer intel

Check out these sick Westwood One podcasts. I bet Tara and Johnny get more downloads.

How fucking pathetic, uploading a contract signing for a podcast to all his 3 followers or is it to prove to his haters that he's finally got a job after 9 MONTHS, this dolt really does give a shit about what people say about him.

He can't stop clutching his own breasts

Non Resuscitation Agreement, I hope.

Hopefully a suicide note..1 man who's claim to fame is SHITTING ALL OVER THE WALLS AND FLOOR OF S/XM And the other A man who film's people shitting

Is Opie the next Secretary of State?

Has somebody filed for divorce?

I don't understand how a profit-operating company would sign a contract with a man who has 300k followers yet <10 likes on most of his tweets, is universally disliked by those he's worked with, and is a paranoid shit-stirrer. Oh and has the charisma of a crusted-up sock.

Enter ((()))

Hopefully it’s a suicide note

im assuming TIM SABEAN is JUUUUUUISH Sirius/XM has a strict policy prohibiting GOYIM from all upper management positions


Looks like one dude will have a controlling stake in Sirius/XM and iHeartRadio. Can you say "Monopoly?"

Opie is a fat-titted insecure douche who only gets pleasure leaching off the talent of others. Fuck him.

Never trust a man in a fleece zip up vest.

Nothing on the podcast network says he fits in. Its either political talkers or sports talk. Opie is ignorant and arrogant about it but those are the two topics he's uniquely unsuited to talk about.

Opie "Season tickets to Islanders games, can't name 2 players on the team" Hughes, Opie "Fan of the Entire AFC East And Eagles And Giants Simultaneously Even Though All Those Teams Ferociously Hate Each Other" Hughes, Opie, "FUCK POLITICS! DON'T EVEN PAY ATTENTION OR VOTE! BOTH SIDES ARE EQUALLY BADDDD, MAHHHHHN!" Hughes doesn't fit this platform AT ALL.


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Just a taste

Legitimate question.

Does he get Erock to join his new show or does he find a new producer?

This sub needs to assign one person, maybe two, do download and break the clips down for us. Ffs people, get organized and don't even give the shitbag hate listener numbers. Please.

Tim Sabean does not work for Sirius anymore right?

Plea bargain for giving people ear cancer.

Apparently, what cinched the deal was giving Tits the right to record and post Sabean's ass heaves, especially those uncontrollable wet shits which have the kinetic energy of the Navy's new rail gun. Says so in the contract.

He's looking toward a brighter future. It's very trite

He's looking at the vents, Ant might be hiding there.

He's a fucking autistic dope.

Looking at the clock. That rat fuck kitchen manager really gives Opie the gears when his break goes over 15 minutes.

The death throes of terrestrial radio........


It's an image of Jim Norton's STD test results.

Braces! He needs his teeth obliterated with a brass knuckled fist!

It’s a simpsons reference

His future's so trite.