High Society Radio - Bronx Johnny Hates Stephen Hawking

40  2018-03-14 by YouAintGotToLieCraig


@2:30 "Where's your legs, nigga?" BxJ is #1

My favorite HSR clip ever.

Better than anything currently on SiriusXM

And there is like a decade of of it to listen to before they joined GaS digital and changed the show a bit.

I can't stand this fucking guy's voice. It sounds so forced like it's not even his real voice.

I only recently came across bronx johnny when he guest hosted with Ray Kumpf on Tim dillion is going to hell. Funny as mo fo.

He was a great Ron and Fez intern.

I'll take a look. Was looking for a new rabbit hole. Any episodes in particular?

My man is folded like a fuckin bedsheet in a closet son y'see him?

Ahhh! My face burns!

I always wanted to get into this podcast, anyone know of some good buts to look up or story arcs?

Does Chris talk about what happened with him and his chick?

The costa rican girl or the previous long term one?

the one that lead to his near death bender, that was the first one right?

"Tyson Grassi?"

These guys are fantastic and deserve a much larger following.

Bronx Johnny a slur used by homosexuals.

Bronx Johnny a slur used by homosexuals to describe Latino cocksuckers.

"How the fuck is he gon be a Bond villain??? All you gotta do is throw some stairs in front of him and that's a wrap..."