Did Patrice's advice on women ever benefit you? In what way?

15  2018-03-14 by FlakF

Do you think Patrice O'Neal gave solid advice regarding girls? Especially on the black Philip show. Is he worth listening to and applying his antics?


No. But white people who want black people to like them will say that he did.

Oh, okay. So it only had entertainment value. Thanks.

Considering his best whore is still robbing him, I’m going to guess no.

That's his teaching, you woman. We're the marks, not his girl

So he taught a woman to leech off his legacy while pissing away funds to preserve that same legacy on Caribbean vacations. Wow, what a pimp.

Yes and everyone that donates to this shit show is a Hoe.

No, because I'm not a big fat slob. I don't need to resort to trickery and mind games to get women to fuck me

His advice was always for keeping a relationship, not fucking women lmao kys

Step one to keeping a relationship : don't be a big fat slob. There ya go, biggest hurdle out of the way.

T. Guy who has been cheated on 5,000 times

Ooo, hit too close to home, did it? It's okay, buddy, you keep clinging to the memory of the fat man that locked up a sloppy six.

Yes, I like Patrice. I looked through your post history and see that you will "never listen to a nigger" and have a wife that routinely cucks you every week. Quite the dilemma huh?

Believe me, there's plenty of shit to poke fun at in my post history without having pull stuff out of your ass, actually show a little gumption and dig a little.


u guys r having a faggot convention

Jerk store!

Thank you

If it didn't work he wouldn't be "Black Phillip"

People who disagree are retards like Opie and Anthony, Louie, Jim, pretty much every beta on that show.

Ron preaches similar shit when it comes to ego and jealousy, but he is no were near the woman hater patrice is

Every lame asshole loves to throw around the terms alpha and beta. Just quit

Yeah, it's not at all based in science, just a term losers throw around.

Like scientists who study pack animals, and use the term "alpha and beta", fucking lame assholes for real

shut up dummy

Nice lab coat, stupid.

Shut your face!

bites hand

stern -forum-motherfucking-meme-riding-sonovabitch

That's super alpha of you🙃🙃🙃

It kinda is stupid assuming that humans work in the same way socially as bees or wolves.

Yeah, the laws of nature are totally stupid

Thinking we're not self-aware of our situations is.

were aren't women stupid

Neither are they wolves.

You are being obtuse, if that makes you feel like you won, go win ya big winner!

It's not a game, i'm not here to win any discussions.

shut up then you fag-ala-rone

Are you on meth or something? Relax maaan!

Seriously though, i only "debate" it because of recent internet-memes have mad that distinction of alpha and beta (coming from broscience blogs of "PUA's"/scam artists) into something people believe it's real. When we don't really live in packs. We aren't wolves, fuck, we aren't even apes. We don't live like that and thus it's stupid to think we subconciously and instinctevily would think like that in social situations.

Here's what we do know from past knowledges and teachings. The father is the head of the family. The mother is the liege of the father, she takes care of the kids and the home while the father is the "alpha" or the leader basically. To divide men up in groups of alpha and beta is wrong, because it's purely based on if they are attractive enough, not because of their behaviour, not because of if they are good men but because if they got abs and fucks around a lot. It's bro-science and based on a false premise of life, where relationships don't mean more than a temporary state where you fuck for one night before moving on to the next.

Which statistics and past teaching from like say, religion has taught us is a false state. Because if you look at statistics for women and the amount of sexual partners, you would see that the more partners, the more likely they will get a divorce later in life. If you are a little bit clever you can then look at the effect of that, which is single-motherhood and the consequences that has on the kids. So basically everything it tells you is that it's wrong because it causes more long-term harm than good. Along with past teachings like the bible for example warning us about whoremongerings, sluts and shit like that (along with divorces forbidden at one point, you're breaking a vow to God himself).

What i'm trying to get at is that it's harmful for men to think there's shit like beta and alpha because every man should strive to be the leader of their family. That's the ideal situation and everyone has it in them because otherwise they wouldn't exist, they come from a long, long, line of men, who were all leaders or what the idiots would say, alpha in their lives.

When I'm on meth I usually write paragraphs that long to trolls posts

Faawk yeeeaaaah, let's get zooted.

Now I'm a bit less drunk

I put it to you that "alpha" is the genetic default for all males

That being said, in almost all groups or organizations their is a leader. Wether its person or idea, people are drawn to some form of authority. That may be societal structures or the law of nature, but grown ups don't activly rebel against it.

A man is supposed to be the leader or alpha of his family, and should strive for that position in all walks of life.

For example, just because your a phone screener doesn't mean you can't be the alpha phone screener to a beta show.

I agree that men can be men in any situation, but I am thinking you get douche chills from my short hand phrasing

“Jamie can you pull up that article about the social behavior of humans and wolves?”

Yeah, you're really into state of the art biology research, I bet. The guy who initially proposed the alpha/beta wolfpack model is now backtracking hard. Turns out wolves only act like that in confinement. In nature, wolfpacks are parents and offspring, mostly, with a classical family structure, rather than a fought-out dominance hierarchy. The offspring matures, disperses, and forms new packs somewhere else. The alpha-beta dynamic doesn't really work like that anywhere. At least it's more complicated.

Shut up you nerd mother fucker

No one got time to read all that book shit

Patrice’s women advice could be summed up with, ”Bitches ain’t shit, don’t trust them”

This is only a mind blowing concept to men that don’t get laid.

No, I’m white and deal with white women

No, it’s entertaining to listen to, but not good advice. Patrice was in a relationship with a fame whore gold digger.

When dating; culminating a flock of bitches instead of stopping at one is pretty good advice. It's easier to get new pussy when you're already getting some and it ensures you don't saturate the one you like.

Also, not letting them get away with bullshit and being prepared to lose them in the process of setting them straight.

"It's always the guys fault if his bitch cheats or acts up." rings true as well.

There is lots of good advice in Black Phillip. Patrice didn't take shit from women at the same time knowing how to charm them.

Then again, I'm a handsome, charming, rich little devil so I'm sure that helps.

Thank you for saying what I've been to drunk to say.

Patrice crystalizes the charming asshole

hilarious, profound, naughty, rude but honest

Try to find the Tyler Durden in you and become the man society shames you into not being

i also suck cock for a living

"It's always the guys fault if his bitch cheats or acts up."

This is the main thing that I took from him. I dont see how anyone could argue against this, women act like children. The only people that say otherwise are the people that have a bad relationship "out of nowhere" and act like their woman "changed"

Patrice O'Neal was never worth listening to.

Overrated bore who was more racist than Ant.

No, he's full of shit just like any other girl-guru.

Yup.. all that hilarious Brazilian "patrnerships" talks on old Stern show with Artie.

No, I only get dating advice from Dante Nero.

Don't we all want to fuck hootrats that are our daughters age when we're 50.

Yeah. Dont let her emotions ruin your happiness. If im happy we all happy. And act like youd be fucking fantastic if she bounced.

Yes it actually works These guys trashing Patrice are probably like opie

If all you want is a retarded skank who will tolerate an insufferable, shouting asshole, it's perfect.

were arent women stupid


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It does a great job of deconstructing your thought process if you're an atypical square who falls in love after you kiss any girl. If you have romanced the idea of relationships in your head it resets you back to zero, because the logic is hammered in by the humor and you feel like "Oh fuck it's so obvious"

A lot of things Patrice talked about were mentality related, don't be a bitch, put your happiness first, and always know she's trying to test you. A lot of people on this sub are the minority if you ask me, saying Patrice was a fool on this subject and that his main angle was hating woman. On youtube Patrice relationship stuff gets millions of views, way more than almost anything else OnA related and will be flooded with hundreds of comments from people who've never even heard of satellite radio detailing just how much Patrice helped them. Maybe he doesn't work for a lot of the 50 year old drunks lurking on this sub, but if you're under 30 growing up in this #metoo world Patrice is a literal god send.


I always thought that his advice was more about realizing your own potential as a man, as the creature that we are. It really all boils down to confidence in yourself and what you want and what you feel. If you have all of that in line, you can make anything work.

I'm not afraid to say that he literally helped me find my way into a beautiful, long lasting relationship with a girl I love.

But at the same time, his advice has helped me build myself into a guy that wouldn't have problems with casual things if this relationship ended, God forbid.

So I'd give that a definite yes, but not for the surface level misogyny stuff that can be misconstrued as being the point itself, but for the self realization that is the core of everything.

Definitely man, once you stop giving them so much power and have some fucking self respect in yourself and put value in yourself and your time it changes everything. It makes your relationship a better place to be as well

His advice is not much better than the loser bible The Game. It's only tricks. It works, but not really. Only works in the very short term. Who cares about hookups? It's the long term stuff that matters

I always come back to women don't want to win, they want a winner.
I never realized how much awful shit stupid women just eat up until I heard Patrice have that intern say to that girl "I bet you don't shave your pussy."

Do you have a source?

The man literally changed my life with his advice. I got a girl way out of my league (wanabe IG fitness model, the darling of all the thirsty ass boys at my uni gym) arranged a threesome with my ex and her. It fucking works, the man was goddamn brilliant. I literally followed his steps to get the threesome too.