
106  2018-03-14 by Christopher_Barton


I bet AJ get a real biting emoji laden dm before being blocked.

Hope he wasn't sensitive about his lack of followers

Speaking of Transylvania, do you know how quickly good ol' Vlad The Impaler would've had Anthony's guts adorning his castle? Ottoman jerk.

He is not fond of the blacks..

Nor Tunisians

And then they would have sent a false report of his death to Sue Lightning back at his castle, who would have promptly flung herself from the highest tower rather than face the prospect of life with her/his/its beloved.

“Oh man”

Yikes, look how giddy he is. What a fucking ghoul.

How old was this girl or was this the old dude who got the iPad?

"ApologyGirl" was the teen child he was grooming and ended up fucking (the creepy Christmas picture one). "SelfCuttingGirl" was the 40 something catfish man pretending to be a 14 year old girl.

Batting .500

Didn't this guy who was pretending to be self cutting girl give a long winded explanation of things on here somewhere??

Here's the thread with all available SelfCuttingGirl info, along with other instances of Anthony's pedophilia. I add additional clips whenever I come across them. It's crazy how every month or so someone will post a new clip of him being a creep that I've never heard before.

Please find the clip of him talking about Halloween and checking out girls' asses while they walk back to their parents.

And here I thought I was the only one....

How is that not a sticked thread?

How many has there been that's not in public? Maybe 100s. He could be an American Jimmy Saville.

Jimmy Saville was famous.

And had Respect. And Dignity.

And better fashion sense.

Top of the wops


"East or West Wing" "Compound"

Fucking stop. When your property is a 1/3 of an acre, your house doesn't have "wings".

dumb dago

Dude, he's got something like 14 columns in that "mansion"!

The house that OJ SIMPSON built.

Back before I saw any of the pics, when 🐜H used to talk about “the Compound” I had these images of a giant mansion with tasteful decor. It’s just a shitty McMansion like everyone says, next to a freeway. Fuck this Armenian.

He was typing with tweet with a full rod, no question

Nuh-uh, he was typing with his hands.

ooo literal .....watch me steal lingo from a show i pretend to hate

What show was that?

You assume he can get one

"You want east or west wing room?"

"Whichever is further from your room you raging pedo"

Yuck Ant's picture

Won't see that gun no more.

I can't believe how dumb and ignorant he was of the fact that publicly tweeting to a 14yo like this might be a bad idea.

alcohol and xanax lowers inhibitions

He was frothing. What a fucking ghoul.

Oh, man.

He's so fucking excited he sounds like he's already cumming. Too bad it's to someone who probably looks like Roland.

I'd say in whichever wing that kids eat free.

He really is no better than those awful Persian guys who drive a '95 Mercedes.

Welcome to the Hotel Transylvania Such a frightful place (such a frightful place) Such a frightful face. They livin' it up at the Hotel Transylvania What a bite surprise (what a bite surprise), and you're in junior high

Him using cutesy little hashtags is the worst

it's ok guys, he did all this gross shit before he went to rehab. so just like Artie, he's better now.

If I recall correctly, he was bragging about fucking a minor on the plane ride home.

East or West wing? It's a fucking Guido wannabe "mansion" not the white house .